Collecting | Teen Ink


January 28, 2016
By Anonymous

Delilah has just been assigned a task that so far none of her fellow Reapers have been able to complete. Will she she able to complete this task and or will she fail and ruin her perfect record.

Chapter 1: Getting There

“ Good afternoon Delilah , I have a task for you today,” she told.
“ What is it, oh dear aunt?,” I ask with a sight.
“ A mortal been given my reapers trouble, apparently he is a fighter and well none of the reapers have convinced him into , well going with them,” she tells me.
“And what makes you think I can do it? I am pretty sure you’ve put the best on this project,” I declare.
“ True but you are the best out of the best and I’m saying that because we share DNA but because it is true, so go to New Orleans and harvest this soul and after that I was thinking we could train him to become one of us,” she tell me.
I nod but I truly do not care much. I get up from the seat and go on my way.
“ Castiel is his name,” she shouts.
Time like this is when I wish I would have just become a ghost, you can do whatever you want as a ghost but no I just had to work for my aunt. Well, the bright side is that I am heading to New Orleans, such a great place and no more hell, underworld, whatever you want to call it down here for me, at least for a while.
“ Charon teleport me to New Orleans to a man in a coma by the name of Castiel,” I command him.
He looks down as if he is confused but after a few seconds he reaches his arm towards me, that's when I realize he wants gold. I give him money until he seems pleased and then he teleports me. I look and realize I am in a room, room thirteen to be exact. I look to my side and see a male, he looks pretty tall, has blonde hair, and pale skin. I look at his log and it says he’s been in a coma for six months. My aunt wasn’t joking he really is a fighter, such a shame I’m the best Reaper there is. Should I wait here or should I just get into action and seek him? I’ll just wait until he comes into his room, I mean if we're having out of body experiences I would like to make sure my bodies okay. I wait a couple of hours and even fall asleep, when I wake up I realize there is someone towering over me and no human is capable of seeing the dead it must be Mr. Castiel. I look up and see I was indeed right. Well it is a good thing I circled the room with salt, that way he can’t escape until he says yes.

Chapter 2: Storytelling

“Castiel am I right?,” I ask.
“I won’t let you take me, nope many like you have come but guess what I will wake up and you won't take me,” he tells me.
I raise my eyebrow already impressed most people stutter when talking to one of Death’s workers. I see he is walking out but he can’t leave the salt will prevent him from doing so. I watch as he struggles trying to get out until I can no longer take it and I laugh, loudly.
“ What did you do, why can’t I leave?,” he demands.
“ Can’t tell you, it is a secret and like magician I never reveal,” I say with a smirk.
He looks frustrated and once again attempts leaving but of course everything he does is useless and just tires him out.
“ May I ask how you were placed into the coma?,” I ask.
“ Murder attempt, someone tried to murder me by electrocuting me,” he says.
Shocking and a first.
“ I hope you realize that even if you wake up you are going to have a weak heart, you probably won't even last a week,” I inform him.
“ And how would you know that,” he asks.
“ I was a doctor, surgeon to be exact before you I died,” I tell him with a nonchalant attitude.
“ Are all of you dead, I mean the things who have come after me?,” he asks.
“ All dead,” I tell him.
He looks up almost shyly.
“ How did you die?,” he asks.
“ Wait, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked, totally uncool,” he says.
“ Oh no worries my death is my favorite story but before I tell you that we start from the beginning so get cozy because this will take a while,” I smirk.
He looks confused but does as said, huh I think he’s probably getting that commanding vibe everyone says I have.
  “ Okay so my name is Delilah and I am around fifty but died at twenty, just keep that in mind. Oh and by the way I too was born in New Orleans. Let’s starts. Like any other old town , this town has legends and the main attraction was the asylum  you might have heard of it or not but it doesn’t matter.It was said a group of people with mental issues were brought here about 35  years ago and of course back then their knowledge about the brain was not very good so they stuck to electroshock therapy  and keeping the patients in empty, locked, white rooms and of course a crazy mad scientist that thought could cure mental illnesses, Dr. Centigo. But of course electroshock therapy and isolation just made the patients go even more crazy , so one day before well known nutjob Clark was about to go through his daily electroshock therapy he devised a plan, he would take care of Dr. Centigo and his goons while the rest of the patients would lock down the asylum. So, ready to put his plan of action it is said he grabbed Dr.Centigo and strapped him to the patient's chair and with the equipment used to give the tools, he shocks both the doctor and his assistants who ironically had the key to reopen the doors. Filled with anger and resentment he leaves the electro shots on Dr,Centigo’s head instantly putting them on high, causing his head to rapidly fry and burn. It is said that with satisfied smirk he watched as Dr.Centigo’s face burned off and screamed in agony. Clark left the room and made his way to the cafeteria room, where he told the rest of the patients what he had done, many of them cheered and many of them freaked and stood back with fear. Clark told them they were free, they were on their way to the main lobby but what they didn’t know that back in therapy room the electroshocks were still on and a fire had started and they would not be able to get out for the keys were in there. So when they tried to open the doors , they would not open, the windows were blocked with metal bars and all the patients burned to death as well,” I tell him.
“ What does this have to do with you exactly?,” he asks.
“ Not done Castiel let me finish, this story was told to me by my aunt Denise ,when I was five, who is now my main boss. You see my family is a part of a long line of Reapers and being her only successor because I was an only child I was capable of seeing and talking to her. The catch is that you don’t know this until you die, so my aunt could see her uncle’s entity, he too was dead. We all die by the time we reach our twenties , none of the next in lines have overcome the age of thirty but any I know this urban legend to be true because my grandparents believed my aunt was crazy so they send her to the asylum, where she later died because of the fire. Now because I was capable of talking to her my parent thought I too was crazy, they took me to the doctor and they informed them I had schizophrenia but i knew better so I told them everything Aunt Denise had told me. It didn’t turn out well, they shipped me off to a boarding school where I graduated early and went to university and became a surgeon. I am pretty smart so it didn’t take long, you know there was a time where I truly though I did have schizophrenia but the meds never worked one day I started seeing ghost and reapers. I thought I was going crazy so I took my meds but took too many causing an overdose and then I died," I told him.
“ You know, what not many people listen to me when I tell them my story. They usually start crying, screaming, and other unpleasant things, so thank you for keeping calm and guess what I’m in a pretty good mood. I’ll give you twenty more years of life,” I tell him with a satisfied smile.
I get up and wake him from the coma and  leaving feeling very good. I think I’ll stay for Mardi Gras, sound good.

The author's comments:

Insiperd by the show Supernatural.

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