I Dreamed of a Forest | Teen Ink

I Dreamed of a Forest

May 9, 2016
By Magi_Mae BRONZE, Dansville, New York
Magi_Mae BRONZE, Dansville, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is like a piano; the white keys represent happiness and the black keys represent sadness. But as you go through life's journey, remember that even the black keys make music.

Beep…. Beep.... Beep….
     I can feel the cool air tickle my face and the dripping of fresh dew on my nose. I wake up lying on the wet soil. I slowly sit up, taking in my surroundings. I sit there baffled and cold. It seems I’m in a forest of sorts. Gosh the trees are so green and mysterious; I wonder what secrets they could be hiding? The sight was breathtaking, to put it simply. I could have stared at the bulbous flowers exploding from the ground in loud pinks, yellows, and blues all day long. My admiration was interrupted by a rustling of a few bushes. And to my amazement, there were pixies fluttering about the begonias. Two leading the way and one slowly trailing behind the others. As they passed the flowers and seedlings, dust escaping their persona, the plants grew taller and taller. 
Beep…. Beep…. Beep….
     I squealed at the sight, frightening them. They stared at me for what seemed to be an infinite amount of time. The one pixie fluttering behind the rest had such beautiful golden locks and a warming smile that seemed so familiar to me, and yet too distant to recall who I’m reminded of. They all urge me to follow after them as they fly by me, deeper into the forest. I chase after them and once I catch up, I start to notice more and more unusual occurrences; It was as if I were in a cartoon. Seeing talking trees and animals, pixies, elves, the whole number. The elves especially were so friendly towards me. And there were two who were so reminiscent of someone. They looked like twins actually. But, I couldn’t quite put my finger on who exactly. Those two elves bring me close and whisper in my ear, “We’ll be right back!” and quickly run off into a small mushroom-like home, halting our adventure. When they return, they are accompanied by what looks like a cloud. As they approach me, I notice that the cloud is actually a beautiful white satin ball gown. And to my amazement, it fit me like a glove. I try to ask about it, but they stop me and continue down the path leading into what looks like a village full of fairytale creatures and beauties.
Beep… Beep… Beep…
     At the end of our journey, we reach what looks like a makeshift throne grown out of a tree, and next to said tree is a scroll jutting out of a stump. The pixie I first recognized retrieved the scroll and aloud she read of a prophecy; supposedly my prophecy. It said that a young and beautiful firey redhead by the name of Giselle (that’s me) will arise from a hundred year slumber and rule over the Enchanted Forest of TocuLasa. I stumble around, taken aback.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
     I didn’t sign up for this. How am I to know how to rule a kingdom of mythical creatures? I don’t want to be queen of “Tocu-whatever it is”. My heart seems to be beating out of my chest. With thousands of magical and beady eyes upon me, I politely curtsy and smile, turn and run. I run from the throne and the angry creatures following me, yelling for me to stop. Run from the flowers and the trees. Picking up speed, I run through a maze of trees and winding paths. What I once saw as beautiful and alluring now holds more fear for me. How do I get out of this never-ending forest? I want to go home, wherever that may be.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep
     During my panic attack, I trip over an upraised root in the ground and tumble down a hill. As I’m tumbling, world spinning, I think of why those creatures looked so familiar to me... All of a sudden, the dress, (no longer a cloud, more like Cinderella’s raggy outfit) snags on a twig. I abruptly stop tumbling and smack my head square on a treetrunk, falling unconscious.


Beep… Beep… Beep…

    I wake up… not in a forest in my newly ragged dress. But in a hospital, wearing a yellow hospital gown (that’s a wee bit too tight for me, I must admit). The overhead lights too bright for my adjusting eyes. I look around my room, at the IV drip in my arm, the monitor, the checkered linoleum floors, the… friendly elves? No, not elves. They’re my... brother and sister? Yes! That’s why they were so familiar! I remember them and how they were always helping me before I was in this state. They were my best friends. And.. the pixie too.. It’s not a pixie at all, but my mother. I stare at the pixie. Sorry, mom. I remember her too; always there caring for me and loving me. Never giving up on me. And now, her beautiful smile hidden under the tears falling down her face. She’s running over to me, tripping over her feet. Gripping me tight, she says, “What has it been? A hundred years?!”. I smirk.

The author's comments:

I kind of got inspiration from Alice and Wonderland and the magical creatures in it. And how truly, none of it was real.

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