candy wars | Teen Ink

candy wars

April 7, 2016
By Anonymous

Bob didn’t want to move, but he had to. His parents had found nicer jobs in Canada and they wouldn’t have to deal with Donald Trump for the next four years. But, none of this would affect his life in any severe way. He didn’t care who was president or how much money his parents were making, he was just a kid. All he cared about were video games and friends with whom he would play. He was going to miss his best friends, Kevin and Stuart once he left.
Upon arriving at his new home, Bob had a bad feeling about moving here and he did not like it.   He just wanted to be back in Texas, in his old school with his old classmates.  Bob looked out his new bedroom window. It was a nice summer day. He had a great view from where he was. Right outside his window was bright green grass and a beautiful oak tree and if he looked into the distance he could see big skyscrapers with clouds surrounding their tops. He thought about going outside to feel his blonde hair blowing in the wind while he lay on the grass looking at the bright blue sky. He saw a few kids riding their bikes past his house. “Why don’t you go introduce yourself to them?” Bob's mom asked.. Bob didn’t want to make new friends, he missed his old friends back at home. No one he met here would replace them.
Today was Bob’s first day of school. He had heard about what people do to the new kids and he didn’t want to be part of that. The entire bus ride, he sat in the far corner, alone and secluded from all the other students. Bob did not move his head from the window the entire ride. 
When he got to school, he was looking out for any possible bullies to stay away from. To his surprise, the kids were actually very nice to him. Two boys and a girl came up to Bob. A sense of familiarity washed over him. They were the kids that were riding their bikes just the day before. They introduced themselves as Dave, Joe, and Kelly. Bob told them his new address and they agreed to come over after school to ride their bikes.
Bob ended up having a good first day of school and he thought he might start to like it there, even without his old friends. He had just made some new ones.
This time, Bob did not sit alone, instead he took the seats next to his three new friends. After chatting for a little while they realized that they don't live too far away from each other. They told Bob that they could hang out any time they wanted. At home his parents asked him how his day was and he told them all about Dave, Joe, and Kelly. He said he was going to ride bikes with them later.
Right around 6:00, they all showed up at Bob’s house. They showed Bob around the neighborhood. Bob's favorite part was Mrs. Fluffles Candy Shoppe. Mrs. Fluffle was a very sweet old lady. Bob loved candy more than anything. Bob’s friends told him that there was another candy store right down the block and they were always competing in business. They decided to go to the other candy shop. It was called Willy's Candy Shoppe. In the window was a sign that said, “help wanted.” After the candy stores, they went to the best toy store ever. It had things from stuffed animals to make-your-own volcano kits. Bob really wanted an awesome remote control helicopter. The problem was that it was 100 dollars and Bob didn’t have nearly enough,  and he knew his parents wouldn't buy him something that expensive. That’s when Bob remembered about the help wanted sign in the candy shop. He told his friends about it, and they they agreed to go with him the next day to see if he could get the job.
The next day, they went to Willy’s Candy Shoppe. Willy took them into the back to show them what to do with the candy. Willy showed the four kids where the candy is and where and when they should put it out for the customers. He let them have a taste of one candy of their choice. Bob thought he was a very nice man. All of the kids enjoyed the candy very much. Willy let them take some candy home for their families. After their tour of the back of the candy store, they all walked home.
A few weeks later, the kids went to Mrs. Fluffles Candy Shoppe. They told her that they got a job at the other candy shop and that they really liked it. She quickly pulled them into the back of the store. Mrs. Fluffle told them that Willy was a sorcerer and that his candy could control people. She told them that she was the good guy and he was the bad guy and every time made a new candy, she also did because she had to fix whatever he was about to mess up. Before they left, Mrs. Fluffle gave them each a box of candy. It was so good. They gave some to their families and they all started buying those specific candies and they ate them all the time. In fact, it was like it was controlling them. Nobody was paying any attention to what was happening in the world. Bob could do whatever he wanted and nobody cared.
The next day, they told Willy that they were very sorry, but they couldn’t work there anymore. Instead they went to Mrs. Fluffle so she could tell them what to do. She gave them three different candies. She said that one of them could change their appearance, another one could make them jump really high like theres no gravity, and the last one gave them x-ray vision. She told them that their first mission was going to be to break into Willy’s Candy Shoppe and steal a certain candy from him. She didn't tell them what it was called or what it did. She only told them what it looked like. They ate a piece of the appearance changing candy and they all looked totally different. Bob looked asian, Dave was a cute blonde boy, Joe was a girl, and Kelly was hispanic. They went to Willy’s Candy Shoppe and ate the x-ray vision candy so they could see through the boxes and they stole the candy. There was a strange looking doll in the corner of the shop that none of them noticed before today. Strangely, it kind of looked familiar, but they didn’t know why. After all it was just a doll. Nobody stopped them from taking the candy so they left with it.
The next day when they went back to Mrs. Fluffles candy shoppe, she asked of anybody saw them take the candy. They said no, except for the strange doll in the corner. She got a scared look on her face.  She told them that Willy has a certain candy that can change people into dolls, but they can still think and see. She said the doll was probably one of the workers there, or possibly even Willy, himself. Bob realized that it must have been Willy because that was who the doll reminded him of. The kids told her that they used the appearance changer so he didn't know it was them. They were all relieved to hear that.
Their next mission was to find a key that has been in Willy’s family forever and they need to get it because it will make him weak again so he can’t control the world. The four kids go through lots of missions to find the key. They had to break into a museum and look under a certain painting to see if it was there, or at least a clue. Mrs. Fluffle assured them that they would be OK and they were doing the right thing. The kids changed their appearances and ate the anti-gravity candy and went to the museum. They jumped super high into an open window on the top floor. For a person like Bob who was scared of heights, it was an extremely scary experience. They found the right painting and looked under it. The only thing there was a piece of paper. They picked it up and read it. It was in some other language so they just took it back to Mrs. Fluffle. She said that it didn’t make any sense and it wasn’t a clue.
The next mission they had to do was to break into Willy’s house to see if it is in there. Of course, they all changed their appearance and snuck in at night. They looked everywhere. They looked in the drawers, cabinets, even all of Willy’s pockets in his clothes. They did not find anything, even with the x-ray vision candy. The only strange thing they saw was the doll that was in the candy shop when they broke in.
At school, the kids saw the doll again. It was like it was following them. The four of them decide that the key must be somewhere in the school. Why else would the doll be there?  They tell Mrs. Fluffle their hypothesis and she asks them to look for it. All of the teachers have the same key so all they would have to do is steal one of the teachers keys to see if it is the right one. They take the first one they see. Mrs. Fluffle said it was the wrong one.
At lunch, they sit and think about all of the keys in the school. That's when they remember that the janitor has a few different keys that nobody else has. They get up to go see him, but Willy from Willy’s Candy Shoppe stops them. He says that he was the doll the whole time and he was trying to reach them to tell them the truth about Mrs. Fluffle. He tells them that Mrs. Fluffle has been using them to get the key. He is not the bad guy, but Mrs. Fluffle is. He told them that if she gets that key, she could become so powerful and she could possibly take over the world. The kids asked him what the key opened. Willy said that there was a door in the middle of nowhere that opens to a room with a fountain of youth. Because Mrs. Fluffle is so old, she is not as powerful as she could be, so if she drinks that water, who knows what damage she could do.
After school the kids go back to Willy’s store instead of Mrs. Fluffles. When she see’s that they aren't going to come, she goes looking for them. She peeks into willy’s window. They are all sitting at a table talking. She gets mad and runs away because she realized that the kids found out her secret. She goes back to her store and makes up a plan to get the key herself, now that she knows that it is in the school. All she has to do is eat one of willy’s doll candies and she can hide in Bob’s backpack.
The next day, at school, the kids go straight to the janitor to get the key before Mrs. Fluffle does. Little do they know, she is hiding in Bob’s backpack. They make up a story so the janitor will lend his key ring to the kids. It wasn't such a believable story, but he didn't seem to care too much. They took the keys and ran to Willy to give them to him. The kids felt better that the key was safe with Willy and they could have a fairly normal day at school. When they get to Willy’s Candy Shoppe after school, he tells them that the key is gone. He said he looked everywhere, but he couldn’t find it. They ran to Mrs. Fluffles Candy Shoppe and she wasn't there. They all knew that she must have the key and was heading towards the room with the fountain. They all jumped into willy’s truck and drove away really fast. Willy asks them which candy they took that time when Mrs. Fluffle made them break in. they told him what it looked like because they didn't know what it was called.  He said that was the candy that changes people into dolls. Willy says that she must’ve hidden somewhere and saw where he was putting the key. She must have taken it when Willy wasn't looking.
When they got to the place with the well, they saw Mrs. Fluffle about to open the door. Willy grabbed the key and they were tugging and fighting for a long time. The kids were surprised that such an old lady was so strong. They were both throwing punches and screaming. The key kept flying into the air. After about twenty minutes of this, Mrs. Fluffle managed to open the door. Willy grabbed the key and threw it down the well. Before Mrs. Fluffle could get the water, Bob pushed her out the door and off the cliff where she died.
They all went home noticed that everyone was back to normal because Mrs. Fluffle was not able to sell her brain controlling candy anymore considering she was dead. Bob, Dave, Joe, and Kelly all started working at Willy’s Candy Shoppe again. When they finally made enough money to buy the remote control  helicopter that started this whole fiasco, the didn’t see it. They asked the man at the counter and he said they didn’t sell them anymore because they were apparently dangerous. He obviously didn’t know what these four kids could handle.
That night Bob called his friends back in Texas. They said that they heard what he had done on the news. They were so proud to be friends with such a hero. That’s when Bob’s mom came in and told him some more good news. She said they were going back to Texas that weekend and he could bring his friends, Dave, Joe, and Kelly with him. They all freaked out! Of course that week was going to be the longest week of his life waiting for the weekend to come.
When he got to texas with his friends, they decided to meet stuart and kevin at the best restaurant in town. Bob had a wonderful plate of mac and cheese. After they ate, his friends said that they had just built a new candy shop and they should go check it out. Bob refused because after all he had been through regarding candy shops, he did not ever want to go into another one. Of course, they forced him to go in by pushing him, bribing him, and yelling at him. When he was finally inside, he threw up his delicious lunch. Bob never ate candy again.

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