The power of beyond | Teen Ink

The power of beyond

May 21, 2016
By audreyp0519 BRONZE, Bridgewater, Massachusetts
audreyp0519 BRONZE, Bridgewater, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I stood at the edge of the dock watching as the waves crashed against the shore. Then out of nowhere a burst of wind blasted through the air. I knew who it was by the way the figure moved.
“How in the world did you find me Janet?” I asked in surprise.
“You knew very well that you would be able to hide forever.” I knew that but the spell should have lasted longer than this.
“Well leave I don’t want you here.”
“Wow I’m not even welcome near my sister I’m so shocked.” She replied with a sly grin on her face.
“We were never sisters you just wanted the throne my father was leaving to me.” I returned at that point her eyes had narrowed to the size of slits.
“You know Ashley I didn’t come here for a family reunion I came for the….”
“I know why you’re here and you won’t be able to I would rather die than let you take my daughter.”
“So be it.” With that she launched herself forward I ducked out of the way before she could cause me any damage. I ran towards her and managed to kick her hard right in the stomach she landed twenty feet in front of me. I ran again but this time she was prepared so she ran at the speed that I was going and managed to punch me in the nose. I fell back and rolled I hit rock and dislocated my shoulder and my nose was bleeding. I ran at her again I grabbed her throat and threw her to the ground. She was struggling for air and I let her go which was a bad decision because when I let her go she flipped us around so she was on top me.
“Any last words Ashley?”
“Yes actually goodbye Janet see you never.” I left her perplexed as I pulled out a dagger and stabbed straight in the heart. Then I pulled out the dagger and slashed her throat her body laid on the ground in a pool of her own crimson red liquid. Her last words were and they haunted me after I watched her die.
“You…won’t….b…e…able…to sto...p her from j……one day….”
“One day what?” like that he body grew limp and lifeless. Then her eyes lost their fire it died slowly then grew what looked like smoke filing a glass. She had died at the hands of me.
“I must protect my daughter from danger her power must not fall into the wrong hands, or it could be quite dangerous to the world.”
I woke up to screaming and yelling downstairs great my mom and dad are fighting again. I got dressed and went downstairs of breakfast. Mom was in the kitchen with dad sitting on the couch however mom was making breakfast but I was just upstairs hearing them fighting.
“Its goo to see that the fight ended.” I said they stared at me like I have five heads.
“What why are you staring at me?”
“Honey we didn’t have a fight this morning.”
“Sure you did I heard you up stairs you were yelling and screaming.”

The author's comments:

It's not finished yet but this is what I have so far.

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