The World We Live In | Teen Ink

The World We Live In

January 21, 2016
By Anonymous

Part 1:

Chapter 1: Mystery Man

Day after day waking up to the same harsh sound of the alarm going off across the room. When it's early in Boston the cold hard wood floors send chills up my spine. Slipping on my fuzzy slippers I, Elizabeth Tews, drag myself over to the coffee table by the window seat, shutting off the horrible noise that comes with a new school day, everyday, for nine months.
Slipping down the hall, I head straight for the coffee pot. “Yummmm, Black with sugar,”  I say quietly
“Don’t drink it all Liz,” grumbles a voice from the hall. Soon, Sarah appears down hall the dragging her stepfather Pete. My birth dad had left before I could get to know him and I figured it was just better that way.
“Morning Ma ,Morning Pete,”
“Morning Hun,” both replied simultaneously.
This is just about as much communication we have in the morning. Quickly, I scarf down a piece of toast and head for the shower. The warm water heats up the small apartment. I quickly head to my bedroom, dressing in a usual T-shirt, jeans, and a hoodie. Splashing some make-up on,  I run out the door towards the dank hole I'm stuck in for seven hours a day, Travis High School.
As I make my way through the first four periods of the day I wonder where Stephanie is. Stephanie and I have been best friends since the 2nd grade when I moved here after my Mom and Dad split. I really don't remember much from my time in Texas, but a few snippets can be recalled if I think about it for long enough. Stephanie was the only person to talk to me on the first day; apparently my accent was so strong that the teachers emailed my parents to come interpret for me until they found jobs. The school had to just try their hardest to understand me. A couple of times my parents had to come down and help the guidance counselors with my temper tantrums.  Mom says that I said I had seen fairies jumping around the classroom, but when another kid disagreed with me I would throw a fit.
“Lizzy! Guess what!” Stephanie squealed as she raced down the hall.
“Um, there’s an army of squirrels chasing you?” I try my hardest never to be serious.
“No…” she said giving me a little scowl, ”Enzo asked me out!”
Enzo was the popular one, along with his best friend Samuel. They were those guys that EVERYONE on the earth always fawned over. Muscular, cute, smart, funny, and everything anyone could ever ask for. Enzo has a new girlfriend every week, but Samuel never dated. He was a mystery to everyone and mostly kept to himself. I think that the mysteriousness behind his beautiful complexion is what gets all of the girls..
“Eekk!!!!! Yay! I'm so happy for you!” is what I actually said. What I was thinking was somewhere along the lines of…  ‘TRAITOR! He was my dream man, and I thought that you like Jackson anyway.(Scowl)’
She continued telling me how it all happened and then she dropped in a little detail that changed my whole mood on the subject.
“Oh yeah, I almost forgot,” she said smirking, ”He said that if I wanted I could bring a friend along and he would bring his best friend, Samuel!”
“ Really? Cool,” I say trying to act casual but soon enough were jumping up and down with happiness.
“I know! It going to be totally fantabulous!”
The bell rang and homeroom was over but, as the day continued, I'm thinking all about my upcoming date with Enzo and Samuel, and I'm trying not to be noticed as always. I just stick my nose in a book and meander throughout the rest of the day. As far as I know this is just a normal date with a boy, not a life changing experience it would eventually end up to be.

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