The Last Night | Teen Ink

The Last Night

October 12, 2016
By EvyVega BRONZE, Riverside, California
EvyVega BRONZE, Riverside, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

            The sun was a burning but pleasant fireball and the ocean was almost a reflecting mirror of the

light blue sky. Colorful fishes swam peacefully unaware what was going on above them.The powerful waves were crashing against the sharp brown rocks. The water nymph was skipping pebbles seeing how far she could throw them until she heard a familiar squeak.

          “Oh Miss Zayline!!!” the dolphin yelled as he swam. Her perfect face made an instant growl.
“ Yes Alec?”, she rolled her eyes and continued skipping pebbles as her dark brown
hair blew in the wind.            “ I heard news that your father lost a bet to the giant that lives in the mountains. Someone is getting married.”, a smirk appeared on the annoying dolphin’s face.
            “ That’s unfortunate. He never learns his lesson when it comes to betting against those brutes.
I hope it’s not Evangeline she’s the only one of my sisters I like”
             “ It could be you the one that gets married instead?”, he questioned if he should have said that. Zayline’s eyebrows furrowed and her jaw clenched. Taking a hint Alec backed away slowly.
“ What kind of question is that?! You should know better than to ask such a stupid
question. I’ve been dodging these marriages for years. Poseidon doesn’t know which one of
his daughters he is betrothing. If I can get out of it once I get out again”, she was slowly starting to calm down.
“Oh. I’m sorry, I forgot what you did to Carmella, forcing her to leave the love of her life because of your cruel trick. When it should have been you who married Gus. It’s no wonder she doesn’t forgive you. How does it feel to know you lost all the love your sister had for you? I have news for you princess whether you like it or not”, he snarled. Not sure how she felt she asked a question to get it over with.
“ What’s the news then? C’mon don’t waste anymore time than you already have.”
Alec had another annoying smirk on his face. This isn’t going to be good news.
“ It’s you the one who gets married. I guess he does know who’s life he bets and the oracle was right about me delivering great news. Not everything goes the Zayline way.” Alec started swimming in circles and was soon jumping out of the water and continued swimming away before he could even see her reaction. Disbelief was written all over her face as she stared at the sea watching the waves crash against each other. She knew it would be her eventually, but she didn’t think itwould have been so soon. Chills went up her spine of the thought of marrying a giant.They were disgusting creatures with zero manners. She had hoped she would have been married before it was her. But how? She never went anywhere, her daily routine was to be at the beach and to be around the other nymphs.
She wasn’t in love with anyone so she wasn’t going  to lose anything besides her freedom. The flaming orange sun was starting to set as the moon was about to appear and shine bright. An idea came to her mind, if she was going to lose her freedom to do anything she wanted she was going to do something she had never done before. She had never spent time with mortals. If she wanted to make it to the mortal land by 6 o’clock she had to be quick before Poseidon’s hairy giant minions would be coming for her soon. Adrenaline filled her body as she started running with all her might. She stopped every now and then to take a break but her body was about to collapse at any moment. Noticing she was far away from the beach a childish grin grew on her face.
She saw a fancy car go through a shiny silver gate, and was able to see colorful lights come out of a building. Is this some kind of party? I’m not dressed for this. I’ll have to fix that. There was a clothing and shoe store near her and she went in.
“ Should I go on with this? Wait I got nothing to lose.”, she picked what she wanted to wear and walked out.
     The black night sky had stars shining so bright on the humid summer night. She pulled the thick glass door and ice cold air blew from the AC in every direction. Glad that she was able to escape the sewage scent she continued walking, her heels clicking as they made contact with the floor, she heard loud music blasting through the speakers. There were boys lined up against the wall just watching other people dancing. Their faces screamed that they had something better to do than to be there. Other than those Debby Downers everyone else had smiles on their faces.
              The dance floor was filled with people dancing and singing off key to the music. Zayline was surprised that many mortal women were so pretty, she was so used to seeing it only in godly related creatures. Unless it was her other siblings, they weren’t that pleasing to the eye. If Aphrodite saw the mortal she would be fuming with jealousy. The next thing she knew she was dancing along to the beat of the music. She danced for what felt for hours until her feet couldn’t take it anymore. A big white smile was slapped on to her face as she made her way to sit down and to get some water for her thirst that could be the end of her.
             The eyes of several people were eating her but she didn’t mind. Let them stare it’s the last time they’ll see me.When she sat down she felt the presence of someone near her.
“ Hola, mi reina.”, said the handsome stranger. He spoke in a Colombian accent, he was tall and his left arm was covered in tattoos. The scent of expensive cologne was not to be ignored.

    “Hello.”, said Zayline with a smirk.
             “ Is this your first time here?”
“ Yes, but it’s going to be my last”
        “That’s a shame. It doesn’t have to be that way you know.”
  “ It doesn’t, but that’s how life is”
    “ Can I know why?”
    “ I don’t know, can you?”
    “ If it’s going to be that way forget I asked then.” He gave her an attitude that she couldn’t believe someone spoke to her that way.
     “ You wouldn’t understand.”
     “ I don’t have to...Would you like to dance?”
     “ I don’t have anything to lose tonight. Of course but I warn you I don’t know how to dance this style of music.”
     “I saw the way you were dancing. Personally I doubt it. When you dance even the Gods want to see you.”
“ I think they have better things to do than to watch me dance.” Her cheeks were a rosy pink. She also couldn’t believe she was laughing for the time in a while.
“ Alright, prove me wrong then.” He smiled and offered her a hand. She accepted the hand and they walked together to the dance floor. Her piercing green eyes that usually gave the impression of if looks could kill everyone in the room would be dead were now shining emeralds. She found it magical how she was able to get along so well him. She couldn’t say it was love. She had only known him for a few a hours, but she loved the thought of him.
By the end of the night she accepted her fate and snuck out of the nightclub. Just like that she left without saying goodbye. The sky was orange as the sun was deciding if it wanted to start the sad day. She made her way back to the beach to see Alec jumping out of the water and two hairy 8ft giants that reeked of garbage from a mile away waiting for her. She made a growl and thought about the stranger. That beautiful but tragic memory brought a cloud of sadness. He asked for her name but she ignored him. She didn’t ask for his name for the reason she didn’t want the name of what could have been to haunt her for the rest of her life.

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