Rose Red Story | Teen Ink

Rose Red Story

February 27, 2016
By Anonymous

Once upon a time, there was a rose bush that lay near the river. This rose bush had not always been a rose bush but once a beautiful young princess. This story will tell you why she still remains a common tree and not receive her original form.

The princess was named Rose Red after her mother, who was White Rose. She and her mother shared a similarity in features as both of them were equally beautiful and were admired by people everywhere. Unfortunately, in secret Rose Red was a witch. She had envied her mother for having golden locks of hair whilst she had chestnut brown hair. Thus,as not many in the kingdom had golden hair, her mother was always in the centre of attention. His brought Rose Red to devise an evil plan.

One day, as her mother was out in the garden behind the castle by herself, she came upon a river with crystal clear water and looked at her reflection starring back at herself. Suddenly, she saw an imagery of her own daughter, Rose Red was pouring poison into her wine. White Rose was terrified and ran into her chamber.

While her mother was crying in fear, Rose Red crept upon her and tapped her on the shoulder. As White Rose turned around, she felt a dagger plunge into her heart. Rose Red watched as her mother collapsed on the floor and laughed as she had witnessed a performing jester. What was unknown to Red Rose was that a fairy was watching her action and flew off to tell the King.

When Red Rose heard the fluttering of wings, she traced it into the garden and chased after the fairy. As she caught the fairy by it’s wing, it enchanted Red Rose into a rose bush. The fairy had cursed the wicked girl for betraying her own blood relation,her own mother. Red Rose slowly became a rose bush beside her innocent mother’s rip.

Then, the fairy went back to the castle to tell the King about what had happened. The King was so disappointed with her daughter. He doesn't regret that Red Rose cursed became a rose bush because he taught she deserve it. Although he felt lonely after his lovely wife died because of her daughter’s action, he though that he must be tough for his country.

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