The Dragon of Erza | Teen Ink

The Dragon of Erza

May 4, 2016
By Anonymous

On a wet and dreary night, there is a small forge, the clang of metal on metal is ringing in the air, sparks are flying through the whole forge. Outside it’s a damp, and rainy night.  Inside of the forge, I am working on my secret project: armor. My name is Erza. I am an apprentice of a blacksmith, his name is Newlar. I live with him in his small cottage in Randor.
This is it, my final week of being an apprentice. This is the third year of my long, hard apprenticeship coming to a dark and dreary end.

¨I’m spending my last week in Randor hunting. Actually I came out here to test my armor, didn’t I?¨
¨Really Erza, talking to yourself again? You know you’re the only person that can hear you right?¨
Actually, I probably did come out here to test my armor. Except nobody in Randor had armor, that was until I came. I was going deep into the small forest near Newlar’s cottage. It’s about two leagues wide and 4 leagues long. I went in far enough to see the Four Pillars which I had named, since nobody else was brave enough to come see them with me. The place where I always set up camp is in the middle of all four pillars of marble.  It has always been my favorite camp, even the bears and giant boars are too scared to attack with the pillars surrounding me. Near the pillars is a waterfall which I had named Dretch, for the same reason I named the Four Pillars and not someone else.
¨Well guess I have to set up camp, and probably a small forge for improvements¨, I said, talking to myself again.
Even though setting up camp only took an hour the sun was going down already.
¨Guess I´ll just have to set up my forge tent tomorrow.¨ I said thinking ¨Woah!¨ Erza stop talking to yourself already!¨
Going to sleep was a bit hard without my bedroll, but I managed.
The next morning I was going to start a fire, but I realized that I had left my flint back in Newlar´s cottage.
¨Really Erza? You left your flint back at Newlar´s? Are you serious? Ok. so if you don't want to have cold meals for the rest of the week you better go out and find another set. ¨
So I went out with my bow strung, just in case. After an hour of searching I found a piece of flint, but not the steel. Then I noticed there was a small hill made out of stones piled up to look solid, I jumped on it and started searching. It took a lot of time but I finally found the steel around when I should´ve been eating lunch. While I was walking back to camp I heard the cackle of a fire burning. I ran towards it and found a circle of fire, surrounding a round stone that looked like obsidian. I decided it would be too precious to lose in the fire. I ran through the fire snatched the stone and rushed back to camp. Luckily I got back to camp fast enough to cool off the stone.
Then I realized that my pack that I brought from my real home in Lintdell, had been burning and it was already halfway destroyed. It pained me to see the pack that accompanied me for three years being destroyed. But while I was brooding an earsplitting crack split the silence. For a second I thought that I forgot to unstring my bow. But that wasn´t right, it was right next to me, unstrung at that. Then I looked over and saw that the stone had cracked open. ¨Maybe the heat cracked it¨, I said out loud. Right after I said that a lizard, with a head like obsidian popped out, and following it was the rest of a baby dragon.
¨This is amazing! You know what you are right?¨ I said hoping that the dragons in the stories where the same as real ones, so it could talk to me. Instead of answering me it walked over and touched my hand with it´s tiny snout, after that I saw darkness.

I found myself lying on the ground with the dragon staring at me from on top of my chest. 
¨Wonder how long I´ve been out.¨
¨Are you all right?¨
¨Who said that!?¨ t\
The dragon came up and licked my cheek. ¨I did.¨
I could somehow feel that it was amused. ¨Wait... You're talking to me, and you're a dragon.¨
¨Do you think anyone else would be this deep in the forest?¨
¨I only know both of us are here.¨
¨Speak in your mind as I am speaking to you.¨
¨Wait! So you can here my thoughts like this?¨
Right then I realized another presence was inside of me. ¨See you can feel my mind linked to yours.¨ then I collapsed.
This time when I woke the dragon was a little bigger than a bear cub, and was eating a small boar. ¨How long was I unconscious?¨,
¨The big ball of light has gone up twice now.¨ I groaned, that meant I´ve been unconscious for two days!
¨It looks like you´ve been watching me for a while, could you tell me your name?¨
¨Whats your name?¨
¨My name is Erza, and I would still like to know your´s.¨
¨I am Erza¨
¨You can´t be Erza! That´s my name!¨
¨Then whats your friends name?¨
¨His name is Newlar.¨
¨I will be Newlar.¨
¨Could you not choose names of people I know?¨
¨Then who can I be?¨
¨You could be shadow.¨
¨Why would you name me after something without a mind?¨
¨Well when you move it looks like there is a shadow without a creature making it.¨ ¨It does make an interesting name.¨

The next few months were a blur, Shadow was growing like there was no tomorrow, he was already the size of a full grown bear. I was trying to figure out how to use magic. Shadow had taught me one word, Bringars. Shadow said that it could hide us somehow. One time when I was trying to hide a rock, we heard something.
¨GAHH! I can smell food somewhere.¨ The words came from the forest caves.
¨We should probably hide.¨
¨Why? We could obviously at least knock him unconscious.¨
¨I forgot to tell you, the people that live in the forest are usually strong magicians.¨
¨Then we shall fly!¨. He picked me up and jumped hundreds of feet into the air. I heard the yell coming from the ground, ¨I will get you!¨.
¨Don´t think of him Erza, we are free!¨.
I never thought that flying would be this exhilarating. From atop Shadow the whole world looked insignificant compared to us. Then he dove, the wind was whistling past us and the ground was coming up fast. We were weightless until he pulled up, if you could have ten full grown bears on top of you that´s what it felt like. After what felt like an hour Shadow landed near the Jagged Peaks. Randor was at least twenty  leagues from the Jagged Peaks.
¨How did you get us here so fast?¨
¨I am a dragon it has always been in my nature.¨
¨Lets go meet some dwarves!¨ I trotted off into the mountains. It didn’t take too long after a short walk we were about ten miles in. This far in the Peaks looked like each was 4 leagues tall! “Isn’t it amazing that these could be so tall?”
¨Anything that can be bigger than a dragon is amazing.¨ There was the twang sound of a bowstring releasing, I felt an arrow in my shoulder and then I could see nothing.

The Dwarves
Once I came to I heard a few people talking. ¨I think we should kill him.¨
¨I don´t think boss would like that.¨ Another voice cut in. A third voice, ¨I agree with Fillik, he has a dragon too. And boss would pay at least triple for it to.
¨Fine but I still want to kill him.¨
The second voice I think he´s Fillik cut in, ¨Shouldn´t we be conversing in our own tongue and not one he understands?¨ The other two muttered their agreement and started to talk in a language I didn´t understand.
I groaned and sat up, startling the men. They were really quite short compared to everyone in Randor. Thats when it hit me, they were dwarves! They just stared at me like they had never seen me before. ¨Are you dwarves?¨
¨Yes we are, and don´t think you´re gonna escape easily,¨said dwarf with gruff voice that wanted to kill me. Right after he said that a dark streak came flying out from above, swooping past the dwarves. The next time I saw them they were the ones lying on the ground groaning.
¨Hey Erza, did that help?¨
¨Yes that did, thanks Shadow!¨
¨Also, could we get out of here?¨  He swoops in like darkness right after a torch goes out and flips me onto his back. So we flew and flew farther and farther into the distance.

The author's comments:

I am not too good at writing

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