Fogetten | Teen Ink


December 22, 2015
By courtney2016 BRONZE, Lake St.Louis, Missouri
courtney2016 BRONZE, Lake St.Louis, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The year was 2050, the new president had taken office and the rebellion was now officially over. The president had thought it best to erase all memories of the war and rebellion. Unfortunately for him, the mind erase didn't work on everyone. Our country had been condensed and closed off to the rest of the world. Feeling trapped the people that hadn't forgotten spoke up, voicing their opinions of how the country show be

I was, standing alone in this white room, in The White House, on this white street. It was almost 2 o’clock in the afternoon and the president was about to start his daily broadcast over the radio. I could hear Mom and Dad calling from the living room to come downstairs. Everyone in the city was required to listen to the radio broadcast every afternoon, if for some reason you did not participate in this daily ritual it results in brutal punishment. I decided that today wasn't going to be the day to rebel against such activity so I wandered down to the living room and took my seat on the white couch next to my parents. The radio buzzed on in front of us and the President began to speak.

“Good afternoon citizens, I have some exciting news for all of you. There is now a new law that has just been passed if you are openingly voicing your negative opinions against the government it will now be the responsibility of the person who heard the comment to immediately report the person committing this horrendous act. We are striving toward the diminishment of all these horrible and outrageous thoughts. The people that infect your minds with these horrible thought will not be tolerated and you should make it your job to help!” The president cut off his short speech there and the announcer’s voice blarded on the radio shortly after reading off the forecast for the next day and upcoming events in the community. The radio broadcast ended and swiftly left the room leaving my parents staring blankly at the radio.

That night at dinner I mentioned something about the radio broadcast to Mom and Dad. “How am I not allowed to have an opinion, everyone should have one so why is it illegal? The president is working towards a country that can’t think for themselves”. They scolded me for speaking so negatively about the president's words.

Returning back to their meals I thought about how they had just brushed off such a serious issue as if it meant nothing to them. If things were going to get fixed in this country it wasn't going to be by me voicing my opinions at the dinner table; I have to take action. I owe this to the people, without me they may never be free again. I quickly finished my meal and went straight to my room, I needed time to think my plan out. I laid down in bed and my mind filled with ideas and plans, I shortly drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I was rudely awaken by a huge burly man standing over my bed, there were three other men behind him staring at me. “We are from the president’s secret service,” piped the huge man. “We have been contacted about your recent voiced negativity towards the president’s words. I have come to take you to our facilities until further notice. Knowing I shouldn't try to fight my way through these massive men blocking the door I quietly stood up and allowed them to handcuff me. The man escorted me out of my room and down to the living room where Mom and Dad were waiting with their heads hung low. I knew they had reported me, I had been careless with my words and they only did what they thought was right. Family meant nothing in this country, you were merely just individuals living in the same house.

Once we had arrived to the prison, I was thrown into a cold dark cell. No one was to talk to anybody, we were to remain quiet or to pay the consequences. If were to somehow get out of this I was going to need to follow every single rule extra carefully. A few hours passed and I knew that I was stuck here, boiling rage inside of me, I hit the wall with my balled up fists. I needed a plan to escape and it wasn't going to be easy, I was going to need help from someone that I could trust here. When we were allowed to be around the other prisoners I studied them carefully, deciding who and who I could not trust. After a few days of observing I had finally found someone. She was a small quiet girl. This girl looked as though she wouldn't hurt a fly, but she would only be in here for her strong mind and will.

Later that night I talked with her during dinner hour, both of us facing away from each other we talked quietly about the plan. “We were to start rallying the others, talking to them one by one quietly. It is going to take some time but in the end it will all  be worth it”, I spoke in hushed tones barely loud enough for her to hear. The guard glanced over at me and then returned back to his crossword puzzle shortly after. The small girl spoke, “I will do whatever you need me to, as long as it means getting out of this awful place and revealing the truth behind this corrupt country”. I inched closer to her, “We will start tomorrow, chose carefully who your talking to though, we don't want to get caught”. “Will do!”. We sat quietly and finished our meals never looking at each other once.

The next morning I woke up to the same men standing over me from the morning I was taken from my house, I asked what was going on but none of them said a word. The man pulled me off my stiff board-like bed and pushed me through the doorway. I was escorted to a big white room were a doctor stood waiting next to an operating table. I knew this was the end but I didn't know why. “What’s going on?!” I shouted. The burly man looked me in the eye “You are being sentenced to death for your acts of treason committed during your time here”. I was caught and there was nothing I could do about it and I know exactly who told, I was a fool for thinking I could trust anyone. This country was turning each and every one of us against each other, no one would know how to think for themselves. They would be mindless robots before too long and no one could stop the president. I was going to die for my opinions, but I didn't care. I don't want to live in a country where thoughts and ideas are considered a crime.

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