The Nude World | Teen Ink

The Nude World

January 19, 2016
By BradleyMichael BRONZE, Basking Ridge, New Jersey
BradleyMichael BRONZE, Basking Ridge, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The following is an exert from a future addition of Wikipedia called Futupedia. This exert is being presented to present day people to make it known that the Anti-clothing Laws were a devastating failure and should not be established in the present society.

  A ball of fire rises quickly to the sky as
  gasoline drenches the massive pile of the
  remaining clothing on earth. Perspiring people
  cheer, while others weep. Confident, muscular
  men stand with pride, while others hunch over with
  great humility. Pretty women strut their toned bodies.
  Children just look and laugh. The Anti-Clothing Act of
  2020 has finally passed.
After hundreds of years of demonstrations and strikes, a bill was passed banning clothing.  To really understand the effects the Anti-clothing Laws had on the world this is an interview with a 19 year old boy named Jack Finnegan expressing his concerns and complaints about the Laws.

“I am not of the age to remember what it was like when individuals actually covered their bodies with garments. I was born into an era of mandatory nudity. I hear stories of shopping malls with lines at Lord and Taylor’s that went on for miles. I heard tales of when owning the coolest Air Jordan sneakers made an individual’s social status rise. I even heard tales of exclusive brands of clothing such as Lily Pulitzer selling 2 million dresses at Target within one hour. But these are only fantasies to me. I have never even felt what it’s like to have rubber under my feet instead of blisters and concrete.”

Jack was not the only one with an opinion on the laws. We received details about how the whole society was dealing with the no clothing acts. Although many still support the new Anti-Clothing laws that have existed for the last 95 years, society suffers. Many have commented that the health of the society is deteriorating as people tend to stay indoors more and exercise less due to the pain and embarrassment  involved in outdoor activities. “Nobody, no matter how much time goes by, will get used to seeing an old and saggy corpse trying to set a personal record on the squat rack” said Jack. It has been reported that many of the beautiful parks in the country such as New York’s Central Park have disappeared and have been converted into parking garages and tenement buildings that house more naked people. Finnegan, being a very active young teenager noticed that “some of the most famous gyms such as Golds Gym, Retro Fitness, and the YMCA’s have closed down because the lazy unfit people will not pay for memberships”.
The Naked Laws have caused people to perish from the exposure to the elements especially in the Northern region. Bare skin does not hold up well against snow, ice, wind, and damp conditions. Many hospitals have reported that they are constantly treating people for frost bite especially in the Northern regions. Individuals have limbs and body parts amputated due to the frostbite and there is evident infection. Many of these Northern regions are becoming depopulated because citizens have either died because of the harsh climate or have moved to warmer areas.
Due to the harsh conditions in the North, there has been a huge influx of people to the southern and western areas. Finnegan expresses “the state of California, where I live, has become incredibly overpopulated”. This overpopulation has led to severe food and water shortages that the government cannot provide and has led to the rapid transmission of diseases because of the close proximity to each other. Additionally skin cancer has become the number one killer of all American adults. Finnegan adds a visual insight that he has “seen many adults with dark blotches on their skin and scars from multiply surgeries needed to vanquish the deadly disease”. On top of this, the additional numbers of offspring has exponentially exploded due to increased sexual arousal associated with nakedness, which has added to the problem of over-population. This increase in sexual activity also contributes to many sexually transmitted diseases which have killed many people.
Lastly, because people are indoors more they are becoming more anti-social and isolated, and depressed. Jack claims he has “heard that many individuals, including my friends and family, spend much time looking at their naked figure in the mirror which has resulted in their mental conditions including bulimia, anorexia, and binge eating.
The las thing Jack stated was “I believe that these laws are endangering the society and the government has agreed with the many complaints from the society to repeal the Anti Clothing Laws”. Although the nation once decided 95 years ago that passing a law banning clothes would increase freedom, it actually ended up limiting freedom and destroying the economy. The long term consequences of making a stylish decision are now quite evident. Finally Jack informed us that “we have gathered enough support to repeal the Anti Clothing Act and begin the road back to health and economic recovery”.

The author's comments:

I am a 17 year old high-school student living in Basking Ridge, New Jersey. I attend a private school in Morristown, New Jersey called Morristown-Beard. I wrote this story to answer the question, what if one day the world decide to outlaw clothing? What would be the reprocussions?

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