They Came From Below | Teen Ink

They Came From Below

May 20, 2016
By KhileShores BRONZE, Austin , Texas
KhileShores BRONZE, Austin , Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Throughout  my life i've always wanted to be someone else, or something else. She said she loved me for who I am but I could never accept that. I wanted to change myself for her; Even though I didn't have to I was too insecure and too stubborn to listen to anyone other than myself. We had grown up together; we were there for each other through the toughest of times.  Then it all ended. The world as we knew it had changed.
The war was over, And so were the lives of billions of people all in a matter of hours. Governments all around the world had activated their sleeper cell agents all in the event that purged the human race. We were rushed into what the government called the society of the future. After being rushed into these underground bunkers which were virtually impenetrable we were placed into small capsule like hypersleep pods which simulated a virtual reality. This world was a utopia. You didn't need eat or sleep, you didn’t feel pain, or grief, or sadness. Nothing but love, happiness, and pleasure. A year on the surface was a day down here. And it went by fast.
As time went by people would try to escape and were never heard of again. They were never forgotten, there was never a body. People would try to form revolts against the system but would again and again be wiped from existence. The System could see our every move but couldn't see our thoughts. And I was smart enough not to tell anyone I had found a bug in the system.
Searching for a way out was considered suicide among the population yet those who wanted out were shunned by the public. So often if you wanted to leave that was the equivalent to wanting to die. But not for me. After days and days of searching the system, testing theories I finally found a way out. It was so easy I was surprised no one else had done it yet. I simply faked death.
When my eyes opened my vision was blurry as h---. Looking around I could see that I was still encased in the bean-shaped pod. Various transparent tubes pumped a green liquid into my veins which were pulsing painfully.
Strangely I felt fully energized. I knew exactly where I was but that was about the only thing I could remember. I extend my right arm up but before it can reach its full length my hand is stopped by the clear dome above me. I pull the small IV like tubes out of my arms wincing at the slight pain that came with it. Suddenly the pod opened and the sound of compressed air being released from a can is heard as it does so. I begin to cough furiously as I breathe in the metallic air that fills the room. It had been years since I or anyone else was forced to breathe on their own, the pods took care of that for us. In the first few minutes since I woke I was breathing quite heavily but my breathing was normal now.
I lift myself up into a sitting position and look around the room. I saw hundreds of pods exactly like mine. All just lying there like pristine little toys in a toy store. I close my eyes and once again inhale the metallic air before opening my eyes again and looking back at the many pods which I noticed all looked somewhat like decaying bodies now, but they all had a heartbeat.
I climb slowly out of my pod before walking through the room horrified at the sight of the putrid beasts in those pods. Of all the thoughts running through my head one question remains; What are they? Or more importantly:

What am i?

Stunned by the sight of the people dying in the pods I realise how lucky I was to make it out of there when I did. I saw a red exit sign in which I began to jog towards in a hurry trying to get out of this d--- room as fast as I could.
When I get to the door I stop and open it revealing a long white hallway with many places to turn. Despite the creepy feeling of the place the air seemed more natural the second I exited the room I woke up in.
That's when I suddenly began to remember things again. The layout of this place started to come back to me from when I was first brought down here. I didn't know who or what was down here but I knew I would need to protect myself.
In mere minutes I was at the armory which was just down the main hall and to the left of the room I woke up in. The door was open slightly so I slowly pushed it open looking in as I did so. Against the wall on my far left side I saw a stomach wrenching sight. There was a woman sitting on the floor against the wall, and behind her there was a blood splatter. It looked dried but there was really no way to tell. In her left hand was a gun. It was a USP .45  handgun. I wasn’t sure if it was loaded or not but I pried it from her cold dead hands anyway. For some odd reason I expected her to grab my arm and scream demonically like dead women always seem to do in horror movies but she didn’t. She just sat there lifeless.
I hear a loud bang and then the lights go off.
“What the H---?” I say in shock before looking up at a large monitor in the armory that seemed to be unaffected. It was a live video feed of the pod room I was I earlier. I hear the sound of glass busting as I turn towards the exit and immediately turn back to the screen.
On the monitor I see the dome like top of one of the pods had been shattered, and through the now void opening there was a hand reaching out like a zombie in a graveyard.
“Holy S***!” I swear seeing this event repeated with other pods.
I turn and run out of the room before sprinting down the long white hallway before turning right towards a sign that says: ‘Cafe’.
Behind me nothing but loud yells are heard along with a stampede of footsteps. Running full speed I lower my shoulder at the door of the room smashing into it opening it. The door opens quickly and I tumble to the ground painfully. I get back to my feet and sprint through the room knocking over tables and chairs to trip my oncoming predators. Once I reach the end of the room I stop and turn around to see my first glimpse of what is chasing me. First I only see two women slowly crawl into the room like sniffing dogs as if their prey was close. Behind them an older man and a small boy follow.
That was the moment I realised that I went the wrong way. If these things wanted to kill me they outnumbered me greatly. I slowly back through the door behind me and close it before sliding a large crate in front of the door to hold the beasts off long enough to make it to the emergency elevator. The bad thing about this plan was that the emergency elevator was deemed unsafe in the weeks before we were put in the capsules. It couldn't hold anything over 200lbs. I weigh 195. So riding this elevator is a huge risk and my weight will cripple the speed of the thing. But I digress. 
I sprint down the dark hallway towards red sector which was where they ran tests and did experiments on those who volunteered. After a few minutes the door I had weakly barricaded had been busted open and the dead were back on my tail. This was a one way hallway that had doors on each side of it which were the labs. Each time I looked back I noticed the dead were getting closer. It didn't take long for me to reach the end of the hall, I stopped at the door of the elevator tapped the up button and it opened. I rush in and turn around and begin to shoot at the crowd of the d-----.
“BANG, BANG, BANG,” the shots ring through the air. I pull the trigger a fourth time and hear nothing but a click as the door begins to close. One of the creatures dives towards the elevator and I throw the pistol at it like a boomerang causing it to land on its face as the elevator doors close.
“That was close,” I say as the elevator begins to go up.
I was safe. I made it out. What was on the outside was a mystery yet I was ready to see it. The doors open at the top and suddenly a large clawed hand busts through the floor of the elevator. I run towards the light of the outside world but i’m unable to make it.
I along with the elevator plummet back into darkness.

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