The fight to the new beginning | Teen Ink

The fight to the new beginning

April 1, 2016
By kitkatkris BRONZE, Honolulu, Hawaii
kitkatkris BRONZE, Honolulu, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I crept down the dark narrow hallway holding my Pharoph blade in my left hand and the mortal sword in my right. The sound of my heels clicking against the pathway echoed throughout the corridor. The light from the blade glinted off the hollow walls that surrounded this breathtaking building. The narrow corridors, fancy marble floors and the massive shape of this structure was almost too stunning to miss. Turning the corner slowly, I saw the door that led to my target's underground hideaway. I unlocked the latch and nudged the door open with my foot. Grabbing a paralyzing bomb from my purse, I threw it into the doorway. White powdered smoke exploded from the tiny object and disappeared instantly. I peeked inside the room to find a blue jelly like substance the size of a dumpster truck howling from inside the room. "Target sighted," I said into my communicator. A high pitched beeping started to sound in my communicator indicating that the demon was right in front of me. I plunged through the door with my outstretched sword in hand and immediately lunged for the blue jelly demon. Its face twisted up in fear as my sword drove a straight passage into its green heart that glowed from inside its body. The demon screeched and lashed out at me with its razor sharp tentacles. I ducked and rolled towards the entrance of the room. How is this thing still alive? It should have been killed with a blade to the heart. As this thought crossed through my mind, I made another attempt at piercing the demon's heart. My Pharoph blade connected with the demon's fat neck and all became silent. The demon's gigantic body turned into black smoke and disappeared into the dimension it came from. "Mission complete."
Chapter 1
The wind whipped my dark blonde hair over my left shoulder as I sat in peace on the Fotografia
bay. The sun was setting and the bay was almost empty. I was the only one left sitting on the bay lost in my own thoughts. "DIMKA!" a voice called out to me breaking me from my reverie. Dimitri sauntered towards me and plopped down by my side. Together we watched the sunset dip down through the clouds and out of sight. His dark brown hair flopped in front of his eyes as the breeze began to slow down. I looked up at my best friend sitting there with his tall broad build and his gorgeous eyes. Those bright purple eyes looked back at me and grinned.      
"You know, staring is a bad habit Dimka." he said amusedly. I blushed and turned back around towards the sky. 
"I wonder why we grew up to be in a world far apart from the rest of the humans in this world." I questioned.
"Come on Dimka. Is this why you snuck away from the lab in the middle of broad daylight? To question why you weren't born a true human?" Dimitri answered. The lab was our home and that’s where Dimitri and I met. I know. I know. The lab sounds like some kind of science place where mad scientists create evil things. Well on the contrary, the lab is a place where "Hunters of the Night" go to train.
"I didn't sneak away from the lab. I just felt like I needed time alone. Training and eating and sleeping everyday gets kind of boring if you know what I mean." Dimitri sighed and laid his head down on the sand staring at the clouds. Dimitri and I were both part of the organization that called themselves "The Dark Night Hunters." We are trained for fighting the supernatural world. By supernatural I mean vampyres, wyrewolves, fayries, demons, and whatever kind of evil creature you can think of. They are called the Dark nights. The human world doesn't know they exist because they are not able to see them with their naked eye. That is where we come in. The hunters of night are given missions to find and kill dark night creatures that are creating evil in the human world. "Dimka! LOOK OUT!" Dimitri yelled breaking through my reverie again. Right then a claw came smashing into my face knocking me onto my back. I rolled onto my side in agony as another one of those claws started towards my face. Dimitri slashed out at the wolf that had been just about to cut my throat out. His long broad sword swung low by the wyrewolf's neck slitting its throat a few inches deep. The wolf growled and turned its attention towards the attacker. I felt a warm liquid trickle down my face as I was trying to carefully stand up. I quickly searched my belt for my Pharoph blade and took it out of its sheath. The wyrewolf's eyes gleamed a bright yellow in the moonlight. I glanced at the moon checking to see if it was in the phase that I thought it was. And sure enough it was a full moon tonight. Oh great. I totally had forgotten it was going to be a full moon tonight. Oh well. The wyrewolf had already jumped on top of Dimitri by the time I was done figuring out why this wyrewolf had landed a surprise attack on us. I threw the Pharoph blade at the creatures neck and dislodged its head from its body. Black blood poured out of its body and down the dark green shirt Dimitri was wearing. He quickly shoved the body off him and ran towards where I was standing.
"Are you okay Dimka? We have to get to the lab that scratch on your face isn't looking so good." Dimitri took me in his arms cradling me and ran as fast as he could to the lab. Luckily Fotographia Bay is only a mile away so we got to the lab in under 20 minutes. As soon as we got to the lab I felt a fiery burn course through my body, starting from the scratch on my face and ending at my feet. I shrieked and thrashed all around making Dimitri drop me on to the white tile floors. Doctors that worked in the lab rushed towards me with a stretcher in hand. I continued to thrash around while they tried to pick me up off the ground. "Dimka calm down!" Dimitri sounded exasperated. All around me, I heard yelling and shouting from the doctors and nurses. "What happened to her!" "Calm her down!" "Giver her medicine!" The doctors started injecting painkilling medicine in to me but the burning wouldn't stop. The bright lights of the ceiling lamps slowly started to fade from my vision. The darkness welcomed me into its arms and the noises in the background were drowned out by the sizzling sensation echoing in my head.
Chapter 2
Barreling through the woods on all fours, my paws land gently on the dirt streaked path. I searched for a break in the woods with my razor sharp eyesight. Over there. The trees glowed luminescent from the moonlight shining above. I bounded towards the break in the trees and feeling the bright white glow radiate off my brown fur. Howling up at the moon, I hear my packmates right behind me. Their soft footsteps make a whistling sound through the brush. I stood on the cliff looking over the ledge of death. Crouching on all fours, I jumped over the ledge. The drop created an aching in my stomach. This was it. My death was four feet away. "Dimka? Are you awake? Are you okay?" I hear the soft whisper of a desperate voice reaching towards me. My eyes flutter open. I try to sit up but I couldn't. Black straps attached to the stretcher held my arms and legs down. I was trapped. "Calm down Dimka. You will be okay. The doctors had to suck out the wyrewolf disease out of your body." Wyrewolf disease? What is he talking about? "What?" I tried saying but my throat was to dry. So it just came out as a whisper. Turning my head to the left I saw Dimitri standing there. His eyes held a worried look in them. His brows furrowed and his mouth set in a straight line. The doctor came in at that moment and told me I was good to go. He unstrapped the thick black lines holding me down and helped me sit up. Dimitri took my hand and dragged me towards the door. We left the room hand in hand walking back towards my dorm. The lab housed around a hundred kids every year, fifty girls and fifty boys. The boys and girls shared the same dorm because the people that ran the lab said we needed to "bond" and we needed to learn how to be "one." Some of the guys that lived in the dorm were so immature. But Dimitri was not one of them. He was the most popular guy in this training school. All the girls just adored him. As we walked back to the dorms, all of the girls flocked around us staring at our hands locked in each other's grasp. I quickly unlocked my hand and ran to my room. I hate attention. Especially when it's from Dimitri and his little crowd of girls. That’s what bothered me the most about him. Why did he have to be so popular? We were like opposites. He was social and I was totally an antisocial freak who hated talking to people. But I mean, we have been friends ever since we were kids growing up at this hellhole. So I guess I want to keep that streak going. Anyways, the lab is run by the Leroi. They too were hunters of the night except their mission was to train us young ones. Only the most experienced fighter's were allowed to teach the kids that went to the lab. I guess you could sort of call this place a school. Generations and generations of kids, made by the older hunters of the night, trained at the lab since they were born. Once the kid becomes eighteen she/he is sent to the Dark Night organization. My mom and dad work for Dark Night so I rarely get to see them. "Hey Dimka! How you doin?" I spun around and saw my roommate standing behind me. Her long blonde hair was pulled back neatly in a pony tail and her beautiful magenta colored outfit matched the cute sparkly golden high heels she was wearing. "Hi Gab. I'm doing great. Where are you going?" I said nonchalantly. Gab was one of the worst fighters at our school. Maybe that’s because she spent way too much time on fashion than she did on training. "Oh, no where. I was just wandering around campus." "Cool." I replied and spun on my heel heading toward our room. I stepped inside our frigid dorm room and went to go sit on my bed. Right on my bed was a small blue note folded in half. I reached the little slip of paper and read it:
Hi Dimka. We are sorry to inform you but your mother recently was killed when she was sent on a mission to clean out a vampyres nest. I hope you are able to attend her funeral tomorrow.

Kristine Au
Chapter 3
The white paper slipped from my hand and I dropped to my knees on the hard wooden floor. Tears trickled down my cheeks slowly one drop at a time. I stayed on the floor for a while sobbing into my black bed sheets.  Then I ran towards the woods on the far east side of campus. Stopping before the opening of the woods I screamed, a big loud nasty scream that echoed throughout the trees in the woods. Mom was dead. Mommy is gone. Mommy please come back to me. Sprinting straight into the thicket of trees, I headed straight to the entrance of campus. If my mother was killed by a vampyres nest then I will hunt them down. I will not stop until I'm dead. Just like my mother. I snuck out of the gate and was stopped by the security guards. No problem. I'll just take all five of them out.
"Halt right there Ms. Hathaway. Where do you think you're going?" the security guard with the long beard shouted.
"I need to run an errand for one of the Leroi on campus. It requires me to go to New Mexico," I said nonchalantly.
"Too bad. I didn't get a notice that a hunter was going out tonight," he said.
Right then I ran towards the parking lot in front of campus. The five security guards surrounded me in a circle, and just as they struck out with their fists curled into a ball, I ducked. They all hit each other square in the jaw and staggered back. That gave me just enough time to escape their encirclement and dash across the five cars parked in the almost empty parking lot. The security guards brought out their throwing knives and aimed towards the lower half of my body. I ducked, rolled, and juked side to side. The knives flew past my waist and then one by my neck. I looked back and saw that they were gaining on me. I hid behind a parked car and brought out my pharoph blade that was tucked inside its sheath. Jumping out behind the car with my a blade in hand, a blade came flying my way and pierced me on the inside of the right side of my thigh. My leg collapsed beneath me and my head crashed against the concrete pavement. Stars danced in my vision and I lost all thought of time, place, and existence.
Chapter 4
I woke up to sight of bright lights, again. Twice now. I've been in the hospital twice in the past two days. That must be a talent. I tried to sit up off my back but the sharp pain in my right thigh brought me back down. A doctor with broad shoulders and mustache walked into the room. He looked at his clipboard and examined the paper attached to it.
"Alright Ms. Hathaway. You are going to have to use crutches for about a week so that wound can heal," the doctor said informatively.
I looked down at my bandaged thigh and winced as an excruciating pain was shot up my body.
"Okay doctor. But how am I supposed to go to training tomorrow? Every Monday to Friday I have training practice." I said with a hint of desperation in my voice.
"I'll give you a note to give to your teacher." And with that he walked out of the room.
I took the crutches that were lying right next to the bedside and started limping out of the doorway. Using the crutches to maneuver around campus towards the dorms again, I ran into the security guards that had been trying to stop me. They were waiting for me just outside the hospital door standing tall and proud. The principal Leroi stood in front of the security guards staring straight at me with his green dagger eyes.
"Dimka it's nice to see you again. Why don't we go to my office and discuss the matter of this situation," he said amusedly.
"Whatever," I replied, annoyed.
Once we were at his office I took a seat on his desk and began picking up the throwing knives that were left on his desk. Weaving them through my fingers just like we were taught in training class, I throw one at the dartboard. Bull's eye. Luckily I was the best in my class and didn't need any more training. Principal Adrek took a seat in his leather spinning chair and stared straight up at me. Gosh he was such a creepy man.
"So Ms. Hathaway, care to tell me why you were trying to escape school?" he asked.
"Actually no, I do not care to tell you why," I shot back.
"I believe you got my note about your mother's death. I am so sorry for your loss."
What a fake. This guy was such a dumbdumbhead I don’t understand how he even go this job. He can't fight the Dark Night at all.
"DON'T YOU DARE BRING THAT UP! I SWEAR I WILL KILL ALL THOSE VAMPYRES IN THAT NEST EVEN IF I DIE I WILL DIE FOR MY MOTHER," I shouted at him with full force making him slide back a few inches in his spinning chair.
Right at that moment the alarm went off. A loud ringing sounded across campus and the principal shot up out of his chair and ran for the door with his throwing knives in hand. I took my crutches and started limping again out the door. The whole campus was chaos. All 100 kids were running into the woods and straight towards the main gates. At the same time the alarm was still sounding and the Leroi were positioned near the buildings in battle stance, their swords held high and their pharoph blades held in their non-dominant hand. Then I saw them. The attackers.
A huge vampyre raid came surging towards us coming out of the woods. HOW DID THEY GET IN HERE? THE WARDS ARE SUPPOSE TO PROTECT US! About ten pale faced and red beady eyed monsters ran out of the trees and started attacking the hunters of the night that were fleeing towards the woods stopped in their tracks and brought out their blades. But the vampyres were too quick. They had the weapon of surprise on their side. The pale-faced leeches bit into the necks of the kids that didn’t have their blades out and the cries of their agony echoed through the campus grounds. I didn't know what to do. They emptied my weapons belt back at the hospital and I had no cover at all. All around me the principals ran towards the ten vampyres that were already starting to close in on us. They started lashing out towards the Dark Nights with their swords. Swooping and slicing the heads of the ugly beasts, I limped towards Principal Adrek who was five yards away. A vampyre snuck up on me and knocked me on my stomach with one blow to the back. This vampyre was a newbie. I could tell because her eyes were a bright shade of red and her fangs had not yet full grown. This gave me the advantage. Stricking out with my crutches I swiftly knocked her on the side of the head. My right thigh still hurt but good thing we Dark Night Hunter's have fast healing. The vampyre stood up just as swiftly and ran towards me again. I took the end of my crutches and swung it in a semi circle knocking her onto her back. I then jumped onto her stomach. She hissed at me with her fangs showing and blood dripping out of her mouth. I grabbed her neck and twisted it to the left with a sharp jerk. The pale neck without a pulse flew off her body and landed right next to another dead vampyres body. Jumping off the body I head towards Principal Adrek again who was now farther away than before the attack. A loud shriek sounded from my right and I saw that one of the Leroi had a vampyre's fangs stuck in her neck and blood was dripping out of her body like a river flow. That vampyre was an old male because his eyes were a dark shade of red and his fangs were twice as long as the young one I had just fought. Those dark red eyes went straight to me and he detached his fangs from his victim and started heading towards me. I backed away from where I was standing and started heading towards the weapon room, which was straight in front of me. Ignoring the excruciating pain in my thigh I dashed towards the building. Too late. I wasn't fast enough. The old vampyre sprinted with ease and quickly jumped on top of me. My back hit the soft grass and I landed with a thud. This was it. I was gonna be turned before I even got a chance to avenge my mother's death. This wasn't the fight I'd been hoping for.

Chapter 5
  A sharp pain in my neck awoke me from restless sleep. Where am I? What happened? I slowly opened my eyes to become face to face with a misty blue-eyed guy who was biting into my neck with his sparkling white fangs. I thought vampyres had red eyes? The sharp pain faintly started to recede and was replaced with a pleasurable feeling. I shut my eyes taking in this marvelous feeling that was soothing all of the pain in my body. I remembered that one of my instructors at the lab told me that vampyre bites release endorphins and the bites are just like drugs. They said that once you are bitten, you would want to be bitten until you are drained of blood and your pale corpse is lying on the sidewalk infront of the vampyre that gave you that happy feeling. After remembering this, I quickly jerked my head away from this misty eyed guy and found that I was tied to a chair so I could only move a few inches away from his razor teeth. I looked behind me and saw that my hands and feet were tied with a thick metal chain that could only be unlocked with a special key. I heard a snicker echo throughout where ever I was and my eyes made a quick sweep through the room. There was only one steel door at the far left corner of the room and I was tied to a wooden chair opposite of the door. In front of me was a boy about my age who was also tied to a chair. His soft brown hair hung over his eyes and I immediately recognized those bright purple eyes that turned to face me. "Dimitri?" I said in a whisper. He didn't say anything. He just stared back at me blankly. I turned back to the misty blue-eyed guy and studied him more. He was fairly young, maybe about my age. He looked about six feet tall and his one and a half inch fangs hung out of his mouth looking down on me. He grinned with full fangs visible and said "Welcome Dimka." 
"How do you know my name? Where am I?" I said commandingly while also looking around the room once again. There in the corner across from the door stood another wooden chair with another man attached to it.
"Principal Adrek?" I said questionably. The man's head turned and I saw that he was not the principal he was another Leroi I'd see around the lab. He opened his mouth to speak but just as the word help started to form on his mouth a gruff voiced yelled "SHUT UP YOU STUPID HUNTER OF THE NIGHT! Get on with it Jace."
The young man with the misty blue eyes turned towards me and then spoke into the darkness off to my right "No master. Not yet. She is not ready."
"Who's there?" I said franticly.
"Hello. Dimka. I believe we've met each other before," The gruff voice spoke from out of the darkness.
"Do people around here stalk me or something because I don’t have an Instagram so I don't know how you found my name," I said sarcastically. More snickers sounded from the darkness and the gruff voice spoke again, "Ah. I always missed that sarcastic little attitude of yours. Jace get on with it we don't have all day, or should I say all night."
"No. Master. I'll do it soon just not now. Let me get to know her first."
"Hello! She is right here. You guys can just talk to be directly instead of about me in front of me," I said in a rushed toned.
"Alright son, I'll give you a week," And with that I heard silent shuffles scuttle out of the doorway but when I looked at the one lonely door at the corner of the room I saw only shadows of darkness.
"So you're Jace?" I said quizzically.
"That would be correct but my real name is Jonathan," blue eyes said.
"You mind answering a few questions for me?" I said a little harsher that I intended.
"Sure. Why not?" He said nonchalantly.
"Who the hell was that? Where am I? How did I get here? What is Dimitri doing here? Why aren't your eyes red if you’re a vampyre? Oh, and why am I tied to a chair?" I shouted in his face. He had knelt next to me and was on one knee staring down at me. His face was just a few inches apart and his beautiful eyes were intently searching my face for whatever answer he was looking for. Then he totally ignored all my questions and walked over to Dimitri and bit into his neck. Dimitri let out a loud groan of agony and I yelled out to Jace telling him to bite into me and not Dimitri. Jace ignored me once again and I started to try and get up my legs were tied to the chair legs and my hands were tied behind my back. Dimitri's face started to turn pale and then he stopped moving. I saw a tiny little breath escape Dimitri's lips and I yelled helplessly at Jace, telling him to stop. Jace unhooked his fangs from Dimitri's neck and sauntered back to me.
"Relax Dimka. He's still alive. I just had to make sure he wasn't listening in on this conversation. As for the Leroi across the room, I'll have to knock him out also. Hold on," Jace said. He sauntered back towards the Leroi in the chair. The Leroi leaned back a little, scared by the tall dark vampyre that was about to bite his neck. Jace did the same thing he did a few seconds ago, to the Leroi sitting in the chair and once again the Leroi's face went pale and he stopped moving except for the tiny little ragged breath that escaped his lips.
"Okay now I'm ready. So for the who question I'd like to say, he's my boss and will kill me if I don’t turn you in about a week. For the where are you question, I'd like to say you are in a vampyre's nest. Make yourself at home dear you will be living here for the rest of your dead lives," he chuckled at that comment and I stared back at him confused as ever. What did he mean dead lives? OH NO! He's going to give me the vampyre disease and I'll become one of them. NO. NO. NO. I will not let this happen. I have to think of a plan to escape. 
He continued on, "As for the how question, I'd like to answer with one of my fellow collegues knocked you out and poof you ended up here."
"Why do you keep talking like that?" I interrupted.
"Like what?" he asked innocently, but I saw a gleam of amusement pop up in his eyes so I knew he was just messing with me. I growled back at him with a deep low sound in my throat.
"Whoah there. Are you part wyrewolf or something because that was a pretty gnarly growl?
"No. Now answer the questions." I commanded.
"Honestly you should really be thanking me right now. I'm not allowed to answer your questions since you’re a hostage but luckily your gonna be one of us soon enough."
"Stop stalling and answer."
"Fine. Where was I? Oh right. We captured some of your little friends back at the lab. Just not all of them are in this room at the very moment. And as for the eye thing, I'm glad you noticed. I'm actually part vampyre part dark night hunter. I didn’t have a full transformation for some reason but oh well," he shrugged during that last sentence and started to look into my eyes with that intense stare of his. Jace leaned against the wall with his full form beauty. He was almost taller than Dimitri by about three inches and his jawline was more pronounced than any guy I have ever seen. His hair was full on jet black and they were swoop bangs pushed the left side of his face, opposite of Dimitri. He had broad shoulders but at the same time his form consisted of lean muscle. Wow. He looked like a male model but better. I had to admit he was nice to look at. While I was admiring his figure I hadn't noticed the lady with bright red hair walk in. She wasn't facing me but I could tell by her small form that I'd seen her before. She was about my height and I could tell she was one of them just by looking at her pale skin. Then she turned around and the features locked into my brain. "MOM?"

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