The Mission | Teen Ink

The Mission

April 12, 2016
By dragonrider1234 BRONZE, Ardsley, NY, New York
dragonrider1234 BRONZE, Ardsley, NY, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up and almost fell out of a tree. The bright sunrise hit me like a slap, and a million thoughts raced through my head; Where am I? What am I doing here? Why am I covered in blisters, bruises, and the like? Who is that? This last question was when I noticed the poor scum lying next to me. Then it all came rushing back to me like a bad dream. I remembered who the boy was; he was my twin brother Michelangelo.

Let me start from the beginning: I was on my way to private school (when I say private school, I mean private school. I mean I'm the only person in my school.) with my jetpack when I saw a poor boy carrying water to his village. Back then I never missed a chance to beat up the poor scum. So I went in for a dive, just like my adoptive dad the dictator had taught me when I was young. I was mid-dive when I saw the boy’s face. I was so shocked that my jet pack, which was especially attuned to my thoughts, just shut off. I fell the last ten feet, and I tumbled ungracefully to the feet of the boy. I expected him to be cowed by my presence, but he just stood there laughing. Angrily I got up to beat some sense into this scum when I saw his face. Let me explain why this face could stop me in my tracks: it was mine.
    Well not exactly mine, but it was really close. “Woah, talk about deja vu.” the poor boy said to me, “Who are you and why do you look just like me.” I felt weak at the knees; this boy not only looked like me, but he sounded like me too.
    “Why do you sound like me?” I retorted.
    “Oh, I know who you are, You’re my twin brother.” Those words alone hit me like a punch to the gut. Twin Brother? I didn’t have a twin brother. My whole family had died when I was young; or at least, that was what the dictator told me.
“I can’t be your twin brother; my whole family died when I was a child.” I said
“Are you sure about that?” The boy asked me
“Absolutely.” I replied
“Oh yeah, I bet your name is Leonardo.” The told me with a smug look on his face.
Okay, now I was starting to get a little freaked out. How did this boy who I had never met before know my name.
“So is it.” the boy pressed.
“Yes, it is.” I admitted. “now what’s your name and how do you know mine.”
“My name’s Michelangelo. And I keep telling ya we’re brothers. Not just brothers, twins.¨ Michelangelo replied.“Then come with me to my village. I have something to show you.” Michelangelo told me
I had no choice by to follow him to the village.

When we got to the village, many people called out greetings to the Michelangelo (who still claimed to be my twin), but nobody asked who I was. Everybody seemed to know me. One little girl, about five years old, ran up and hugged me. I was startled, why did everyone seem to know me? When I asked Michelangelo, he said that they didn't they just knew I was his brother. We walked through the village, stopping only a few times, to say hi to people. We finally stopped at a lean-too( a tent made of sticks and cloth leaning on a frame), and Michelangelo beckoned me inside. Inside he went and showed me a rock. It said ”Γεννnθ?καμε μαζ? αλλ? χωρ?σαμε.” At first, I couldn’t understand it, but then something weird happened and the letters started to make sense.
“It says, We were born together but we separated.” Michelangelo told me.
“I know.” I retorted.
“Well, how was I supposed to know you spoke Greek.” Michelangelo replied. Now I was the shocked one. Greek! I didn't speak Greek “Wait, that was Greek!” I said. “I don't speak Greek.”
“Well, then how are you reading that Greek perfectly.” Michelangelo replied.
“I can't, I can't even read any of those letters.” I said quickly.
“Uh huh.” Said Michelangelo. “Sure. that’s why you knew what I said before I even told you.”
“Fine.” I groaned. “I can read it. But how? I’ve never spoken Greek in my life.”
“It’s just like I keep telling you. We’re twins and Greek is the language of our parents.” Michelangelo told me.
I groaned again. “Fine. We’re twins. but that still doesn’t explain how we were separated.”
“Well, how should I know?” Michelangelo retorted. “I only knew that we were twins.”
“well, then how did you know that we were twins?”
“I only knew that because that was all my parents talked about before they died!”
“Oh.” I replied, suitably chastened.“How did they die?” I was curious.
“They were murdered by the dictator.” Michelangelo told me. As he spoke, his eyes which had been warm the whole time turned cold and sad.
“well actually that isn’t true they also raved about some stupid mission that they had to complete. As if that’s more important than their remaining child.” Michelangelo had put down the rock and was pacing now. “I still don’t know what they meant about that.”
“why don’t we go ask the village elder, you guys do actually have a village elder right?” I said
“yes we do but how did you know that?”
“I had to take poor studies back at my school.” I said. “ if you have one let’s go see him”
When we got outside, I was shocked I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was dark. I hadn’t realized that it was so late. I could barely see 5 meters in front of my face. “How do you guys see anything out here?” I asked.
“We have oil lamps.” Michelangelo replied.
“Hey, who’s that?” I said as a tall old guy with a long, shaggy white beard walked up to us.
“Oh, that’s our village elder. Let’s go talk to him.”
We walked up to the village elder and asked him about the history of our family. He told us how I was taken at birth because the dictator feared that they would raise me to lead a poor revolt. “So why did they only take me?” I asked.
“We think it was because the two of you were born in different and he only saw you.” The elder replied.
“But why did he think that they would raise me revolt?” I asked
“Because your parents were trying to come up with ways to revolt and someone tipped off the dictator so they were killed.”
“How were they planning a revolt?” I asked.
“They were illegally studying the diseases that he kept releasing into our community.” The elder replied.
“Ok thanks” I replied. On the outside I looked fine, but inside I was barely able to hold in my tears.
When we walked back to the lean-to, we realized that we had to complete the mission of our parents.
    “We have to complete this mission.” Michelangelo told me.
    “Way ahead of you bro.” I said.
    “But how can we get into the rich lands lands.” He asked
    “Listen close because I have a plan.” I replied


A boy with short blond hair, deep brown eye. And wearing perfectly pressed clothes walked up the gates of the dictator’s house. took a deep breath. Then he walked up to the giant gates and stood in front of the scanner. The green beam of the scanner passed over him a few times, and finally flashed “ACCESS GRANTED.” The boy let out a deep breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding. He walked through the gates and gasped as a robot appeared in right in front of him. “Hello, master Leonardo.” The robot said with an overly realistic voice.
“Hi.” the boy replied meekly.
“What’s wrong, master Leonardo?” The robot asked. “Are you sick”
“I think so.” The boy replied.
“Then let’s get you inside with some medicine.” The robot said.

Inside the house, the boy inaudibly gasped. The house was huge. The boy followed the robot upstairs and to his room. In the room, the boy flopped down on the massive bed with a sigh. The robot quickly returned with a bowl of hot soup and asked if the boy wanted anything else. “No thanks, Alfredo.” The boy replied. “I think I just need some rest.
The boy shot awake as the alarm clock softly beeped. The boy looked over at the alarm clock and let out a start of surprise. 3:30 am, why am I up so early. Then he remembered why he was here. He had a mission to complete.
The boy crept slowly across the carpeted floors, staying only in the shadows of the dark hallway. In his hands, he palmed the knives that he had specially crafted for this job. The boy passed room after room, barely even bothering to check for security. When he reached a large elaborate door, the boy picked the lock, slowly pushed it open and crept inside. In the middle of the room was the dictator’s bed with all its fancy trimmings and trappings. And in every corner of the room, there were robot and human guard pairs. The human guards ran towards him and the boy didn’t hesitate, he threw the knives at the guards killing them instantly. The robots were now ready for him, by they presented no challenge. The boy just waited for them to strike, but before they could they shut down. The sound of his guards being disabled woke up the dictator. In a flash, the boy had him laser's cuffed around his hands and a knife at his throat. “You’re coming with me.” He growled.

Outside the house at a safe distance of 50 meters, I gave my brother a hive five and a hug. “You were great.” I cried
“Thanks, Leonardo.” He said. “They really thought I was you, didn’t they.”
“Yeah I even did for a moment.” I had watched through the binoculars with gritted teeth as my twin captured the dictator. “There were some spots where you were in trouble but you escaped.” I said.
“Only thanks to your expert skills.” Michelangelo replied. I had used my skills as a hacker, and my experience with the dictator’s security to shut it down.
“I know right. We were awesome we make a great team. We should save the world more often” I replied.
“Hello. What are you going to do with me.” The dictator interrupted.
“Oh yeah, we’re going to kill you.” Michelangelo said in a nonchalant tone. “But first, you’re going to tell where the diseases are so we can stop them.”
“I will never tell you that,” the dictator said strongly.
“Are you sure, we have many persuasion techniques. Most of them we learned from you.” Michelangelo replied.
“You know, I expected this from the poor kid, but not from you Leonardo.” The dictator said.
“You murdered my parents!” I was shaking from anger. “what did you think I would do.”
“Let’s just go.” Michelangelo broke in. “we still have lots to do before we kill him”. So we came to the forest outside the disease factory and waited.

Now here we are outside the factory, waiting for someone to come out.“Why can’t we just kill him?” Michelangelo groans. “He’s of no use to us now.”
“Yes, he is.” I reply, “He needs to tell us how to destroy the diseases.”
“Fine.” Michelangelo says.
“Thank you. Now tell us how to destroy the diseases, or we’ll torture you.” I say to the dictator.
“I’ll never tell!” He spits at me.
“I thought you might say that, so Michelangelo, fifty shavings please. Start with the pinky.” I say.
“Gladly,” Michelangelo replies.
“Fine, I’ll tell.” The dictator screams.
“Wise choice.” I say, “Now start talking.”
“All you have to do is hit the self-destruct button, and get out of there.” The dictator says.
“Ok. thanks ,“ I say as I take a deep breath and extend my arm straight out. The dictator fell to the ground, all the life rushing out of his eyes. “It is done.” I said, “Let’s go.” We walk to the factory. And when two smokers come out, we easily overpowered them to take their clothes. We walk into the factory like we own the place, press the button and get out of there as fast as we can. From a safe distance, we watch as the whole place explodes. “Yes!” I scream, “We did it.”
Then I feel something, I know what it is at once. I hear Leonardo say, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t take the chance.” I reach down and feel the warm blood flow out, covering my stomach. As I feel my strength fading away, I look at the world one last time. The last thing I ever see is the beautiful sunset. Then black.

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on Apr. 22 2016 at 9:39 pm
Gripping story!