The book | Teen Ink

The book

February 26, 2016
By Anonymous

I walked through a door with bugs swarming around it. The door was abandoned around 600 years ago.I slowly trudged inside while the wooden floor creek below me. I couldn't contain my excitement of exploring. Suddenly,the wooden floor started to rumble and I jumped. I was so startled I couldn't move a muscle. Suddenly,there was a shadow coming towards me. When the shadow stepped into the bright moonlight shimmering through the dusty window,I saw a man limping with his left eye blind and a scar across his face. I screamed and yelled and did everything I could to escape but no hope came to me.I thought my life was over until the creepy,limping man started to mumble something. When I asked him to speak louder,he said I was safe and he was going to die after being trapped in this place for 98 years. I told him he is going to be safe and is going to be brought to the hospital after we escaped this place. I took out a book to smack any bug that tried to bit me. Suddenly,the place started to rumble and everything was sucked into the book.When everything was stuck in the book,I was alone in a middle of an empty field. I could see my house across the street,so I burnt the book, cut it into pieces and threw it into a big dump truck. I ran home and locked myself in my room,I bit and slapped myself and quickly go into bed.


The next day,I went downstairs to watch television. I accidentally switched on the news. My mouth hanged open when I saw what happened on the news. The particular dump truck that I threw that book into was burning in the middle of New York City. I paused the television and zoomed to this weird thing lying on the road.It was like a black box. When I almost gave up observing, I screamed. It was the book I threw and burnt. It was perfectly safe and it looks as if somebody has been keeping it. I shiveredand quickly locked myself in my room,crawled into my secret hideout(under my bed), and opened my Ipad. I made a few nonsense researches about black magic,self healing books and man- sucking books. I didn't find what I wanted so I decided to cycle to the tragedy spot and take the book to research it myself. I put on my helmet and cycled off. When I reached the tragedy spot,they were already cleaning up. The victims are already brought to the hospital around 45 minutes ago. I searched everywhere for the book but I was too late. The book was already taken. I cycled to every single bookstore I could see and searched at every spot,every shelf,every cupboard but still,the book dissapeared.I was so devastated because I just killed two innocent dump truck drivers by dumping the book.


First thing in the morning,I crawled into my secret hideout and planned all the places I should go. Again,I cycled away from my house to find a nearby breakfast shop. I ordered some hot chocolate and 3 warm pancakes with maple syrup and a cubic butter. I sat down to wait for my order. Suddenly,I heard someone behind me saying he found a black book that have a wooden house and a creepy man inside the contents of the book.I quickly stood up and walked towards the person holding the book."Excuse me,sir. May I take a look at that book you have in your hands?"I asked politely. "Well,and why would I let you see,missy?"He asked as if he was playing the fool on me. "No,sorry. I just lost my book that looks exactly like that. May I see the contents?"I asked again. "Well,who do you think I am? Your uncle?Get out of here,girl."the man said to me. When I finally couldn't stand a chance at the man,I screamed right infront of his face and yelled "THAT BOOK IS MINE.IT SUCKED A WOODEN HOUSE AND A MAN. I SAW IT INFRONT OF MY EYES. THAT BOOK CREATED THE ACCIDENT OF THE DUMP TRUCK YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!"What did I get after yelling? No pancakes,no hot chocolate,no book but a punch in my face and a foot to kick me out of the store.


I quickly cycled away of embarassment and hid in a bunch of bushes. I buried my face in my arms and cried for 15 minutes. I stopped crying after getting to figure out a plan of how to get the book from the man. It is actually mean but I had to do this to save New York City. I would stalk him all night to his house and I'll break into his house,get the book,escape without leaving any fingerprints at the man's house and on the book and I'll release all the stuff from the book and I will burn my storybook in order to save my hometown.Brilliant! So,I went home late at night. My parents were so mad they beated me using words. My parents would'nt beat me like punching or kicking. They said I'm grounded for two weeks. I stomped into my room and locked myself in my room. "Ughh how am I supposed to do this if I'm grounded?"I did not sleep that night,figuring out a plan. Suddenly,I saw a paper under my shoe. I picked it up. It was the man's paper! He has a friend chat group tommorrow at the same shop I was kicked out of. I set up my plan,prepare my disguise for tommorrow and went to bed,hoping it would work.

The sun rose up here in New York City early the next morning. I put on my disguise and cycled away. My disguise was as an inspector. I wore a fake moustache and a pair of round glasses and a big hat. I saw the man across the street,singing with his mini ukulele while people put money in his hat. I saw the book under his stool. I checked the paper I found under my shoe again. It was from his wife! Her name was Marina. A very clever idea hit me in the head. I walked towards the man and made my most manly voice. I took out my notepad and started scribbling nonsense to make it look like I'm an inspector. "Sir,I need to say something." I said. The man was frightened. He stood up and looked at me like I was a ghost attacking him. "Go ahead,say anything you'd like, I'll answer it for you" the man said. "I read that you had a wife named Marina." I said. "Yes yes I do. She's as beautiful as the stars and brighter than the moonlight."the man said. "Ya ya forget about the drama stuff just give me the book" I said to myself. "We heard that she was involved in a massive car and truck accident. We need you to come and see the scene." I said. The man's eyes grew wider than a saucer. He didn't say a word but ran straight to nowhere. I'm not quite sure he's running towards what because I didn't tell him the location yet but he left the book under his stool. I grabbed the book and walked slowly away to avoid myself from spoiling my disguise. While I was walking, I didn't see the man stop and returning back to his stool. He saw my pink CarloRino high heels and shouted "YOU LIAR!YOU ARE THE GIRL THAT WANTED MY BOOK, COME HERE AT ONCE AND RETURN MY BOOK!"The man yelled from the top of his lungs. I took of my disguise and took of my shoes and held it in my hands to run faster. He was catching up,so the first action that popped into my head was to throw my beloved shoes to the man's face. So, I threw my shoe but I threw it at the wrong angle,and guess what? The sharp heel went straight into the man's left eye and he collapsed infront of a DVD shop. I quickly ran but the cops got me,so I was imprisoned.

I stayed in prison for around 2 weeks and suddenly remembered the book was still with me! I took out the book and opened it. A gust of wind escaped from the book and my hair flew around like crazy. Suddenly, I saw the man with the scarred face looking at me in my eyes,and he said. "The mousehole." He dissapeared after saying that. "Pfftttt what mousehole" I said. As I was laying down on the wooden,crooked,creeking,hanging-to-the-wall bed, I saw a tiny mousehole. "Oh so THAT is the mousehole. Thanks!" I said to the book. How am I supposed to fit in that? I saw a shovel a few centimeters away from my cell door. I reached for it. When I successfully grabbed it, I knocked until half of the wall collapsed. Rats climb out of the hole freely. It was disgusting but fun to watch a bunch of mice running to bite the cops. KIDDING! So,I climbed through the broken wall and before I know it,I was on the 500th floor of a tall prison building. I was scared,my skin became pale and my whole body was sweating. My hands were cold,I fainted and fell a thousand feet off the building. I crashed on a car and died. When I even know it, I was in another world.

Everything was bright,I couldn't see a thing. Not even a speck! Is this heaven? I appeared back in New York City with the book in my hands. I wanted to scream infront of the man's face so I stomped to his music spot and yelled at his face. I laughed at his left blind eye. He didn't say a word. He kept singing while people keep putting coins in his hat. When I gave up wasting my voice and breath in his face,people were walking THROUGH me. Then I realized I was dead. I returned home. I walked through my door. I saw my parents crying their hearts out. I was devastated. I knew I had to show them I'm still here. So I grabbed my mum's hand. "AAAAAAA WHAT WAS THAT SOMETHING HELD MY HAND!!!!!!" My mum exclaimed. I took a pencil,put it on the table along with a sheet of paper. I wrote "Mum,dad,I know this sounds weird but this is your daughter. I dont actually know what happened,why I'm here. I know you think I'm in heaven now but I'm here by your side,"my parents cried and cried. My dad crumpled the paper and broke the pencil. I was so sad,I ran away. I sat infront of a bakery,thinking what could have happened. Suddenly,the man walked towards me and sat down by my side. "I know how you feel"the man said to me. "Wait,you can see me??" I asked. "Yes. You see,I'm already dead too. 15 years ago when I was in a car crash. 3 years after me and Marina married."

"But how come people can see you??"I asked. I became too curious. "It's because I tried everything I could to obey my wife's wishes. You see,when I first died,like you,I visited my house. My wife mumble so many things like 'Oh dear,I wish I'm with my husband'.When she said that,I sat by her side and never left her until she felt like I was REALLY there. When she did she started mumbling that she wished I cooked her regular favourite supper that  I always cook for her before going to bed. When she was asleep infront of the television,I sneeked into the kitchen and cooked. When she woke up,she saw the food and cried,then,I appeared and she hugged me like she lost me forever." the man finally stopped his story. That was so touching! "So now you're saying I have to obey my parents' rules??? Peace of cake!!" I said. "But you have to really show your parents how much you missed them,how much you love them."the man continued. "Okayyyyy sirrr.. Thanks,by the way,I don't know your name yet." I said. "It's Arnold." The man said. When he finished,I leapt off the ground in excitement and sped home. When I did, I walked through the door and saw my parents laughing. I was curious,I thought they cried their hearts out when I first reached here. When they turned around,they were with another girl that has the same age as me,same height,almost the same face! "Let's go,honey, let me tuck you into bed." my mum said to the little girl. I just realized that the girl was actually their new daughter to REPLACE me. How could they. I ran outside to the bakery and sat in the rain pouring down on my head. I cried continuosly. Arnold walked and sat by my side."What's the matter?" Arnold asked me."My parents,they have a new daughter!!!!"I screamed. When I even know it,my eyes turned red as blood, I outgrew two front fangs into razor sharp weapons,I grew wings on my back,they were big and brown and can create a huge hurricane,my skin turned pale. I flew home and left Arnold at the bakery.

When I reached home,it's time to take revenge on the girl. I walked through the door to my mum's bedroom,when I entered,they were cuddling together,the three of them. I started to have lots of envy,I was about to cry but I didn't. Since nobody could see me,my job's easier. I tugged the girl's foot. "Mummy,somebody pulled my foot." the girl complained.  The girl's name was Jenny. My dad switched on the light. I pulled Jenny up into the air by her foot. It looks as if she was hanging in the air,floating. She screamed her throat out. My mum screamed and my dad too. I let go off Jenny and she fell. She had a bruise on her back. "Oh god,please reveal yourself,monster."my mum shivered. Suddenly,they all can see me in the ugliest shape. "AaAAAAAAAA WHAT DO YOU WANT ?!WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH US?!" My mum yelled.  I flew towards her,my dad hugged Jenny,who passed out. "What is my relationship with you?!! Don't you recognize me,mum? Have I changed so much?!" I said to her face. "Wait,Marinda?" My mum said. Oh,that's my name by the way. I flew out of the window into the moonlight and vanished. "Woah,what just happened?"my dad asked. "That's Marinda! Our dead daughter! She must be jealous of us having a new daughter! We have to find her." My mum said as she rushed to get her sweater. My dad kneeled infront of Jenny. "Jenny, I need you to take £100,00 and run and never return. Don't let Marinda find you. GO!" My dad said to Jenny. Jenny hugged my dad and hurried outside and dissapeared into the fog.

I changed into my normal self. I screamed in pain as it hurts,having your wings,fangs and eyes to be sucked back to normal. I was burning,smoke came out of my body. I landed at a dump place and cried again. Suddenly, I saw a car light. "Marinda!" I heard my mum shout. I heard footsteps rushing towards me. My parents hugged me. All the smoke suddenly dissapear. My burning tears were rushing down my face,leaving scars. "Oh dear,Marinda. I am so sorry. I didn't know you could come back just like that. "My mum sobbed,wiping her tears using her palm. The scars on my cheeks dissapeared. "Mum,dad. I think I'm the one that should say sorry because I know that I can't control my jealousy, I don't listen to your advices." I sobbed as the burning tears streamed down on my cheeks again. My parents brought me home and we continued living like we regularly do,except that now my parents are raising a corpse ghost named Marinda. "Oh mum,dad, I have a dead friend too, his name is Arnold, he's a man. Can we let him rent the house next door?" I asked. My mum and dad looked confused. "Emm,he lived beside our house like for 30 years already. Maybe you went out for too long. Go on,if you want to talk to him." My mum said. I rushed to Arnold's house and hugged him. I thanked him for helping me all along.

But,have you forgotten I still have the black book. You better watch out around you. You might bump into the book and who knows what will happen?


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