Carbon Black | Teen Ink

Carbon Black

May 12, 2016
By sav0528 BRONZE, Hemet, California
sav0528 BRONZE, Hemet, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Since the age of 9, Elizabeth could never fit in. She always was the odd one out, whether it was in sports or in academics, Elizabeth was falling behind. Elizabeth was born in 1694 in France. She had shiny blonde hair and soothing giant eyes. By the time she turned 16 she had acknowledged she really was an outcast, and there was nothing she could do about it. Her family tried to help her along and encouraged her, but there was only so much they could offer. Elizabeth lived with her grandmother and her grandfather. She never knew her parents; her grandparents did not like to talk about them very much. But, one day her grandmother had sat her down and explained that there weren’t very good people. Her grandmother was very shaken up by the topic, yet continued on. She told Elizabeth that they were scientists, of course that didn’t seem too bad but it was hard for her grandmother to press on. Elizabeth told her grandmother that it was okay, and that she did not have to tell her anymore. 
On Elizabeth’s 18th birthday, she had stayed after school to study for finals. Of course she stayed later than planned and it was far past dark when she begun to walk home. She did not mind the dark, but knew her grandmother would be worried. Upon arriving on her property she felt something was wrong, very wrong. She walked up to the door and reached for the handle, the door was about an inch opened beforehand. Elizabeth pressed the heavy door and was hit with nothing but silence from the inside. Her heart pushed into her stomach as she walked through the wide doorway. Elizabeth called for her grandparents, but there was no answer. She believed they could have gone to bed, but something did not feel right. Dragging her feet up the creaky stairs, Elizabeth approached the door to their bedroom. Inch by inch she turned the shiny door knob. Peeking around the now open door, she saw her grandma laying on the floor beside her grandfather. Elizabeth shuffled toward them only to find they both had their eyes open, piercing into her own green eyes. She could not breathe, she could not move, she could not scream. She was emotionally paralyzed. She heard a creek behind her and soon was blinded; she felt a sharp prick in her neck. Soon everything faded away, swallowed by darkness.
Woozy and confused, Elizabeth began to come to. She opened her dry eyes and was greeted with a bright light above her. She heard mumbling around her and became aware of the restraints gripping her wrists and ankles. A man walked into the room. He was tall and had little hair, he dressed young but was very old in the face. He just stared at her for awhile. Eventually he approached her, “Hello Elizabeth. My name is Antoine Lavoisier. I am your father.” In shock, Elizabeth began to panic. He couldn’t be her father could he? For a long time it was quiet, no one spoke or even moved. At one point Antoine would ask Elizabeth questions but she would not even blink. He walked over and released the bands holding her down. Elizabeth sat up and looked around, Antoine was gone. The room was mostly dark; soon a light flickered on above what looked like a mirror. Shakily she patted her feet toward the mirror. But once she looked into it, she could never forget what looked back at her. Once a normal girl with long, shiny, thick hair and big green eyes now had no hair, and eyes so black you'd think you were dying. She looked closer and her skin looked translucent. She could not believe what she was witnessing. Raising her hands to touch her face, Elizabeth noticed her hands. They were black and grainy. Her face covered with sharp edges and felt smooth in the flat areas. She questioned herself with sad eyes, “What am I? What happened to me?” Her body quivered as Antoine’s voice came over the speakers, “You my daughter are carbon, Black carbon to be exact. You will be a superhero, the world’s superhero.” Tears of black streamed down her crystal cheeks. She could not understand why he chose her, why he had to do this to her. “Let me tell you a little about this marvelous element. It is the most abundant element, therefore you are eternal. It can withstand temperatures up to 3550*C, you are made up of the purest forms of carbon. Because of the diamond in you, you have the highest thermal conductivity. You can manipulate all forms of carbon and for constructs or change into various physical states while altering your properties.” He grinned, “You’re my best creation.” All Elizabeth could do was shake. She fell to her knees and stared at her hands. “If you’re, my father, where is my mother?” Elizabeth whispered. “You see, your mother and I were both scientists. We enjoyed life’s mysteries and figuring them, out. We completed things other people could only dream of.
One day, we wondered about crime and the punishers. Could we create a superhero? Well being so familiar with elements, we decided to use one for the basis of our experiment. We chose carbon. Only problem was that we had no one to test it on. Your mother volunteered as the test subject. Sadly, the experiment had failed worse that we could imagine. The carbon seeped into her lungs and created permanent damage to her heart and lungs. But, more serious was the fact she was pregnant with you. She died giving birth; her heart could not take it.” He turned his back to Elizabeth She sighed, “Did you kill my grandparents? Why did you do this to me?” Tears filled her piercing black yes. Antoine clenched his fist, “They were not your grandparents, the stole you from me. Once you were born I knew something was special about you. The carbon had laced with your DNA. I tried to keep you protected, but others had their own agenda. You were taken from me at the age of 2. I have loved you since the very moment I laid eyes on you and I’ve loved you ever since. I could not sleep or eat until I found you. Once I located you, I realized that I could not take them by myself. So, I searched out another superhero, genetically infused with oxygen properties. He goes by the name of Clark. You can call him Diox.” A tall man in a black suit steps into the light, he has piercing blue eyes and pale blue skin. His white hair contrasted with his suit. With a smile Diox appeared beside Elizabeth, he helped her up and introduced himself, “Hi, I’m Diox.” She couldn’t understand how he could look at her, “I’m Elizabeth, or Carbon Black I suppose.” With that being said, Elizabeth, or Carbon Black knew she was in for a wild ride.

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