Icebound | Teen Ink


April 19, 2016
By AddieGreen BRONZE, Circleville, Ohio
AddieGreen BRONZE, Circleville, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The wind's numbing breath scraped at my skin and searing pain enveloped my eyes whenever I ventured to open them. The air burned with bitter cold and my palms grew insensible beyond compare. Furthermore, in the frigid environment I had been robbed of my wits. Evidently, I would've felt repentant of my vow to study here. Perhaps I would've loathed the practice of zoology in general. But for the moment I stood deadened, benumbed, and desensitized to my own perspective. I existed in a reality that knew only the perpetual torment of winter. It wasn't long after my muscles began to ache oppressively that I felt the lamentable verity of lassitude beseech me to the ground. To my immediate unrest, I'd lost consciousness.

I awoke sheltered in a veil of darkness, frozen stone, by all appearances, beneath my throbbing palms. Upon righting myself I promptly became aware of a looming torchlit presence. The man had a fair complexion met with comely olive eyes and flaxen curls. A glistering golden blade girded at his belt. He struck me as no less than debonair; his steady voice resounded in the cavern,
“I don't see visitors often in these altitudes. I hadn't been expecting company when I stumbled upon your stiff corpse.”

I met the man with equal parts appreciation and weariness, “I'd never been so aware of the rigor of Nature than when she was scoffing in my face.”

The man chortled before responding, “I'd been warned upon commencement of my expedition to be skeptical of any wayfarer I might encounter. As you may know, many prisons surround this harsh area. No one gets out nor in.”

The fellow made an effort to study my expression in the Stygian ambiance before resuming, “Perhaps you're the exception. Not to affront, but you don't strike me as savage.”

“Truly,” I responded, “I speculate we both may be at the mercy of this confounded clime due to comparable circumstances.”

“Is that so?”

“Quite. You see, I come nigh by royal decree of the king.”

“King Francis?”

“The very same.”

The man regarded me with newfound reverence, “Then you must be skillful in your field. Mind to elaborate?”

“I am the foremost zoologist of the kingdom. I've been called to inquire into the beasts of abnormal breed that have been reported amidst the enclosing land.”

With this, grinning broadly, the man abruptly shook my frigid hand. The torchlight illuminated its faintly blackened tips.

“Then your notions prove unerring! My name is Sir Shylan Chile of the Royal Guard. I've been issued a royal ordinance to aid you in your analysis. You must certainty be the eminent Arlic Faron.”

“None other. This is truly wondrous tidings!”

“I couldn't agree more,” the swordsman pronounced, “Shall we investigate posthaste?”

Reassured by this proclamation, I nodded in assent to the gentleman and carried on further into the cavern. Directly, the nobleman began to convey inquisitiveness toward my prowess. I responded readily to his query.

“How is your knowledge of cave dwelling beasts?” the man inquired.


“My proficiency is of the highest quality. Cave dwellers chiefly evince heightened senses of auditory perception, cognizance of scent, and a greater apprehension of touch. What's bizarre is that, stemming from the reports, the beasts deviate far from these more thermal caverns; miles abroad. Yet, I'm certain that it would be of considerable impossibility for these creatures to withstand the exterior climate overnight, based on the somatic descriptions given by witnesses. They must be exceptionally nimble to make it back in time. What's more, nearly all cave dwelling beasts cannot survive outside of the caves and are far too miniscule to pose a threat to man.”

“Remarkable,” the poised knight responded.

I expressed my accord with a nod, “No beast is unfathomable, Sir Shylan Chile. I've spent ages familiarizing myself with this concept and I grant you my word that I will get to the bottom of this.”

To this, my gentleman did not respond.

“My good man?” I questioned.

“You hail?”

“Might I behold your exquisite brand?”

“Aye,” the nobleman concured, apace bestowing unto me the blade.

I admired its familiar intricate hilt for divers minutes in critical contemplation.

“Sir Arlic?” he inquired.

“Might I ask how you acquired such a glorious blade, sir?” I challenged cautiously.

The fair knight wavered anterior to responding, “It has been in my family for generations.”

With this response my blood turned rimy, for I'd espied this blade heretofore. With reckless haste, I transpierced the now monstrous creature where once stood the pleasant knight. He crumpled to the ground, stricken down by the mortal glave.

Appalled, I stumbled over my words, shaken from this anomalous state of affairs, “Sir Shylan Chile, you haven't supposed that I, zoologist of the king, lack familiarity with shape shifters?”

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