Darkness | Teen Ink


June 8, 2016
By blancaguevara BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
blancaguevara BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Darkness is all I see, and basically I can’t move for nothing. I’m too tired to move, day after day I run and for what? There is nothing left, nobody but my own fears. I miss it all, people were always right about what they say, you don’t know what you really have until it’s gone. Elizabeth said as she fell down onto the ashes of what used to be humans, and began to cry bloody tears. Then the darkness took over the rest of the world.


2 days before
I can’t believe they are dragging me into the middle of nowhere just to see a stupid house. Blake and Amy always this, but I mean I can still say no but what is life, without any adventure. But this, this is something so stupid. Ugh why did I agree to come. I rather- “Were here” Blake yelled looking up to the house in amazement. Elizabeth looked up too and was shooked that the house wasn’t to damaged after the fire. The windows were cracked and some were broken and filled with dust. Have of the house was grey due to the fire being close to it, and almost burning it down. Both Blake and Amy ran inside like too little kids running after the ice cream truck, both so determined to get what they want. Elizabeth looked at the house and didn’t move from where she was standing afraid that she will do something she will regret, but mostly fearful of the little house contains. Both Blake and Amy were waiting at the stair waiting for Elizabeth to come in and follow them.
Finally Elizabeth had the gut to enter the house and every footstep she took there was a creaking sound right after. All three went walking down into the basement where there was nothing but stains and a smell that made Elizabeth feel uneasy, and disturbed. Both Amy and Blake were smiling at the sight of Elizabeth taking in what she sees.
“Come on we have to show you the coolest part of the house.” Blake said walking to a locked door and opening  it so slow that you can the air change into something new and cold. A figure came out the closet,too dark to see but the shape was big, and could see the big wings stretching out, along with the horns at the end of its big long head.
The figure kneed down at the sight of Blake and Amy. “votum est praeceptum meum dominum ( your wish is my command)”. A loud, deep, and scary voice took over the whole room and echoing to the rest of the house.
Elizabeth just froze and didn’t move a muscle afraid the the thing will go after her. Her breaths got heavier, and fast nervous for her life. Both Blake and Amy turn around and smiled.
“Isn’t he cool? He was just here in this house and grants us some wishes like nothing” Amy said excited. “I mean they do come with consequences but like I guess I can live with that, I get what I want though seriously.”
Elizabeth stood there in shock and fear, not knowing what to do. “GUys don’t you think this is enough fooling around, please tell me this is a joke and it’s katie in the suit.” Elizabeth said with each breath getting shorter. Amy just laughed and wished for something the figure shook his head and the figure said some more words in latin, Amy nodded and the wish came true. Elizabeth was speechless and had nothing to say, until Blake came up to her and told her to make a wish.
Amy told the figure to talk in english so that she can understand him, and he did. Both Blake and Amy kept insisting her to make a wish nonstop.
“How about this I wish you and everybody else would just burn and go directly to hell” Elizabeth said with anger, and rage. The figure did what he was told, with nothing stopping him. Elizabeth later witness both Amy and Blake burn, both screaming in pain because of the fire that came out of nowhere and began to burn them. Elizabeth looked in shock and tried to stop the fire but it was too late, she only saw ashes. Elizabeth stood there in horror not knowing what to do, then the figure came up to her.
“You just made my job a whole lot easier, you foolish human, you wiped out your whole race, including every living thing on this miserable plant. Stage 1 is almost complete once you die.”
“What are you talking about?” What did I do
“Don’t you get it, all of my people will rise to where we belong, we are the fallen angels, and we are taking back our land” The figure said. “I’ll give you a head start, since you’ve been so kind to me”
Elizabeth stood there in horror and ran, ran as fast as she could, with the darkness not so far behind.  

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