Found in a perfect world | Teen Ink

Found in a perfect world

May 16, 2016
By mickymouse777 BRONZE, Louisville, Colorado
mickymouse777 BRONZE, Louisville, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a beautiful day in Fairhope, Alabama as finnegan kissed his wife Kylie and wished his twin daughters a good first day at elementary school he walked out of the house and unlocked his Chevy Tahoe and typed in his GPS the location of his new job.As he drove down his neighborhood and waved hello to his wifes good friend Janet and her husband Bob.

As he pulled into the driveway of the recently renovated national bank he applied to ever sense the job at the plumbing job did not pay enough for his new lifestyle. He began work that morning, and thought to himself that this is what he had always dreamed of when he was imprisoned in Bayview. “Alright, to prove that you're competent in accounting, we will set you up with a small business and see how you manage.” Finnegan almost jumped out of his seat at the sound of the new manager who had entered into his office without notice. Finnegan stood up and approached the pudgy and cute short man. “Hello my name is Finn…” “Quiet son, i already know your name, if anything you should know mine.” “I am Mr.Adam Conwester and you will be answering to me from now on, so expect to see good work out of you.” To his dismay finnegan replied back “ Yes sir, i understand you have the highest expectations for me, and i want to succeed to those.” So finnegan knew he had to make this the best work performance he has ever done.

So his day went on, he performed as well as he could in hopes that Mr.Conwester would enjoy his working ethics. He learned new things and met new people. One specific person stuck out to him, Rob keller. Rob Keller seemed to only cared about his work. His mind was set on how he performed and the money he made. Finnegan  wanted to introduce himself. “Hi i'm Finnegan, but you can call me finn.” “I noticed you know a lot about this job, and wanted to know if you had any pointers that you could tell me to improve myself.” Rob looks at him with a straight look “To learn how to do the job you have to figure it out yourself” Finnegan starred for a second, and walked away from him. So he let his day go. He just kept going and trying to understand what Mr.Keller meant. He felt like maybe he was just busy, and he could ask a moment when he has time.

He finally went home, and again greeted Kylie, and kissed his beloved daughters, and told them we will talk at dinner. He arranged his work clothes and papers that he has to bring tomorrow to work. As he was getting ready tomorrow he heard a loud scream “FINNEGAN, DINNER IS READY!”  he walked downstairs, and was looking straight at his family, and with a dear smile he sat down to enjoy this family time. “So how was your first day kids” “They both responded with an ecstatic look on his face, “It was amazing dad!” “I met so many new people!” Finnegan with a big smile on his face “I'm so glad it was a good day!” “And Kylie, how was your day?” “It was good, I trimmed the bushes in the front lawn and cleaned the house!” “That's wonderful darling” Kylie looked at him with a forgotten look “I forgot to tell you! Did you know we have new neighbors across the street!” “I saw a lady in her front lawn cutting the grass, they look wonderful, we should go introduce our family to them!” “It seems they have a family of their own” Finnegan agreed and was excited about meeting them, especially because he hasn't really met normal people since Bayview.

The next day kylie told finnegan they would introduce themselves to the new neighbors after finnegan gets home from work. So finnegan headed to work to have another day of learning new things and people. As he arrived he saw Rob Keller again, He looked so straight faced, like finnegan was familiar to that kind of face, but he ignored it. “Rob! I wanted to know what you meant yesterday, when you told me to figure it out myself?” Rob looked at him, “I don't have an explanation” and rob kept walking. Finnegan started thinking what was wrong with him, but he just carried on with his walk. Work went on and finnegan was anxious to meet the new neighbors, he was so excited to meet new people! Kylie was at home making cookies for them and tidying up herself. Work was exhausting for Finnegan, It was so dreadful, because he just wanted to leave. He glanced at the clock and the clock read 4:45, he thought to himself only fifteen more minutes,then he can go home, and those fifteen minutes felt like the longest fifteen minutes of his life. Work ended, and he walked out, following rob. “It was a good day Rob!” “Have a good night!” finnegan said ecstatically. Rob just looked back with a straight face and kept walking. Finnegan thought maybe he just didn't hear him, he just ignored it and went to his car. He drove home as fast as he could, just so he could greet Kylie and his daughters then head across the street to his neighbors.

He arrives at his house, and as walks in “We have to go Finn!” “I've been so excited all day!” “It's the first time we've met new people since Bayview, and that was horrifying but we have to move on!” “So let's get the kids and go!” Kylie rushes to the other room to grab the kids, And finnegan goes and grabs the cookies Kylie made for the new neighbors. They walked over there, it looked very dark inside the house but they still went to ring the doorbell. The bell rang but nothing, not even a little sound was made, but their cars were outside. Kylie and Finnegan were really confused, they just rang the doorbell again just incase they didn't hear it, So they rang it and then they saw a light turn on. They hoped they didn't wake them, but they still get to meet them. The door slowly opened, and a woman's voice muttered, “can i help you?” “Yes, Hi i'm Kylie and this is Finnegan, we are your neighbors and we just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood” then a man walked up and finnegan looked at him, It was Rob! “Hey rob!, i didn't know you lived here, i live right across the street!” The couple looked at them with a blank stare, and took the cookies and shut the door. Kylie and Finnegan looked at eachother, like they recognized that stare, It was like a flashback from Bayview. Kylie looked around. “Do you think what i'm thinking Kylie?” “I recognize that stare anywhere, and rob is very strange at work.” “Kylie you don't thin…” “No finnegan! You're being paranoid!” “Dont ever bring that up again, maybe they are tired.” ‘Lets just go home” And finnegan and kylie walked across the street back to their home. Finnegan couldn't help but think about his past, because he remembers that stare, so dark and unsatisfied with their life. He knew Kylie wouldn't let him talk about it, so he decided he was gonna find out on his own. So he started planning all through the night what he was going to do.

The next day he went straight to work, determined to find out Rob and his wife's secret, He walked straight up to rob “You and your wife were very rude to my wife last night” “She was very nice to you guys and you shut the door on us!” Rob looked over “We simply don't want to have new people in our lives, we have a certain way of living and new people aren't apart of it.” “So i'm not sorry, but thank you for the cookies” Finn knew exactly what was going on. They were from Bayview and he didn't know what to do. He had to get people to believe him, even kylie. So he again made a new plan, He had to expose them, he just didn't know how. He learned in bayview, that the only way to expose them was to be like them, because then they will believe they brainwashed yet another person so they will tell them more things about each other, because they assume that other people are apart of that “perfect world” So finn went to try to convince kylie.

He walked through the door to and was set on finding kylie, he searched everywhere, and he finally found her in the backyard. She was with Robs wife! Finnegan said hello, and asked Kylie if they could talk. He walked into the house “kylie, our new neighbors, they have a secret.” “Remember that blank stare, and the routined days, and the way they act around people that were new to bayview.” “Well that's how they are and we can't let them brainwash anyone else, because then it will be a new Bayview” “And we cannot let that happen Kylie” Kylie stared “Finnegan, i think you're paranoid, and thinking about the past too much” “If you get to know…” “Kylie! That's exactly what they want, so they can brainwash anyone and everybody!” “I bet half of the bank is already brainwashed because of rob” “Please kylie trust me, If you saw rob at work you would know right away” Kylie sighed “Finn, you have one chance to show me what you're saying is true, but if you don't find anything…” “you will just have to deal with us all being neighborhood friends.” Finnegan agreed and kylie went back outside to ask her leave. Finnegan and kylie talked all night, all the way into the morning, finnegan agreed to call work and tell Mr. Conwester he was sick, because kylie now knew he was telling the truth. They had the plan to get them  to leave, and it couldn't be that hard considering they escaped Bayview.

A few days later, their plan was in place. Kylie had everything set up so Rob and his wife would come to their house and they would tell them and threaten to tell everyone their secret if they don't leave now. Finnegan and kylie were very nervous that it wouldn't work but they hoped for the best. There was a knock on the door Kylie looked at Finnegan and walked slowly to the door. She opened it and witnessed two other people with Rob, and they have never seen those two people ever before. They walked in with force and sat down. “We know you know our secret” “And we have to make sure it never gets out” one of the men said “We remember you Finnegan” “And we remember you Kylie” the other man said. We are not trying to harm you, because even if you stayed in bayview you would've done something  to corrupt the way of life.” “We only brought Rob and his wife here to watch you” “And you noticed too quick” the men said “We now are able to come to your location whenever we please, because well it wasn't very hard to find you here in Fairhope” Finnegan frantically looked at kylie, Not knowing what to do or what to say. Kylie was so scared but knew she and finnegan needed to stay strong and not break, because that's what they wanted. Finnegan got up and told them “You will not take over Fairhope” “This is our town, we moved here to get away from you people” “You have Bayview and that so called perfect life” “And my family is here” You will never get away with this.” “Me and kylie learned, the best way to be stronger than others is be yourself and in bayview you can't do that” “If bayview just opened up and stopped the brainwashing, you'd have so many more people in the town and more normal people to be around” Kylie interrupted “Wouldn't you like that sir” The men stared at eachother with a blank stare, and got up shook Finnegans hand and left. Kylie hugged Finnegan and was so proud he stood up for himself. The night came to an end and finnegan felt strong.

A few weeks later someone came knocking on the door. It was the men again. “You guys were very strong for sticking up to what you believe and think is right” “We took your advice and reversed the brainwashing of every person in bayview and opened it up to everyone” “ and ever since that, Bayview has been better than ever” So we came here to say thank you” The men walked away and finnegan and Kylie felt like they finally made everything right again, and in the end, they knew the “Perfect world” would end sooner or later, it just needed a little motivation.

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