the myserious basement | Teen Ink

the myserious basement

January 8, 2016
By abigail682 BRONZE, Burlington, North Carolina
abigail682 BRONZE, Burlington, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was renting a room in someone's house because I was in transiting mode from moving. The owner of the house tells me that the basement is completely 100% off limits and don't dare go down there.I abide this rule and do not go down there, until I start hearing noises from the basement during the night. After many weeks of this I sneak down there and see what I can find. As i am walking down the stairs of the house the noises keep growing louder and louder. I finally reach the basement door the noises just stop. When I open the door and turn on the light I see nothing so I just suspect I am hearing things.

The next day after I was in the basement I go to the owner and ask a question. I ask the owner have you been hearing noises in the basement at night. She said no so i just went on. I went on and the days past as I faintly forget about the basement noise. Until one day when the biggest thump happened. It was so big that it shocked the house and everything inside and out. I get enough courage to go down there and explore.What actually find is unearthly. The owner the this house has been keeping people down there and without food or water. I got scared and started running up the basement stairs. The only problem with that was the owner was waiting at the top of the stairs with a scowl and whispering something to herself. I find out what she was saying and i get really scared. I get past her and she comes chasing after me with a chain. The owner catches up to me and tries to attack.I get away and go outside yelling for help but no one can here me or they are not listening. The crazy owner gets me and pushes me downstairs to the basement with all the other helpless people. She put the chains on my wrist then leaves me in the cold.

I figured out the other people down in the basement is people who have rented out the room before me. We start talking and they told me rules that the owner has told them like no eating,no drinks, no talking and no getting up. I asked them how long they have down here and all 6 of them started staring at me. one girl named Lily spoke up and she said the she had been down here so long that she does not even know what today was. After she started to speak up the others did and they told me their names. Their names were Matt,Lily,Alice,Ben,Clover and Eli. We discussed many ideas and how the owner captured them.
The world completely changed after they told me their stories and how they got here. When I heard my mind completely raced to the thought how do we get out of here withe the owner finding out. I study the room for one week before telling the others my plan. When I tell them my plan Alice and Ben think it is a great plan but the others are a little hesitant but agreed to my plan. After talking to the group about my plan we split up but Eli comes up to me after the meeting and says he does not agree with the plan and should not do it but I kept talking to him and he says I don't agree but I want out of here so I will go along.
The owner came down the stairs and started yelling at us and start to hit us for no reason. The owner also put scraps from her dinner and a bowl of water. She is treating us like dogs. After she leaves we all get up because we found a way how to get the chains off of us without alarming the alarm.As we get out we look around and see this tiny window. We all crowd around it and see if one of us can get out of it and it turns out lily can fit through the window. We make a plan to get out and so that night we proceed with the plan. Lily got out the window and she checked if the owner car is here. It is not here so she goes to the front door and uses the key I gave her that the owner gave me when I moved here because she forgot to take it away from me. She gets in and comes inside and goes to the basement door. As she is twisting the doorknob Someone new who is renting the room catches her and throws her in the basement because the owner must have told the new guest that we are down here.
That evening when the owner got home she came down the stairs and started yelling at us.It turns out the new guest is her son.He be here when she is gone so we don’t get out. Everyone down in the basement lost hope of ever getting out of here but i stayed strong. Two months passed and we are still down here. Alice is starting to get sick and she may die very soon. We all try to help her but there is no point. One evening after the owner left the so named Matt comes down to the basement. He says he is going to help us get out of the basement because he does not like his mom. We all thank him and he opens the basement door and lets us out. When we are outside we start running but when Alice starts running She falls and her heart stops beating.We all start to freak out and go crazy. We picked her up and ran to the hospital. The hospital told us that they could not save her and we should all just leave.So we leave and tell one another goodbye. Later that year we meet up again…..

The author's comments:

7 people get kidnaped and put in the basement

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