Broken | Teen Ink


January 11, 2016
By TygeJorgenson BRONZE, Springville, Utah
TygeJorgenson BRONZE, Springville, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As Jeremy Williams reaches for the package at his front door he feels a wave of excitement as he read the name Quality Industry’s on the front. He knew along with most people of the year 2023 that Quality Industry’s is a huge company with billions of dollars. He ran inside and ripped open the package he pulled out an envelope it said.
Dear Jeremy Williams we are happy to announce that we have a job offer for the position of a computer programer. We see that you have vast schooling for programing emotions which is the reason that we hired you. I would like to see you so we can set up everything. - Mr. Andrews
Jeremy got packing immediately and contacted Mr. Andrews for where to meet him. He said the address and Jeremy was surprised when he figured out it was in California but was relieved when he said he would take care of the plane tickets.
Finally, Jeremy found Mr. Andrews office but he wasn't there so he just sat in a chair.
Jeremy didn’t notice when he came in so he jumped when he said.
“Are you Jeremy?”
“Oh yes are you Mr. Andrews?”
“Yes and I’m glad to meet you, and also you can call me Mitch.” Mitch said as he shook Jeremy's hand.
Mitch sat down behind his desk and skimmed over some papers until Jeremy broke the silence.
“What exactly will I be doing for this job.”
“Like I said you'll be a computer programer”
“But what will I be working on, what's my project.”
“I assume you have heard of A.I or artificial intelligence.”
“You're not asking me to make A.I? A.I is not safe especially with the scepticism surrounding it.”
“Not real A.I like they did in Japan, ours is more fake.”
“You can try to convince the public but they won't listen after all the arguments saying A.I is bad.”
“But this is not A.I its Q.I, Quality intelligence.” Explained Mitch.
“What's the difference?”
“A.I that the Japanese made had every emotion including ones like boredom, sadness and anger to name a few. Q.I will only have the good emotions programed on to a group of computer main frames controlling a robot on stage like a remote controlled car”
“That could take years to program the emotions and make the robot.”
“Jeremy we know you're the best person for this job and were not asking for it to go fast.”
“I'll take the job only if the public doesn't know i'm working on anything.”
“Sounds like a deal.”
~Part Two~
Jeremy sat in the crowd and stretched his neck to see the stage. He felt anxious waiting for Q.I to get onstage. All of the work he had done over the one year and three months would either make or break on that stage in only a few minutes. He thought of the flaws of the machine but quickly snapped out of it once he heard the crowd applause.
A woman walked on the stage and after the clapping stopped she said.
“Quality Industries is happy to unveil our latest invention Q.I.”
A four foot tall white plastic robot walks out from behind a curtain and the crowd cheers again.
“Q.I stands for quality intelligence which means it can think and have emotion but unlike normal A.I, Q.I only has happy emotions mainly used for safety.”
Q.I waves to the crowd followed by more cheering.
“Q.I’s concept was conceived by inventor Mitch Andrews.”
The show consisted of many facts and demonstrations about Q.I and overall went perfectly besides the occasional mess ups and after the show Jeremy met with Mitch behind the stage.
“Did you think that the show was good?” Asked Mitch
“It was great.”
“Well I didn’t think so the crowd wasn’t laughing enough, we have to change the script.”
“Really? I thought that there was too much show and not enough demonstrations of what Q.I can do.”
“Demonstrations don't make money.”
Someone runs over to the conversation. “Sir Q.I has escaped.”
“What? Don’t you control it?”
“Yes but it's not following our commands.”
“Jeremy you stay here.”
Mitch and his worker walked to the computer room. Jeremy waited till they couldn't see him then went out the door out onto the streets. He didn't know why he went outside probably to find Q.I but he wasn't for sure.
After about half of an hour of looking he comes up to ally and peers in. He sees something on the floor and walks up to it. To his surprise it was a body. He jumped up and looked at the exit there stood a four foot tall white plastic robot blocking the one and only exit. Jeremy ran to the other side of the ally but there was no way out. And it occurred to Jeremy as Q.I got closer and closer every second that Q.I and any other artificial intelligence was destined to be broken and fail.
~The End~

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