A Journey for Change | Teen Ink

A Journey for Change

December 18, 2015
By gabesilverstein BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
gabesilverstein BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A gust of air accelerates the pod as I get launched to breakfast. The pod forces air out of its thrusters as it eases down at the landing pads of the lunchroom. I immediately contact Eric and Samantha through the microchip in my brain and message them to get up. I wait a few seconds for them to respond, when they finally answer the group chat. “I’ll be right there Josh,”  responds Eric through a thought message in an exhausted voice. I wait for Samantha to respond, as I pace back and forth holding my breath.

“Yeah Josh, why are you calling so early?” she finally asks.
“I have something that I want to talk to you guys about. I was thinking about when Ariella, my sister, died because of the rebellion. Last night I couldn't fall asleep.”
“Why couldn't you sleep?” Sam asks. “It has been years since she died.” I was reliving the revolts, the crowds and the corruption that filled the streets back when Ariella died. People were yelling about government corruption and screaming about what the government did for itself instead of the greater good. It tried to harness as much power as it could to keep the population living in these prison - like cells.
  “It’s not about the living pods that angers me, guys, it’s the world outside of them. We’re living our lives day in and day out, protected by a layer of glass - the pod - that physically separates us from the toxic outside air and the polluted skies. All this while the majority of people are not thinking about their fate, or even the possibility of a better future for mankind.”
“I don't really see where you’re headed Josh,” Eric blurts out immediately after I finish.
“What I’m saying is that” ... suddenly the projector on the wall sparks to life, causing everyone to drop their spoons, and stare, while anxiously waiting for a positive message from our ‘Almighty dictator.’ 
“What do you think they’re going to say Josh?” asks Samantha, as she plays with her hair, like she always does when she's nervous. Then it begins. It’s the president.
“ Throughout my presidency, I have been doing my best to bring change to America and ultimately the world.”
“Pfft," I say to myself quietly.
“As you know, many years ago the government tried to obtain a mysterious energy shard which derived from and attached to the lower mantel ring of the inner earth. Over thousands of years this shard has collected the heat and converted it to a high energy substance, capable of supplying energy for thousands of years. We tried to launch such an expedition in the past, but back then, it was more for exploration, and not urgently needed like today. It was also much more difficult to extract because the technology wasn’t quite there yet. America needs such a source, as it can help our perpetual mission to restore our planet’s condition.”
“How could they do this?”  Samantha hushes me before I remember we are in a room with 1,000 other people, all dead silent. Samantha, Eric, and I all head over to my living pod after breakfast. We live, breath, eat, play, shower, and work in the pods. We are all interconnected with other people through this structure system. Leaving the pods is strictly prohibited by law.
“So this is what I’ve been thinking. This is going to sound crazy, but” …
“You are crazy” Samantha says smiling.
“I was thinking that we should all find a way to stop the government from getting the power source, the ‘relic’. By doing this we might at least stir up a renewed sense of morality, or purpose in America. I understand that the last time people opposed something, my sister was killed, but we've got to do something. If the government ends up getting the relic, they would possess too much power. We cannot let this happen.”
“Alright, what’s the plan?” Eric asks, already sweating just thinking about it.
“I don’t want to  get any of you guys killed in the process. I think I know why the government wants to try and get this energy source.”
“Why?” Samantha interrupts.
“You know in all those movies where they build these ships and they leave earth and let it rot? I think that’s what they're doing. The reason why they've been keeping us in the “hamster cages” is because they're actually preparing to build ships to eventually leave earth and populate some nearby planets that they've been looking at for a while.”
“But that’s impossible,” Eric says, squinting his eyebrows.
“Nothing’s impossible,” I immediately reply. “100 years ago, we thought having a microchip in someone’s brain was —”
“Ok you got us,” Eric and Samantha say simultaneously.
“We have to make things right. We can't just leave our earth like this, even though it might seem impractical. It is immoral and simply not right.”
“Well what’s our first step?” Eric asks. “We can’t just go out into the polluted air and risk everything.”
“That’s where things get tricky,” I say biting my nails. “To sum it up, we have to stop the government before they try to get to the power shard. Then we need to take the shard and hide it, so we can use it to help save the earth, not to escape from it.”
“So basically, we’re going to risk our lives to save earth,” Samantha says.
“Exactly” I respond, with my shoulders hunched up.
“And when are we going to get this power shard and save the world?” Eric says.
“Well … Technically we should go now, before the government does.”
“And why do you think we should go now, not next week, or month?” Eric asks.
“Remember the video?” I exclaim.
“Duh, but that doesn't mean they’re going to do that anytime soon,” Sam says.
“Ok, fine. But let’s finish planning tonight, because if we don’t get there first…”
“Get to it,” Sam yells, laughing.
“Eric, I want you to create or modify some gas masks. We are going to need something to help us breathe and stay alive out there. I also have a friend who invented propeller-powered jetpacks. He has a few prototypes that I think he’ll let us borrow. They resemble mechanical insects, with two propellers on either side.
“Can we trust him?” Samantha asks.
“He has been my friend for years. Of course we can trust him.,” I say.
“So, let’s go ask him,” Eric says.
I call him up and ask him about the jetpacks. He agrees to send the jet packs to the shore where we’re going to be, before we depart for the island where the shard is located.

“I just Googled the island and it’s bigger than I expected. How are we going to find the shard in a short period of time, before anyone notices us?” asks Eric.
“Well, since the shard is a power source, can’t we simply use the microchips in our heads to detect the frequency?” asks Samantha.
  “Awesome. You guys relax while I work out the minor details. I’ll contact you in your pods early tomorrow morning. I’ll remind you guys. We leave at 2am.”
“It’s 1:55AM.,” I say to myself. Five more minutes, then water splashes on my face, and some toast gets stuffed in my mouth. It’s Eric and Samantha. Oh shoot. I quickly brush my teeth and gear up, getting ready for the trip ahead of us. We then put on our gas masks and our parachutes (they’re built in to everyone’s bag in case of an emergency) and escape the cells by short-circuiting the alarm. I jump first; Eric and Sam go after. I bite onto the gas mask, as wind and particles penetrate my skin. When we land, we regroup.
“You guys alright?” Sam asks Eric and me.
“Yeah,” we reply.
“Ok, let’s go get those hover crafts that we were promised; they should be close by to the beach.”
“Where exactly, Josh?” Eric asks as we sprint towards the shore.
“He said it should be around …  there I see them, all three. I’ll lead, try not to fly too close to each other or they will become too hard to control.  I’ll take the one to the left.”
I push the start button, crossing my fingers that it runs, it does, and Eric and Sam take the other two. I ease into it, getting familiar with the controls, and we head off to the island. When we arrive, the ground is moist, and there are layers of algae across the rocky shore. I immediately take out my search device and switch it on. It gives me a signal, but it is close enough to detect. “We have to keep looking.”
“Should we split up?” Sam asks.
“No, well stick together. I don’t want any of you guys getting lost. Also, what if the government has been on our tail this entire time. We’re staying together.” We begin on the outskirts of the island’s jungle carrying the power detector. It gives off a signal every 5 seconds or so. Along the journey, I begin to have thoughts about my dead sister, and my love for Samantha. Ever since my sister died, I went to her for advice and we became really close.
After hours of searching, we finally find the power shard. I quickly bring out my diamond pick axe and mine away. After about 10 minutes of mining out the shard, and using a special technique that I learned from my father, the shard becomes loose enough for me to slowly chip away at, but I’m running out of time. I turn to look behind me to see if Samantha is still there, but she's gone. I begin to panic. “Why haven't you've been paying attention Eric!”
“I have, she’s right over…there,” Eric says, with his eyes widening.
It’s the government, and they got Samantha. The head general calls out to me, staring into my eyes and says,
  “Stop! Leave the energy shard at once, and we will give you your friend back. Or defy my orders, and the girl shall be put into jail for 48 months.”
I look at Eric, then at Samantha. She nods as a tear drips down her cheek. I grab the shard and we run.
I sprint. Wind slams against my face as I try to retain a grip on to the power shard. It seems like it’s been hours, but we finally get to the jetpacks, still reflecting the sun like they did when we got here. I notice the empty one; the one that was for Samantha. Eric reminds me to hurry up.
“We don't want the general to ride in that thing and chase us back home.,” Eric says. I push the Jetpack into the water, which causes it to short circuit. We both head into the jetpacks and begin to lift off. I give Eric a nod, hoping that Sam will be all right. I lift off and fly a few hundred feet into the air, with Eric tailing behind me. I quickly shift the copter 180 degrees, just to get another glimpse of the island. I stare at where we left Samantha, regretting that I made that choice. Eric calls out to me and flies overhead, taking me off on a little race to home. I locate my living pod, Eric trails behind. When I come close to my friend’s pod, I close my eyes and inhale. I jump out of the copter, exhaling, while the device transforms into a backpack behind me. Eric does the same.
“Did anyone notice?” Eric asks.
“I don’t think so. Hey can you return the jetpacks for me?” I reply
“Sure,” Eric gives a sigh of relief. I run to my Mom to make sure she’s all right.
She hugs me tightly, and says,
”Where have you been? You know how worried I get! I can’t risk losing the only child I have left.”
I head back to my personal space, and carefully place down my backpack with all my gear. I lift out the energy shard and place it on my desk. I fix my eyes on the glowing crystal, looking deep in its cracks and hold it up to the light. Before I can take another look, I wrap the shard in cloth and gently rest in my grandfather’s box, knowing that he will watch over me, and all of us for a better future. I turn off the lights, and my head collapse into my pillow — suddenly I hear a knock on my door.

The author's comments:

Written two years ago (in 11th grade)Inspiration: Hunger Games, Wall-e, The Mazer Runner.

I hope those who read my story will give the idea of a polluted earth in the future a possibity and so that we can change that.

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