hope MO | Teen Ink

hope MO

May 5, 2016
By olivianewcomb GOLD, Ofallon, Missouri
olivianewcomb GOLD, Ofallon, Missouri
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

First week- Start of outbreak
Experimenting on a new drug that is to be put out for public in two months. On an island in one of the missouri lakes. A group of scientist about 20 worked and lived on a new drug to cure kura. They worked day and night to get it out as soon as possible because it's big money to cure kura. To test to see if the drug works or not they tested on monkeys and rats. The rats seemed to be fine and take the drug with no side effects. Then they watched over the monkeys and it seemed to go the same. The scientist had a little party, drinking and cheering for the huge achievement! They were all in the living room talking and parting away. No one had noticed one of the scientist going to the experiment are. The scientist went to one of the monkey cages and congratulated it for doing a good job! He had leaned in too close with alcohol in hand and the monkey big his fingers. He yelled at the monkey and went back to the party, carrying on. Everyone went to bed and during the middle of the night the Scientist that had got bit went over to a close mate and attacked him!
All the scientist woke up to the screams of the scientist who was getting attacked. They all gave each other a look of frightened because the drug was not successful like they thought. All the scientist fled the facility and locked the two into not spread the disease. Before they had partied they told the people who hired them it was a success, they didn't tell them right away that it wasn't because they were scared of the outcome.

Week two- Spread
With the scientist leaving the two infected, they had escaped. The two found a boat and went to land never to be seen from again. The scientist realised them missing and alerted authority.

Week three- Containment
  Citizens of missouri heard talk of a disease taking humans and started to pack up everything and leave. The government acted fast not wanting a spread so they had missouri blocked off from all other states, no one getting in or out. The Highways are jammed with cars and missouri's electricity is starting to run out. My father and i work on calming my step mom down. Telling her everything will be alright. We prepare for things to happen like this but not quite like this. We all sat down to think of a plan. My step mom suggested to stay at our house. But then we would be only a small group and i know we can make a journey to troy easily.

Week four- prep
My father made a checklist for everything we would bring a long. It couldn't be too many things because we had to carry everything. The list contained multiple guns and ammunition, emergency kits, medical supplies and canned food along with shelter and sleep. We knew we would have to go to a walmart before everyone panicked and raided all the stores.

Week five- journey
We start our journey to hawk point going down 70. With all the cars being abandoned we still keep watch for any infected people. They are smarter than we think, and could evolve to something smarter than we could ever imagine. Along the way we come across an law enforcement, looking in need for help. My father let him join us to hawk point, we could always use another man. Right before we got to 61 in wentzville we stopped at a gas station. My father walked in and said all clear. Little did he know there was one in the storage room and came out to attack him. I ran and tried to get him away almost getting bit myself. If we shot it we would bring other infected and we would be in serious trouble.

Week six-destination
Finally we're in hawk point and at my grandparents, where my cousins are. My father got onto the cb radio and heard the scientist talking about working on a cure. Until then we had to block yourself off from everything else!

Week seven- barrier
With everyone finally together and strength in numbers too, we started to build a fence using lumber we will chop down and old cattle fence and chicken wire. Placing traps to catch any infected trying to climb over. MY father and little cousin jj got to work on cutting down trees while the Law enforcement guy and my grandpa put up the cattle fence.

Week eight- new beginnings
With the scientist help we were able to get a big enough chemical bomb for the whole missouri and kill all the zombies. Once we let it go we had to burn the bodies before the military would let missouri be part of the other 49 states. We always wondered of other states wanted to help or if they just let us fend for yourself and see what was going to happen. We are all just happy its finally over and im so glad i had my father by my side.

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