The Others | Teen Ink

The Others

January 21, 2016
By Anonymous

 Glenn sat by the fire cooking a squirrel to eat. His stock of dead animals from the last time he went hunting was quickly depleting. It was hard to go hunting out there by himself. Glenn had not seen another person in months. Well, not a living one. And even if he had, he would probably just scare them away. All his clothes were soaked in blood that wasn’t his, his hair was long and going in all different directions. His eyes twitched-he believed he was slowly going insane. The world was too quiet now. The noise of cars and people talking was gone. Even the constant buzz of the electronics everywhere was no longer there to fill his ears. It drove him crazy. It hadn’t been too long since The Collapse. But already all land was deserted and everything electronic was dead. Stores were raided and almost every one of them was now empty. He was alone. There couldn’t be anyone left.
The next morning, Glenn knew he needed some way to get food. He ventured out to the treehouse where he had stocked some food raided from a nearby Wawa. It was just high enough that The Others couldn't get to it; the only other thing that accompanied him in this empty world. The Others were the reason the world collapsed, as people died, they turned into one of these ‘things’. They had superhuman speed and even though they only had part of their brain and little to no intelligence; they killed many people and fed on their flesh. He thought about this as he climbed the rotten tree houses ladder, he then noticed that some of the rungs had been ripped off. Glenn hadn’t been up here in days, could it have fallen off itself? He reached the top to see all of his stashed food gone. He was in shock, not because he lost his food source for the week, but because that meant someone had been up here. Someone was alive with him and found his food. The next couple days Glenn slept feeling like someone was watching him. But the more pressing problem was that he couldn’t find food, he was starving.
Glenn awoke due to the amazing aroma that flooded his tent. He stepped outside to see a massive deer cooking over the fire with materials that he did not own. Before he had time to think about what was going on, he dug into the deer that was probably not fully cooked yet. He ate so much that his stomach couldn’t handle it, and he threw up all over the ground. But he didn't care, he just continued to eat until the deer was gone. He was laying down in his tent, attempting to digest his huge meal when the three men walked in. They were showered and clean, with clothing that wasn’t ripped and knives and hunting tools strapped to a belt.
The man standing in front of the other two asked, “How was the deer?”
Glenn couldn’t even respond, he was in shock, someone really was with him. And it wasn’t just one person, it was 3!
The man smiled, “If you think that was good, I insist you come back to our camp.”
“I don’t know,” replied Glenn, still dumbfounded and not knowing what to say.
“No really, I insist” the man said as the two others approached him and the world went black.
Glenn awoke in a warm bed, he was naked but he was bathed and clean. He sat up in the bed to see a fresh pair of clothes folded and lying on the bed for him. He put these on and opened the door. He stepped into the long hallway and peered into the room next to his, he was horrified by what he saw; there were doctors working on one of The Others. His instinct took over, he grabbed one of the knives lying on the operating table and stabbed it in the head: the only way to kill one. The doctors looked at him horrified. Glenn was confused and afraid, he dashed out of the room. What were these people doing? Why were they working to help The Others? The things that killed so many of his loved ones. He was stopped by the man who brought him here, he calmly held Glenn and asked him to walk with him to a room. When they reached the room, he told Glenn to have a seat.
“Whats going on, I thought you were good people!” cried Glenn.
“Oh we are, and so are The Others,” the man said as he reached into his back pocket, “ when you join them you will understand.
Glenn saw the man pull out a knife and immediately rose to his feet, he bolted to the door and swung it open, only to see two of the brain-dead killers waiting for him. Glenn stood in between the two things that were about to decide his fate, and knew he was about to join his family as one of The Others.

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