Superhero | Teen Ink


May 9, 2016
By Anonymous

I have always had trouble making relationships last; everyone always tells me “If he’s capable of breaking your heart then he’s not the right guy, you deserve better anyways.” I used to believe them too, until my best friend was the one who broke my heart. I met Tony Davidson during sophomore year, when I went with my friend to one of his baseball games. We were originally there to support her boyfriend at nationals, but fate took over and ran me right into him while I was walking to my car after the game. That next weekend we went on our first date and we were together for the next three years.
Then one day he took me on a date to see this beautiful meteor shower in the night sky, but little did I know that was gonna be the day that changed the rest of my life. One meteor hit the ground right in front of us. Tony asked me to stay back while he went and looked. He then walked forward to the meteor and it created a big crater that he went down, at this time I could no longer see Tony. All of a sudden I heard, BOOM! Tony came out flying, I ran to him to see if he was okay, but when I got to him I looked in the crater and the meteor was gone. I called 911 as fast as possible and he got rushed into the emergency room; I drove there as fast as possible, but when I got there he was being dismissed.
There was nothing wrong with Tony and he didn’t even remember it. I drove Tony home, I offered to stay with him to make sure he was okay but he insisted for me to go home and that he was perfectly fine. So I went home but I couldn’t sleep, I stayed up all night worried about him. I went to school the next day and Tony wasn’t there, nor would he answer any of my calls. I then went to his house and his mom said he wasn’t there. So I went home and started to call him when all of a sudden I heard a banging on my window, there he was. I opened my window to talk to him, but all he wanted to tell me is that we weren’t gonna work out and that our perfect relationship was now coming to end. I yelled for him as he just walked away with no more words. So I then ran to the door to go outside but by the time I got out there, there was no sign of him. I went back inside and stayed up all night crying.
The next day I skipped school due to the grief I have been left with. I decided to go  back to his house to  look for him but his mom said he hasn’t been home for a few days. I was curious to what could have happened I went looking for him; I went to all his friends houses and yet still no sign of him. I remember him telling me about the one place he loved to be; he would go to the batting cages anytime he felt upset, angry, stressed, anytime he needed to get away this is where you would find him. So when I got there I immediately headed over to the cages and sure enough, there he was hitting each baseball in a furious rage. I yelled his name but he just ignored me, I really couldn’t understand what I did so wrong that he couldn’t even talk to me about it. I wasn’t leaving there without talking to him, he had me on an emotional rollercoaster, and there was no way I was just going to let him get away with it.
I sat silently at the batting cage for hours, I knew this boy better than he knew himself sometimes, and I knew at some point he would break and tell me what was going on. After several hours of sitting there watching him hit ball after ball, with tears running down his face, but still trying to make it seem as if he had it all together like he always tried to do, he finally turned around and came out of the cage. He looked furious but also sad, I couldn’t tell if he wanted to throw me out or hug me. He didn’t do either, instead he sat down next to me,
“Lilly, we can’t be together, after what that meteor did to me, there’s no way I can be with anyone ever again.” Tony said.
“I don’t understand Tony, what are you talking about? What did the meteor do to you? The hospital released you, they said you were fine, if there was something wrong they would have kept you there, they would have helped you.” I exclaimed.
“I can’t explain this to you, you can’t know what’s going on, you wouldn’t understand, Heck! I can’t even grasp it myself.” He said.
Several silent minutes went by.
“Lilly, If I told you what that meteor did to me you would stare at me like I was insane and I don’t think I could handle the pain of seeing you look at me like that.” He confessed.
I did everything I possibly could to assure him that there was nothing he could say to me that I wouldn’t believe, I told him I was in love with him and I would be by his side through anything. Little did I know what anything meant. After being reassured of how I felt about him, Tony realized once again that he could tell me anything and I would never pass judgment. And so he did, he told me everything, and everything was definitely a lot.
Tony told me that even after he was released from the hospital, something didn’t feel right inside, he knew deep down he was not himself anymore. So trying to get it off his mind he went to the batting cages and when he hit his first ball the wooden bat completely shattered and the ball went flying farther than any ball he had ever hit, probably farther than any ball anyone had ever hit. He said it was like he was given super strength or something. Tony was so scared that he ran home and went straight to his room without speaking to anyone, he needed to find out what was going on, so he sat in his room for hours thinking. He finally decided to figure out if he was right, did he really get super strength? So he walked over to his desk to try picking it up and the desk lifted from the floor with ease.
At this point in the story I was in awe but something in me knew he wasn’t just making all this up, this had to of really been happening, because he had never lied to me before. Tony figured the only way this could have happened was from being thrown by that meteor, he told me how scared he was and he really didn’t have any idea what to do. However I had an idea. I had read about this happening to someone else before, there are only two people in the world who know what to do, but I didn’t know how to find them. While we were sitting at the batting cages, I pulled up the article and found the two mens names, they go by the names James Conaway and Blake Fitzgerald. Even with this news I could tell Tony was still scared but I didn’t know what else to do to help him.
I talked him into going home and resting until I could figure out what to do next. I went home as well, not knowing where Tony and I stood in our relationship. However I had to put that aside so I could focus on conducting more research to find these people’s phone numbers. After about an hour of research I found phone numbers for both men, I texted Tony and told him the good news but I didn’t get a reply until the next morning. When he replied he asked if we could meet at the batting cages down the street from his house again because he had something else he needed to tell me. I agreed to meet him around noon and that was the end of our conversation, he was still pretty hesitant on telling me everything that was going on.
I got to the cages about ten minutes early, and while I was sitting there, I felt a huge gust of hind and dust fly towards my face. When I looked over towards the cages Tony was standing there among the dust and flying dirt, I thought to myself it’s like he flew here. Then I realized what he had to tell me, he had discovered a new power, he had the ability to fly as well. At that moment I looked at him and told him we needed to get to Blake and James house immediately. We had to figure out how to keep his powers under control so this didn’t take over his life, like he was worried it would do. So we instantly got in my car and drove to these guys house.
James and Blake lived in a condo off the north shore in Jersey, which is only about a twenty minute drive from our town. When we got there and knocked on the door one of the men answered the door reluctantly, but was reassured when I told him why we were there. The man who opened the door was James and Blake came from behind the door soon after we were let in the house to talk to them. They told us that what Tony was going through is definitely scary but everything will become his normal pretty soon, he just had one choice to make, did he want to put his powers to good use or ignore them and let them stay hidden. Tony looked at me, and I could see the confusion and stress in his big hazel eyes. So I took it upon myself to find out the aspects of each choice. If he chose to ignore them he would have to find a way to control his abilities on his own so nobody else would find out about them. However if he chose to put them to use, he would work them to find a way for him to control them and help them save the city at times the police aren’t able to.
Before we left Blake and James condo they told him he would need to decide within 24 hours or their offer to help him would expire because there’s not much they could do after a certain time within the process. When he asked my opinion I told him what I would personally do, I told him I would take their offer, he could live a more easy and normal life if he had the only two men who were experienced in this, to help him. I think he was hopping I would say that because we both knew that was the better option of the two. So when we got back to his house Tony called blake and told him he was willing to take them up on his offer and Blake told him he would need to come to their condo first thing after school the next day and they would begin his training.
After that day I didn’t talk to Tony for days, I just assumed he was busy with his training and learning to get all his powers under control. However one day I was approached by a man in the school’s parking lot that I had never seen before, he told me I needed to watch my back and that my friend Tony needed to stop his training, or else. I just ignored him and walked away, however I should have listened to him. I was walking to my last hour of the day at school when I felt a cold cloth come across my face and that’s the last thing I could remember when I woke up on a cold cement floor. My eyes were blurry and I couldn’t see much when I first woke up but I was able to make out a figure of a man standing above me. When my eyes cleared up I recognized him, it was the man that threatened me earlier that day in the parking lot. When he saw me shuffling around on the ground he walked up to me and said,
“I gave you specific instructions, Lilly and you didn’t follow them, I warned you that you wouldn’t like what happens if you failed to follow my directions. Now your sweet Tony is going to watch you suffer.”
He then walked out of the room and was gone for several hours.
The man finally returned and proceeded to set up a camera, it was a video chat and I could hear Tony’s voice coming across the microphone.
“TONY!” I yelled for him.
“Lilly! I’m coming, we’re going to save you. Lilly! Don’t worry I’m coming.” He yelled back.
He promised me, Blake, James, and himself were going to save me, and he would be there as soon as he possibly could. He urged me to stay strong. I assured him I was a tough girl and I could handle this, however I begged him to find me and come save me. No matter how many times I reassured myself Tony would be there soon, I was still terrified.
The man left me in the basement alone for hours before he came down the wooden stairs again and dragged me to my feet. He threw me on a table and strapped me down. He went behind a plastic  curtain that looked like it belonged in a bathroom. I had no idea what was behind it, I didn’t really want to know either, but suddenly everything in the house started shaking and loose things began to fall off the shelves. He swiped the curtain away and stared at me like he was crazed, his eye was twitching, his lip was quivering, and the veins in his forehead and neck were bulging out. He knew what was going on, however I was completely clueless, it seemed to me like he had been through this before but me on the other hand was completely in the dark. The crazed man sprinted up the stairs and I heard rustling and stomping coming from above, meanwhile I was still strapped to the wooden death table.
After about ten minutes of listening to what sound like a fight on the floor above me, the basement door opened with a loud squeak. I couldn’t turn my head to see who was running down the stairs toward me because of the restraint around my neck, but I prayed it wasn’t the crazy man. I closed my eyes as if that would make the person coming toward me not be the psycho who kidnapped me. I heard my name and instantly recognized the voice, It was Tony, he was here, he saved me from the crazed man. He unstrapped me from the hard table and carried me outside, where James and Blake were standing.
“The man that kidnapped you was a villain who took new and upcoming superheros loved ones and hurt them. He believed this would prevent people from making the decision to put their new powers to good use. This wasn’t the first time this man has struck, taking family members and the people new superheroes loved. However this was the last time.” Tony explained
I stared at him confused.  
“He won’t hurt you anymore Lilly, He’s dead.” Tony said, he looked like he was going to be sick
Tony escorted me home he wanted me to rest so I would recover from my kidnapping. Even though Tony had risked his life for me I still didn’t know where our relationship stood. No matter how bad I didn’t want to ask him this question, I had to. He was sitting on the corner of my bed while I was laying down next to him. I looked up at him and stared into his big beautiful hazel eyes and the world just flooded out.
“Tony I need to know, where do we stand, are we together or are we broken up for good, I know you have a lot going on right now. You may not know exactly who you are anymore but I think I have proven myself and have proven that I am here for you through anything…”
He cut me off in the middle of my sentence with a kiss…
“Lilly, you’re mine, you always have been, you’re my best friend and I am so sorry I doubted you, I love you so much, thank you for never leaving my side. I am so happy you forced me to talk to you, thank you for putting your life on the line for me, and believing in me. I could have never done any of this without you. I would love you to be my girlfriend if you would be willing to date a huge jerk like me ever again.”
Of course I still loved him and was not ready to give up on our relationship, so the next day I returned to school and walked in holding the hand of my superhero.

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