Your Turn | Teen Ink

Your Turn

April 12, 2016
By JoshIppolito BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
JoshIppolito BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up in a daze, it was 10:30 in the morning. I went to sleep at 3 last night because it was my 20th birthday and we were all celebrating. As I walked into the kitchen I poured myself a bowl of cereal and milk, then went to the tv and turned it on. I saw something on the news that I thought could not happen to me in real life. There was a virus outbreak in the Center for Virus Research(2077 BLACK PLAGUE AND EBOLA OUTBREAK! MASS PANIC THROUGH LA…, is what the screen read.) As soon I saw that I dropped the tv remote on the floor and it landed with a bang. I didn't bother to pick it up, I went right to the phone.
“Mom, it’s me. Turn on the tv to the news.”
“Logan calm down, what's wrong.”
“Mom, just do it! I will call you back when I have more information.”
“Ok, ok, bye logan.”
As soon as she said bye I hung up and called Damien. I have more friends than just him, but I called him first for a reason, I don't know why, though.
“Damien, turn the tv on now, watch the news something crazy is going on. Call your parents we need to get out of here.”
“Yea, I know I just turned the tv on.”
“Damien I am going to pick up my mom. Call everybody and we'll pick them up both are cars. You, your family and Summer. I will call Jack and Dave. We have to get out of here.”
“Logan…” Damien said hesitantly.
“They shut down the city. We can’t leave.”
“Damien just do what I said, we will meet at Adams boulevard. After the shopping center. I have to go, meet you there in a half hour.”
“Ok, stay safe Logan.”
“You too.” I said with a scared voice.
As soon as he hung up I called Jack and Dave. I told Jack and Dave everything that I told Damien. Then I called my mom, I told her to bring all the essentials. All 3 of them were meeting up here. Then we would meet up with Damien, Summer, and his family on Adams boulevard.
About 10 minutes later I heard a knock on the door. I was ready to leave, but there was one problem I only saw Jack and Dave, not my mom. The streets were also being devoured by traffic.
“Logan, could you have taken any longer, Jack and I are standing outside on your porch with a virus spreading, are you insane!?” Dave yelled in disbelief.
“Probably Dave.” As I started walking away.
“Will you two stop arguing about this. Dave where are your parents?” Jack said worryingly.
“They aren't coming, they’re going to meet me up whenever they get settled with some friends.”
“And what about you Logan?”
“My mom is coming, I hope. I'm going to call her on her cell.”
As I said that I started to walk over to the landline and the man on the news shouted;
“Power is quickly going out all over the city, within minutes, all downtown areas and homes will have no power.” This made me move even faster. After each ring on the phone that went by my mind I started to think of bad things that could have happened to my mom.
Finally, she picked up her phone all yelled at the top of her lungs, I'm here. And then I heard a bang on the door. I ran over, it was my mom.
“What took you so long?” I said this a hundred times over as I hugged her. “You know what, never mind we have to meet up with Damien and a few other friends in 10 minutes. Does everybody have everything?”
“Um, yeah...maybe.” Dave muttered.
“No, let me just grab that.” Jack said.
“I have no idea.” My said honestly.
“Ok good let's go. Get in the car. I know you don’t know the answer to the question, but do you know if the virus is airborne.”
My mom slowly started to say, ”Logan they said on the news that the virus is mostly infecting people through the air.”                                                     
“Ok, that can't hold us back. We have 9 minutes to meet Damien, I didn’t want to say anything but after that they close down the roads and everything else with it. So let's go.”
As I said that Jack and Dave were halfway out the door followed by my mom, then me. I shut the door, but as I did this I knew I was leaving my old life behind. We got into the car. I knew it would never be the same. As I drove like a lunatic everybody had to hold onto their stuff with a grip like a rock holds onto a mountain. All we saw while driving was police cars, ambulances, chaos. My mom started to tear up, I looked the other way, I don’t know why. I pulled up to the street, no sign of Damien. Since he is always on time precisely and we were a minute early, I figured he would be here in a minute. I told everybody to stay in the car with the windows shut.
Jack jumped up and leaped forward almost going through the windshield. He started yelling and saying things that I could not understand.
“Jack, calm down, what are you saying?” I said with a little bit of excitement.
“Logan do you have duct tape.”
“Of course I do, I always carry it around with me.” With a little bit of exaggeration.
“Well for once that is going to pay off. Give it to me.” Jack demanded.
As soon as I gave it to Jack, he started taping up the seals up the windshield and the windows like it was a quarantine zone. I told him that it was a smart idea and I asked for a few pieces, I started to tape up the heat and AC vents. My mom and Dave pointed out the vent right under the windshield. That could have made or break our lives. If the virus got in, we would have been dead.  As soon as we were done taping everything up, Damien finally showed up, I was starting to get worried. Damien was getting out when I yelled as loud as I could not to.
“Logan, why not?!”
“I just found out, it’s airborne.  
I rolled the rest of the duct tape out of my door. He quickly got out and got it, as people running by yelling and screaming, “This is how the world ends. It was started by a virus and it will end by a virus.” Damien quickly got back in his car and did the same thing that we just did. When Damien was finished he mouthed to me, now what, I have my mom and dad with me, and Summer. I sat just thinking in all the commotion that was going on outside. I mouthed to Damien follow me. He didn’t get it at first. I said it again and then got it. I quickly turned the car on and the AC off, to keep the virus from getting in. Then I soared away  going east, straight, all the way.

I halted to a stop. They were already setting up military checkpoints.
My mom roared “Why did we stop!”
I just looked at her not even seeing her shivering vigorously like boiling water. I moved in closer and put my hand on my mom's forehead. I jumped back and got out of the car.
“Guys get your stuff we are going with Damien.”
Jack seemed to get it. He grabbed his stuff and took dave's stuff from the trunk. I don't know why, but Damien gave Jack a look after he got out and followed me. It was that look when you wanted someone to stop doing what they are doing. Jack looked back at Damien, he looked annoyed. Dave just sat there looking around like a curious rabbit. I opened the door and yanked Dave out. As jack walked past me to Damien's car he said in a worried voice, “I'm sorry, this must be really tough for you.”
“Thank You Jack.” I muttered.
It was starting to get dark. The sky was a dark pink from the pollution after all these years. The grass was a bright green and flowers were just starting to bloom. The sun was going down with a pinkish sky. The road sparkled. But it can’t stay like that. As I fell out of my daze I heard a car horn flying by me. Dave was already getting in Damien's car. I looked back at my car. My mom’s skin was a bright red, she couldn't even talk. She got sick so fast. She just looked at me, when she cried no tears came out. I slowly started walking towards the car. But I kept looking back as my mom cried in agony.
I weaved my way through the stopped traffic. Trying to hold my tears back. Everybody was waving me on, trying to tell me to hurry up. I made it in the crammed car, meant for 7 people. But with me, Damien, Summer his mom, dad, Jack, Dave and all our sentimental and belongings and necessities, it was tight. There was a tiny hole in the back where Damien can see out of his rear mirror. It was like a fortress made out of clothes and other things. I didn't even notice Damien was crying until Summer smacked me.
“Logan! Snap out of it! You need to drive, Damien is too depressed to even think. Oh and hi Logan.”
“Oh, sorry, hi Summer I was like daydreaming, I think.”
Summer looked different, but it was only last night that I had seen her. Maybe she was just tired.
“Yeah, I'll drive. Damien, you hop back her first.”
Jack and Dave at the same time whispered with anger, “Shut up, Damien's parents are sleeping. I don’t know how you could sleep at a time like this, but they are. So shut up!”
“I am not going to answer to that, at all. Damien just get back here.”
Damien had his head down, his spirits following. I waited for Damien to sit down, then I squeezed into the front seat.
“Guys forget this traffic. There are no more rules.” I said like I was In charge.
Then I pulled over to the emergency lane and drove away.


25 feet ahead we could see hundreds, maybe thousands of people coughing up blood, shivering, lying in the middle of the road, yelling from aching bones. All I could picture was my mother.
Summer said in a desperate voice “Turn around, now! This car isn't even close to being airtight!”
I skidded in reverse, pulling away towards the way we just came.

Summer tells me to keep looking straight. Knowing me I look to my left, and I slow down. It’s my mom, but I toughened up and ignored that. I looked past it and my eyes widened. A military outpost, with people in white hazmat suits holding testing tubes. I don't know what kicked in, but I hit the gas going across the road hitting about everybody in front of me and next to me.
I got across to the other side and onto the grass. And yes Damien's parents are sleeping through this all.

Dave blurted “Logan! Are you crazy! If we get any closer they will shoot at us!”
But I kept driving. As soon as I pulled up I got out, they did not even notice I was there, they were too busy trying to find a cure. I walked over to someone in a military outfit. He was holding a gun, staring off into space, so I kept my distance.
“Excuse me, sir, can you hel--”
“Find sergeant Rendel. He can help you with any questions.” He interrupted.
He said this with complete overconfidence, so I just said thank you and asked where it was. He said two tents to the left. As I walked over I realized everybody was wearing hazmat suits. Then Damien came over and pointed to everybody then showed me a hazmat suit that he was holding. I don't know how he got it, or from where, but I don't care. He also had one on. I quickly put on the suit and to a deep breath in, the air seemed artificial. I wouldn't be able to explain it if someone asked what it was like.
I went into the tent and nothing happened, no “Get out of here, this area is restricted.” I couldn't believe it. I went up to Sergeant Rendel. The first thing I noticed-- he is like 90 years old! But I ignored that.
“Excuse me, sir, sergeant Rendel. Can you tell me what’s going on?”
“What? You want a pickle?”
“No sir, I was just wondering what happened and what you are doing to fix it.”
“You are wondering what I'm doing to my hair? It’s new shampoo. Coconut actually.”
This time with a bit of an edge; “Sergeant Rendel! What is going on!?”
“Well, you don’t have to yell young man. There has been a virus outbreak from two scientists doing research on a body that they dug up. They had no idea that the virus was in the body. Well, actually two viruses. Ha ha. I love my jokes. And the virus spread all over, and now there is an epidemic. We call it the E-Plague. A combination of Ebola and the Black plague. We are trying to get this time machine set up, but it’s not working. 2077 technology is not as good as it seems.”
“Sir, why do you need a time machine?”
“We want to go back in time and stop the scientists from digging up that body. Then there will be no E-Plague outbreak. This information is confidential, do not tell anybody. Not even your closest friends or family, young man. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir.” I said like I had authority too.
“Ha ha, good. So you should probably leave.”
“Yes sir, right away.” Again, I thought I had authority.
As I walked out I went to the car, it was to the point now, where it was still light out, but the sun went below the horizon. As I looked back I saw a big antenna, which was what I thought to be a radio tower. I never found out if I was right. But you know just go with the gist. The radio tower was yellow with red flashing lights. Below that was Rendels tent. It was a white looking ghost house. Next to that, was military and science research labs.
When I got back into the car, it looked like we were missing something.
“Guys are we missing something?”
Summer stated “Logan, Damien went looking for you. I see him coming back now.”
“Oh, ok. Thank You Summer.”
By the time we all got into a somewhat of a comfortable position, we slept in the car, on the side of the road, next to the military tent.
“Summer, when I was in there a person named sergeant Rendell told me something really interesting.”
“What is it Logan?”
“You know what, never mind Summer, I'll tell you in the morning.”
“Ok, Logan. Good night.”
“Good night Summer.”

Jack and Dave again… together,  “The military base is gone, what were they doing to help us, were they even helping us!?”
“NO. NO. This is not good. They were setting up the time machine, and they were going to go back in time. They needed to stop scientists from digging up a body that had this virus, and it's what made this whole thing start. Sergeant Rendel, the guy I talked to called it the E-Plague. Now that they are gone, nothing will be done to save us.” I said with a racing voice.
Summer suggested, “Well, what if there are other areas like this doing the same thing?”
“Summer, I don’t think there is. I have a feeling that this was the only one. Again i’ll say it. It WAS the only one.” I said in desperation.
“Guys… Where are Damien and his parents?” I asked.
Summer said with a depressed look “Logan we didn’t want to tell you, we thought it would make you think of your mom. Damien's parents passed away, in their sleep. They went to sleep and never woke up. It’s weird because the same thing happened to both of them. And they were asleep for the whole time yesterday. Remember?”
“Yeah, Summer I do remember. Well if they had the virus all along, then we could be infected. You know what let's just move on. Give Damien some support.” My voice trembling.
I said with complete determination “We can’t let this slow us down. We, meaning all of us need to do what the military was going to do. We need to go back in time.”
Jack blurts out, “But….but…...but… will…we….get into the place...thing… when everyone is infe...infected.”
“I'm not going to ask why you are acting like that, but WE HAVE SUITS!!! Sometimes I wish I could strangle him.”
“Ok guys we need to get ready, I hope for the world's sake that they already finished setting it up. Let's get ready to head in. There was a soldier that I talked to, I think that is where the time machine was. Get your stuff ready and meet outside by the main tent in 10 minutes.” I said.
Summer says in disbelief “Guys look everyone is dead on the highway. There is no one, but why aren't we dead. We were exposed for a while without any suits.”
“Summer I don’t know, just get your stuff ready.” I blurted.
As I hopped out of the car, I walked over to Damien. I put my hand on his shoulder His head was over his parents body. He felt cold.
I bent down and I said,“How are you doing.”
He didn’t respond, so I looked at him and his eyes were closed and he was blue. I checked his pulse.
“GUYS GET OUT HERE, NOW! Damien’s pulse is faint!”
Jack came running out with Summer then Dave.
Jack yelled, “What's wrong?!”
Jack's face had a little smirk on his face. Almost that he was glad that Damien might not be alive.
“How would Logan know, Jack? He isn’t a doctor,” Dave said seriously.
“Actually, my dad was, but never mind that. He had a stroke, He is going to die if we can’t get the blood flowing again. Stand him up….MEANING HELP ME!”
They were all a little hesitant at first.
As we stood him up you could see the color coming back in his face.
Summer expressed happily. “It’s working! That’s amazing! ...Guys listen you need to go on and fix this. I will stay here with Damien. Go!”
“Fine. Jack, Dave follow me. Through here!”
As we walked through the tent, this door was standing there. Just a door. It was red, and the paint was perfect. There was a flashing light on the top of it, there was another light next to it. The one that was flashing red, read OFF. The other light that seemed to be green, read ON.
“Jack, Dave, look it’s off.” I said.
Dave wines in excitement “Look guys I found the on switch.”
Jack tells him “Turn it on you, dummy.”
When he presses the button an immediate change from red to green happens. A noise started to roar. It was a big generator powering it.
“Guys lets go, I don’t know how much juice this thing takes up, I would imagine, a lot. And knowing you two if you get stuck in the past, I’ll never hear the end of it.” I told them with determination.
“Come on. You guys first, don’t go anywhere till I get there.”
Jack says, “Oh, so when you get there we can run off?”
“You guys know what I mean, now go on.”
Dave stepped up first “Cya.”
Then Jack “So long, nice knowing you.”
Then I stepped in front of it, it looked like a door that does nothing, but when you get in it… just darkness. time started to go by. How do I know, well because… I can’t really tell. Just go with it.

“Damien! Are you alright?!”
“Summer, what happened? Where is Jack, Dave, and Logan?”
“They left without us, they went back in time, to stop scientists from digging the body up that had the virus. I know this is a lot of information, but they needed to go back in time…”
“Wait, they went back in time? There are major side effects by doing that, to the world. We have not perfected this science. One of my friends told that they could be caught in a loop of whatever scenario you are in. It could keep playing out. In a loop! Come with me!
“Thank You, Damien, that news is really comforting.”

Finally, there is a break in the darkness. It feels like it has been hours. I hope that Jack and Dave are still there. As I come through to the past, I fall out of thin air and there are Jack and Dave, whining that they hit their head. Oh, poor babies. It’s not like there is the e-plague just roaming around, killing everybody it touches. I looked behind me and there was the door. Now that is cool.
“Guys are you ok, we need to get moving. Hey, this is exactly where we need to be… this is the research center. They must have had it programmed to go here. Come on, follow me.”
“Sure Dave and I will be your slaves.”
I just ignored them. As soon as I turned the corner, scientists had a body in a sealed capsule, they looked like they were about to operate.
“Stop, don’t do it!” I screamed.
Immediately, security came up and held us against the wall.
“How did you guys get in here! This is a restricted area!” The security guy demanded.
“I'm sorry, I'm from two days in the future. You need to listen to me! That body it’s infected!” I squeaked.
“Be quiet, I’ll show you to your jail cell!” Without a relentless tone in his voice.
A scientist came up to us, “Wait, let them speak. This sounds like it is important.”
“Ok! But if they are out of their mind… they are going away for a long time. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.” The security guard said.
Dave says, “You are the weirdest person I have ever met.”
I beg to differ, though. I think Dave is the weirdest person… EVER.
I started to say, “Listen, that body you are about to dig up. It is infected with Ebola and the Black Plague. If you do research on it, the virus spreads and combines. We call it…The E-plague. Then mass panic breaks out, and to me it looks like about 80% of the population is gone. Do not do it.”
The scientists, whose name is still unknown, although it is a worldwide crisis. I would think the name is the least Important thing.
The scientist said, “Ok, thank you. I will tell them to cancel the procedure, for, um… in 3 minutes.”
He took out a walky-talky. He said, “Cancel the research autopsy.” This projected onto a loudspeaker.
He looked at us and had a worried expression on his face.
“Wait, you said you used a time machine to get here.”
Jack pitched in, “Yeah we did, and it wasn’t fun.”
“Oh no. Those effects on the new technology could be unknown. You could die if you go back into those.”
Dave out of nowhere, “Hey where did that security guy go. I wanted him to feel like a loser because he was wrong.” 
“Ok? Well anyway, this scenario, could play out forever. In a continuous loop. But nothing will be fixed unless you go back. That is our only option. You have to go back. Bad things could happen if you don't.”
I reluctantly asked, “Like what?”
“I don't know, this is brand new technology, the effects on mankind are unthinkable, unrelatable. These effects could not be explained by other civilizations, much more advanced than us. Listen to me. If you do not go back nothing will change, the world will still end, even though we stopped the autopsy. So even though we don’t know what might happen it’s better than to worlds colliding.”
Dave shouts out of nowhere, “Woah, awesome!”
I quickly chime in, “What do you mean by two worlds colliding?”
“When you came through the time machine it created a ripple in time. Basically a wormhole between each time periods. If they stay open for too long, both worlds could collide. That will be the end of humanity for sure. So, there is a much better chance of humanity continuing on, if you go back. There is still a risk on the world, maybe the universe, but if you stay here there is 100% chance that it won’t work. Do you understand?”
We all shook our heads very seriously. Even Dave did, I was so surprised.
“All right, thank you so much, sir.”
“No, thank you, without you three, we would all be gone.”
“Ok, Jack and Dave. We should get going”
As I opened the door, I thought that I was doing a good thing, and I was, maybe. Jack stepped in, then Dave. I looked back at the scientist. I slowly waved goodbye to him. I walked through, I got juggled around again. Then the darkness.

“Damien, where are they. It’s almost night time again.I'm starving, again.”
“Summer, don’t worry I'm sure they are fine. And how will they coming back, help us get food?”
“Because!... I don’t want to go out there, and you are too much of a baby to do it!”
“Oh yeah, I forgot. HA.”
“Damien, this isn’t a joke. I hope they are alright. What if something happened to them. I mean… I don’t even know anymore.

The darkness broke, it seemed shorter than last time. I saw Jack and Dave, literally flying out into the other side right in front of me. Like I was breathing in the dirt from Dave’s shoes. Gross. I don’t even want to know where those shoes have been.  We fell onto the floor. Damien, Summer, Dave and Jack were all there. It was dark now, I guess I could see that it was a while, because of the darkness thing. Man, that really freaked me out.

Damien started yelling, “Guys you went in there! There was a warning label man, A WARNING LABEL!”
I came out saying gently and firmly, “Damien I know, but it was our only option. It was my only option.”
“Logan, the whole world can be in danger, because of you. Do you understand this?!”
“Of course, I understand this. when I heard about the risks from someone in the past, I had the regret of doing this! You need to understand me. Me, Dave and Jack gave our lives for all of you!”
“Logan, I know that. You might have risked your lives, but by doing that you risked the whole world!”
“Damien, I had no choice. The guy, he was a scientist. He said that I made the right choice, he reassured me that I was a good person. He said that the world definitely would have ended within the next few days if I didn’t do anything!  He said that there is a better chance of humanity and civilization going back to normal, because of what I did. Because of Jack and Dave sort of helped me do. You can’t just give up on me because I made you mad. That’s like saying, my boss got mad at me because I made a mistake! So I quit my job. You're quitting on me, Damien.” YOu know you go on and on and on. You don’t know when or where to stop.
“Oh, yeah Logan. He reassured you about the way you do things. And you know what, I have put up with you ever since we met in 5th grade. You have made me mad, because of the things you've done for your whole life. This pushed me over Logan. You have to understand my pain, for you, Summer, my parents, your mom, Jack, Dave. And you know what, Jack has so fed up with your life, that he didn’t even realize that his parents never showed up here. And when he gets upset, I'm blaming it on you.”
“Oh my god, Damien you're right, my parents never showed up. Damien, I'm blaming it on you! You're the one who reminded me how self-centered I am.”
“See Damien, I knew he wouldn’t blame me this is your problem, not mine. I just tried to fix a serious problem, that is worldwide, by now. Damien, I am sorry. I know that this is about your parents, and not me. You are just taking out all of your hatred and anger that you were holding in all these years from everything about little arguments to your parents dying. I'm sorry but you can’t take it out on me.

“You don’t even know what you're saying. Logan, what if this isn’t the start. What if we are already in the loop. This could be the millionth time we have done it. We just don’t remember the other times.”
“Damien, don’t be crazy, nothing has happened.”
“Yet. That is also bad Logan. It also means that whatever you did, didn’t work. It is also good, it probably means no loop.”
“Which means that we argued for no reason, Damien. That you took it out on me for no reason.”
“Logan, I didn’t take anything out on you! I was worried that you screwed the whole world over, that you screwed up our friendship.”
“Well guess what Damien. The tables have turned, YOU screwed up our friendship! You were the first friend that I called after I heard about this. I called Jack and Dave after you. I didn’t know why I called you first. I still don’t know why. I shouldn’t have called you first! In fact, I should not have called you at all. I just should have of called Summer, Jack , Dave and my mom.”
“Logan, one day you will regret saying that. You really want to be stuck in a loop saying that?! Hey if I was hanging off a cliff right now and I couldn’t pull myself up, would you save me? There would be no risks for you, you would just have saved me. Would you help me right now Logan?”
“Not a chance Damien. Hey, I would help you fall. I would take my foot and crush your hands! Damien! You did this to yourself! You put yourself on the cliff by putting this mess on me. You have made me feel bad about, it. I bet Summer, Jack and Dave would sympathize for me. They would give me comfort on the chance I took. They would have given me support on my decision. But you had to make me feel like this. You are the one who put yourself on this cliff. You are the one who is making me crush your helpless fingers!”
After all of this, some sort of instinct kicked in. I bolted for him. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through me. I could see the adrenaline pumping through him, his face red, swelling with rage and anger. It felt like years before I got to him. When I reached him, I grabbed his shirt and threw him to the ground. He started yelling at me and cursing. Telling me to do things that I never thought he would say to me, no matter what. I threw a punch at him. I could feel his cheek bone caving in, into his mouth. He spits out teeth, yelling at the top of his lungs. My hand was all bloody. I looked at it, then at Summer, Jack and Dave. They were just staring there, looking amazed. Dave looked horrified.
The next thing I knew I was on the ground with Damien punching me, kicking me as hard as he could. He was weak now, it didn’t hurt that much. I guess he just came out of nowhere. All I could hear was ringing. I got back up. I pushed him to the floor. I crushed his ribs with my foot. He was spitting up blood, and gasping for air. I must have hit his lungs. He would die within seconds.
He one last word, “I Would let you fall off the cliff, but I would never… push… you… off.”
It was like the movies, he had one last breath. So dramatic. Summer walked over and looked at me. She hugged me. Jack came over and told me that I was the best. Then Dave came over, he was crying. It was a cry that I have never seen before. It was a serious cry. He came over and he hugged me like everyone one else did.
“Guys, why are you hugging me?”
“Don’t you get it? Me, Dave and Jack have been tortured by him.”
“You know when you met me a few years ago Logan. You thought oh my god, Dave is so stupid and you still think that. I'm normal like you, Damien made me act like that. He would threaten us every day if we didn’t do things for him. You literally saved our lives, thank you, Logan.”
“Ok then. Listen I'm sorry I had no idea he was a psychopath until now.”
As soon, as I said that, the ground started to shake, like an earthquake. Then everything went dark. I wondered what was happening. Then I remembered, this must be the loop. And what if this is the thousandth time that I have done this. What if I don’t remember when I wake up. Damien was right, this is my fault. I don’t have guilt for killing him. I wish I did though. He was right, but he was wrong. He should be the one to die. I don’t care if this keeps looping, all I need to know at the end is… Damien can’t hurt my friends after this point in the loop.

I woke up in a daze, it was 10:30 in the morning. I went to sleep at 3 last night because it was my 20th birthday and we were all celebrating. As I walked into the kitchen I poured myself a bowl of cereal and milk, then went to the tv and turned it on. I saw something on the news that I thought could not happen to me in real life. There was a virus outbreak in the Center for Virus Research(BLACK PLAGUE AND EBOLA OUTBREAK! MASS PANIC THROUGH LA…, is what the screen read.) As soon I saw that I dropped the tv remote on the floor and it landed with a bang. I didn't bother to pick it up, I went right to the phone.

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This article has 5 comments.

AD100 BRONZE said...
on Apr. 18 2016 at 10:00 am
AD100 BRONZE, Dobbes Ferry, New York
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
the best way to predict the future is to create it

OH YES POPIE this story warms my heart

on Apr. 18 2016 at 9:49 am
AngieMangie2137 BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
1 article 0 photos 4 comments

on Apr. 18 2016 at 9:49 am
AngieMangie2137 BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
1 article 0 photos 4 comments
UH YEAAAAA EPLAGUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

on Apr. 18 2016 at 9:48 am
AngieMangie2137 BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
1 article 0 photos 4 comments

on Apr. 18 2016 at 9:47 am
AngieMangie2137 BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
1 article 0 photos 4 comments