Friendship is Forever | Teen Ink

Friendship is Forever

April 2, 2016
By IsaacArnold BRONZE, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
IsaacArnold BRONZE, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Jan 9, 2025
Tomorrow I will be the first man to ever time travel.  I will travel to the future and get myself an acquaintance that is small that can repair my time machine if needed.  This companion must be one that I can convince that I’m from the future of their time.  To do this I must be persuasive and a good liar.  To achieve my goal, I must get a good rest for tomorrow.

Jan 10, 2025
As I am preparing the time machine I am thinking that my minion must be the perfect companion.  Once the time machine is ready I pack a bag for the trip and set the time machine for Oct 2, 2219.  As I am about to press the launch button my palms are sweaty and my stomach is doing flip flops.  When I finally push the button I feel like I am freezing inside.  Once the freezing sensation stops, I find myself in an ally.  I also notice a baby but once I get closer it looks more like a man.  I asked if he could keep a big secret and he said yes.  So I convinced him to become my partner and we head back to my time for the day. 

Jan 16, 2025
It’s been about a week since I last wrote.  This is because I’ve had the best and the worst time of my life.  At first Gregory, the baby man, was a little shy, but we became very close.  The first couple of days we messed around and traveled to different places and times, such as the ice age, colonial times, the roman empire, even the Qin dynast.  There were many others, but those were my favorite with Gregory.  After we had our fun we went back and fixed many things that never should have happened.  First we went back to Sept 11, 2001.  Since this tragic event was very planned and thought through, it took a while to figure out where the masterminds met.  Once we found out, we prevented the meeting by framing the awful people.  They were all sent to jail until at least a few months after they met.  Greg, I called him that for short, was so excited we spoiled their plans that he fell into a coma because of his disease called niteritious.  His disease came about after any modern time doctors.  I couldn’t travel to the future because the time machine needed repairs and since Greg was in a coma we couldn’t figure out the cure.  Greg died the day after.  I found him peacefully in his bed.  When I buried him I found a note in his pocket for me saying how I was his best friend he ever had.  After I read his note I realized he was gone, but I also realized that when people die they disappear physically but they are always with us unseen.

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