Half way to the cure | Teen Ink

Half way to the cure

May 12, 2016
By FlorM BRONZE, Springville, Utah
FlorM BRONZE, Springville, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone in town knows Jolene; she’s the king’s daughter. She reflects splendid and joyful, looking so innocent, as her locks of blonde hair fall over her shoulders, her perfect eyes of emerald green as  she smiles with such joy. She has fascinated everyone,when she does her little dance of happiness. But her little act has to come to an end, as her secret starts to spread who will stay loyal to her. On the other hand, there is  the new family, the Andersons, who moved into town. Cadet is a beautiful, curly haired, brunette who has to learn to control herself. In her eyes you can find the truth, but not all of it,  she has learned to be a good liar too. She’s a little trouble as she is known for her pranks. Jacob is her brother. He’s strong as he has a six pack; he likes to impress the ladies. He plays the guitar and likes to sing, he is loyal to his sister, Cadet. He loves both of his parents and does not want to betray them.
On June of 1974, here in the kingdom of Malvrek, the roads shining magnificent as though they’d been cleaned with clear rock,  and with carousels riding by and by. And that ginger smell, oh that ginger smell, It was to die for. I, Cadet could feel the sun burning through my skull, as if I didn’t know it was summer already. I could hear the chauffeur's  yelling at the crowds to move along. I thought to myself “ It’s gonna suck here, I just know it.” My brother looking out the windows and saying “ Hello ladies” with a flip of his wrist  I can’t believe they actually fall for it. But he´s quite the sweetheart. Well for one thing I’ve heard about that girl, What’s her name, Jolene, she’s the king's daughter that means she’s like boss royalty.
“Hopefully she’s not mean, cause she might be one of those who likes to take charge and do whatever she wants.” I kept saying that to myself, hoping it’d come true. At my old school I’d get bullied, never really had friends of my own. So I just wish this change can be for something good, and real. Probably everyone hates me because I have a huge secret that if anyone finds out I could get killed, my family could get killed. I have to protect them. I can’t let anyone harm them.
“Hurry we’re going to be late, if you two don’t start walking faster,” mom turns to tell us. We have a meeting with the owner of our new house, boring. I just need a relaxing time and I have to tell my brother, the secret I’ve been holding is of no good use if I can’t tell anyone. After that stupid meeting  where, all he asked was if we could clean, and if we were trustworthy and if we owned a cow, I mean seriously what does that have to do with selling a house. Now we were off to meeting with the king, Aristole and Jolene, I don’t know if I was excited or scared. As we sat down on these super comfy, couches I was thinking “these must have cost a fortune.”
“Everything in here must have cost a fortune.” They entered the room, They seemed nice. Well at least they looked nice, Aristole presented his daughter. Then both sat at the same time and both scooted in. I think we made a good impression, after all we  had a lot of things in common. Aristole told us how, school here is just the best, apparently they have a class for actors, drama  too, I think i’ll finally like it here. Being an actress is what i’ve always wanted and drama classes could help. “Jolene takes drama”  he said, then we said our goodbyes he told us to be carefull too.
“Why” asked my mom, “You haven’t heard the legend, well now where you’re living, a thousand years ago an old witch used to live there.” he kept telling us “She was banned from here but she came back, someone set her house on fire.” He said, then my mom added, “Then how are we living there now, if you said it burned down.”
he replied, “Well some say that she came back to life to reconstruct the house, she was very powerful.”
“Which brings me up to saying that witches aren’t allowed.” as he said that, I burst out laughing I don’t know what bit me, but I could stop myself.
“It’s not possible witches don’t exist” I said  sounding worried.
“As a matter of fact I’ve met a witch myself, we were best friends, but she got killed.”  “oh i’m so sorry” I said
“oh don’t be she had to be killed.” Now I was scared if witches did come here, not even if they were nice, they would be killed. I noticed that Jolene didn’t talk the whole time that we talked, about witches, and she seemed pale. We left but still we're  walking, now finally home. My feet were sinking into my shoes, I could feel it. My brother tried making us laugh, nope didn’t work, we weren’t up for laughing. We felt relief when we entered our new home. To my surprise I loved it, my bedroom was huge and I loved the color. It reminded me of how close we all used to be, and now it feels like that again, I love it.
The alarm kept ringing, like it didn’t have anything better to do, but whatever, i’ll go to school and try to fit in. I swallowed breakfast whole and ran to the bus stop, I got there and looked amazed at how big and beautiful, school was. Walking, but not looking I accidently bumped over this guy.
“oh my, I’m so sorry I wasn’t looking.”
“You must be Cadet, right” he said proudly “yes how do you know”
“I’d remember if I saw a face that beautiful, and the principal announced your welcoming.” “oh great so everyone knows me.” I said  “hahaha something like that, so hey i’m Tristan.” he said “well you know me already, but nice meeting you.” he walked me to my first class, we had drama and math and science, together He left towards his first class. I saw Jolene glancing at me, and walked towards me. “So you’ve met Tristan” “Yes he seems really cool”  and cute I thought to myself. “Yup he is, he’s my boyfriend” she said that with such confidence “boyfriend?” my voice cracking  “We met each other over at Las Vegas and then both went to school here.” she said moving her hands, “That’s cool, you guys totally make a cute couple” I said not knowing if I meant it. Jolene and I had drama together too. I went over to my L.A. class, feeling kinda sick, I sat down and then the teacher made me stand up and say my name, and what I liked to do. “good thing that’s over” I said to myself. Next i’m off to math, with that cute guy, Tristan, bad thing he’s taken. I entered class, Tristan waved for me to sit by him. Should I, cause I don’t want to feel awkward, but I did. “Hey what’s up, I met your girlfriend” oh why did I just say that, I said to myself, “What girlfriend” he asked confused  “Jolene” I said “ oh her, she’s my ex.” He said relieved “but she said you were her boyfriend” I said feeling ashamed  “she said that, she’s just not over it, I can’t believe her.” he said a little upset, “She’s like that once you get to know her like I did, she’ll make things up and treat you like your less than her, that’s why we broke up.” wow I thought to myself I thought she’d actually be pretty cool. I really enjoyed drama the best but now it´s the end of the day
At home I decided it’d be time to tell my brother, tell him the truth, if he’d hate me so let it be. Although I really hope he will understand and love me the same. I was forcing myself over to his room, knocked on door, with a frightened look. “Hey what’s up, come in” he said so sweetly, “I have to tell you something, i’ve been holding it in for quite a while now, and I just need to let you know.” I said kinda whispering, sadly. “Go ahead, Cadet you can tell me anything, trust me” “This could get me killed promise me you won’t tell.” I was scared, “What did you do? I promise not to tell, but if it’s bad….” “I’M A WITCH, alright, i’m a witch” I said kinda loud and relived, “What? But how? You’re my sister and a….” he sounded afraid of me or shocked. At least I did it.
In the morning Jacob ignored me, I could see that mom knew something was up, but she didn’t ask, she stayed quiet. Dad walked into the kitchen, with his hair combed up and blue eyes wide opened, he looked as if he’d just seen a ghost, or worse me. He raised his voice, “Honey we haven’t paid for this month, we barely have enough, you have to work harder.” “Oh so i’m the one, that hasn’t worked hard enough, guess who has to clean and mop these floors, or cook, don’t ever tell me I don’t work hard enough.” she responded, I couldn’t stand the thought of them fighting, so I went to my dad’s desk and chanted a few words under my breath. “Sorry honey, I got under control I’m just gonna head to my work space.” I left towards my room after I heard my dad coming. “Hey rebecca come over here.” my mom headed up stairs “so are you calling me to fight again or what” she said “no, I was wondering if you put all this money in here.” he said relieved with a smile on his face. I had one mission left to do, go to school, yay super fun. I saw Jolene with Jacob. I snaked my way over there, Jolene smiled, but Jacob left. “I’m throwing a party tonight would you like to come” she asked “yea sure, why not” I actually felt like partying it’s been a while since I had fun.”
I walked towards the back of the school, there this girl named Christy came up to me, literally spitting out her words. “oh hi what’s your name, actually I don’t care. I have heard that the king is going to spread a horibe Flouster.” “What’s a Flouster” I asked but  she left without nearly saying bye. But I really do want to know what she meant, so I walked and found Tristan standing there. Oh no he saw me, I walked away, but he followed. “Hey Cadet, what’s up” he said as he walked closer, “nothin much, but I have a question, do you perhaps know what a Flouster is. Cause this girl walked up to me and told me that the king will spread a horrible Flouster” I said with anxiousness. “Wait is he really gonna do that, oh no, I can’t believe he actually thinks their back.” he seemed worried “who’s back and again what is a Flouster.” “ok i’ll explain everything but it’s complicated” he said, “keep going” I really wanted to know all about it. “ok then, well a very long time ago, in this very town lived witches, they actually lived in your house,” I can’t believe that, what if they were my ancestors. “well the house got burned down, and they died because of the Flouster. People think that witches are dangerous and shall not live.” he said  “Do you think that?” I said with small tears dripping. “Um well a Flouster is a disease that only witches get, and it’s very dangerous, but there’s a cure and a map that no one knows where it is.” I left nearly crying, and I can’t believe he didn’t answer when I asked if he thought that too. I was heading home, I need to tell Jacob, tell him what’s going to happen and hopefully he stops ignoring. “Jacob please I need to talk to you, something catastrophe will happen and I need your help.” I said with the little of voice I had left  “ Are you talking about the Flouster,” he said “How do you know” I was surprised, “The whole town is talking about it, and I have a plan, I found a map to the cure, surprisingly it was in our basement with a bunch of spell books.” “What, seriously you did this all for me,” I was so happy, can’t even explain it “There’s only a problem, a piece of the map is missing, we need to find it, the Flouster will be spread tomorrow.” “ We will find it don’t worry” I said almost sure. We entered the house it spelled like apple pie, delicious although I was scared, I felt calm.
I was walking over to  Jolene’s house, for the party. When I got there, I saw Jolene making magic, was she a witch too, that’s not possible. “ Jolene what are you doing?” “Are you a witch?” I didn’t care I started blurting out my thoughts, “I can explain” she said as her eyes smirted. “I know what I saw, don’t lie” “Are you a witch, it’s ok tell me.” I tried sounding fierce, “Why would I tell you, who are you for me to tell you.” she’s getting on my last nerve “I’m a witch, I know how you feel.” I blurted out again.  “I don’t believe you, prove it” she said, I got my wand out and chanted, I turned her car into a snake, “ha now do you believe me” I said  “yup, but have you heard about the Flouster my dad is spreading.” She said feeling scared, “I found the cure, well not the cure a map” I said to make her feel better “you what, you have the map, that’s fantastic when are we leaving.” as she responded, I thought to myself, “I never had really thought about this, how am I going to tell my mom, she would freak, would I just leave her.” My thoughts ended up in words, “My dad doesn’t know I’m a witch either” she told me “How can your dad not know, he’s going to spread the Flouster and might end up killing his own daughter” my voice altered. “That’s why we got to leave now, call your brother and lets find this cure” her voice in a cough, “Do you think he spread it” I couldn’t help it but say that, “Why” she asked “Because we are both coughing and I feel dizy.” I said as I almost fell, we ran to find Jacob. “Jolene we don’t have the full map It’s just a piece” I could barely see where she was, “Don’t worry whenever you get closer the map brings you a little surprise along with more of the map.” she said “Wow you know a lot about witches, I just do pranks.” We headed toward the forest, among were leaves of color, green splendid, with birds passing by singing a lullaby. There was a path, and long trees, you could no longer see the houses from here it was like a roof made of leaves and branches. We kept on going, “hey did you hear that’’ I jumped from my place “hear what” Jolene looked confused. “SO YOU GUYS ARE WITCHES” when we heard that we turned to Jacob, “It’s not time to joke” we both said, “But I didn’t do anything” Jacob said, “AhhhhhhhhhhhAhhhhhhhhh” we all yelled in desperation. This giant monster was following us his green dark fur covered his eyes, with hands of both combined feet and nails. He picked me up, shoving me up to a tree, “let me go” I couldn’t speak as I felt his finger covering over my mouth. Jacob runs over pulls a sword and bam, shoves it in real hard. “Jacob you saved me” I hugged my brother feeling protected, “See I told you new surprises pop up” Jolene said with pride. We walked getting closer, we came towards a bridge, not just any kind of bridge it looked as if a pin dropped it would just fall apart into tiny pieces. I sure didn’t want to walk on there, but just as I turned around I saw a bunch of monkeys chasing us. We all just rushed through the bridge, from the back the blocks tearing, we ran faster, frightened.
Afterall we got over safely but not for long, a monkey had gotten over, his sharp teeth opened wide with large fingernails, it wasn’t just any monkey It was a mixture of human. My brother through a knife and shot him, and then we ran. The next step to the map had a signal, and it spoke to us, saying “I’m the map speaking to you, I have a message hear carefully. I’m pretty sure there’s not just one witch here searching for the cure, but there only is one cure and only one of you can have it.” Jolene snatched the map out of my hand before I could do anything, she took of running as if all we’d been together didn’t matter. Jacob ran as Jolene didn’t notice that the map had fallen. “Run Cadet we can’t let her win, she betrayed us first.” Jacob ran too, “I can’t believe I trusted her, she was kind but now look at her she ran away supposedly  having the map.” well at least we had the map, but she would have to die, I had a horrible thought, what if she comes back takes the map and leaves me to die.
“I don’t know what she’s capable of Jacob” I was officially scared, he responded “Don’t worry she can’t do you anything, I’m right here.” he said  “Jacob watch out”  I jumped to get him out of the way, therefore there was a fireball heading our way, and I could see more coming. Then out of the corner of my eye I spot Jolene, with half my eye opened I could feel the ground shrinking me to size, and everything around me spined around like a windmill. Then I fell to the ground. “Wake up cadet, cadet can you hear me, cadet, cadet, wake up, are you alright.” That echoed in my head, as I could feel rising, my spirit emerging I knew now that I was dead, I was departing  this world.
Five months later. I found myself in this room full of broken glass and a chandelier half down. Then I saw a women, I was half awake and I felt subdued she talked to me saying “You got to get out of here you're the only one who can.” the words rumbled in my mind like a bunch of lost puzzle pieces. “Your a really powerful witch and you can come back to life” I was shocked when she said that. I had plenty of questions but all I asked was  “How?” She told me how to get out of here a spell that required lots of energy, I wasn’t sure if I could channel a lot of power, after all I was just Cadet a girl born with an ordinary family that didn’t know that I was a witch. “vitos como as preser, vitos como as preser” I repeated those words hoping I could come back and see my family, those words were part of the spell. A tornado of wind surrounded  around me, I could feel the breeze as my nose bleed, the drops of blood falling straight from my face. One second there and the next I am not, I felt as cold as the icy roads back home, like a chilly friday night. But when I opened my eyes I knew exactly where I was and exactly what I had to do. I went to the kitchen, I hugged my brother from behind he turned to see me, “Cadet, is that really you!!! How is this even possible,” he was now crying in joy “But I saw you die.” “shhh, I am here now, that's all that matters” I brought my finger to his mouth. I didn't know what would happen next but I sure did know, that the whole town had to know who Jolene really was.

The author's comments:

Hey, My name is Flor and if you knew me you would know that I'm funky and weird and kind, I like to have fun and I like to make my friends happy. When I write I feel like I have something to say I feel safe and I love to just get my thoughts on paper. I like to be able to create my own world and just write new characters. I also like to dance and sing. 

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