The Expriment | Teen Ink

The Expriment

October 25, 2016
By Evynmangun21 BRONZE, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Evynmangun21 BRONZE, Fort Wayne, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I can’t.
“Why did you do this to me?”
My name is Abby. I work for Hydra, a special group that goes undercover for an extremely important medical experiment. I live by myself with my pet dog, Lucy. 
This experiment is used to make normal people hero’s. We use a device that attaches anywhere to a limb.  It looks like a snake spine with a glowing orange light. We use a computer to feed a special serum into the device. This serum is what makes the normal person just as powerful as a hero. Although it is a very unique serum, a lot of other spy groups are trying to take it. That’s my job.
It’s a Monday morning. Believe me everyone is mourning it. I get up, throw on my grey shirt and grey leggings. Digging through my sock drawer, I find my laser phaser.
“I’ve been looking for this for such a long time!” I say to myself.
I pull out my laser phaser then I push a button and it gets smaller. I put some ammo in it for emergencies while sliding it into my boot. I scan the room to see if I left anything.
“Bye Lucy!” I yell at my dog.
I grab my keys pulling myself through the door sluggishly.
“Let’s see what the Chief will make me do today.”
The Chief isn't a very nice guy but he can make you think he is a good guy. One day that's how I want to be. It’s the real way you can trick someone.
I jump into my car without time to waste. I'm not late I just don't like to be late. Driving down the highway, suddenly my phone starts to ring. I pick it up not even looking at the contact info.
“You are in danger. Do not forget your allies,” the man says in a deep tone.
“I wonder what that was about,” I silently think to myself.
I ignore the call and keep focusing on driving.
After a couple minutes driving, I see a sign to the airport and remember I have a ticket there waiting for me. I text Chief and see where he is at.
“Where are you?”
“I'm in the west wing of southern H-1,”
“I’m going to buy a ticket, I will be there in two hours”
Turning off my phone I pull out my wallet and pay for a ticket to Antarctica. It’s a private jet for chief but the airport knows me and they supply me with whatever I need. The stewardess hands me a big heavy coat and tells me that the flight will begin in 5 minutes.  I sit in my seat thinking about what the day has for me. Hopefully all good things. I sit back and take a rest for a little while.
I awake from my slumber and I see the stewardess staring me down.
“We will be landing in five minutes,” the stewardess says with a smile.
“Ok thanks,” I say with hesitation.
After five minutes the plan starts to land. I begin to pack my bag and buckle my seat belt.
“Can’t forget this!” I remember my coat and hop off the plane. I see a cab driver holding my name on a piece of cardboard and swiftly walk towards him.
“Hello, are you heading towards downtown Italy?” the man says
“Yes. do you know where building H-1 is?” I say quietly so that no one follows me.
“Yes. I work for Hydra as well,” he says
I follow him. Hopefully I can trust him. He tells me to stay at the entrance as he pulls up his van. He said to me that his van is a Toyota mini van. He pulls up and opens the door for me. I hop in avoiding the smell. He makes small talk for a little while then I arrive at H-1. It’s a little harder to get into our base because it looks like just an abandoned lot but there’s a broken bookshelf that is actually a door to a staircase. I run down the staircase to the main entrance and Toby lets me in. Toby is our security officer. He is the nicest person that works at this office. I guess to work for a group like this you can’t be nice.
I walk to my office and call Chief. Chief tells me that I need to go and chat with him about our mission today.
The walls crumble as I move out of the way for people to flee out of the building. I think of who these people are and I see the Cubiertos logo.
The Cubiertos are another group that works for the government. They are our worst enemies. Currently, they are trying to steal the hydra serum for our experiment. This experiment is very dangerous. It takes out all of our fat and turns it into muscle. We use this experiment to turn normal people into heroes. Although it is very effective it is very dangerous, our control center can control the person on the inside. If they do not perform the task, they will be punished. Punishments can be very painful. We use the power we have in our command center to hurt the subject on the inside.
The walls are crumbling. People are screeching. The smell of a broken dream in the air. This is war. I run to the west wing to see if all of our subjects are okay. Running for my life, I trip over a piece of drywall. Catching myself, I evolve into a full sprint. This is my job on the line. Everything I’ve worked for. To keep this company safe, that's my job. I have failed. I get to the west wing and everything is gone.
    “They took it,” Chief says sadly
    “What? How?” I question
    “I don't know. But all Iknow right now is that they will undo all of our good work. We need a team to go out there and bring all of it back.”
    “I will talk to Alex and Andrew about a plan to head over to their base and take it all back.”
    “Ok. Hurry we don't have much time left,” Chief says trustfully
    Walking out of the lab I call Alex and see what he is up too. 
    “Hey, everything from our project is missing. Chief demanded me to call you and Andrew about a team to steal it back.”
    “I’m in. Andrew is right here working on hacking Cubiertos system to see a map.”
    “Awesome. See you then.”
Quietly hanging up the phone, I walk to the hacking room. Passing the destruction, I remember everything that happened to Alex and how he recovered so well. Alex and Andrew are brothers. They are very good when it comes to working together. When Alex was seventeen the had a car crash and broke both legs. The couldn't stand up for two years. Fortunately, he has had awesome doctors help him to succeed in healing. Andy, on the other hand is two years younger than alex. In his freshman year of highschool, he was the star of the tennis team in his hometown.
    I continue walking through the destruction and crumbled walls. After ten minutes I see the entrance to the hacking room. The hacking room is a very complicated room with extremely high tech. On the good side, Cubiertos did not reach this room. But, unfortunately they got the lab. I see Alex and Andrew sitting at a table with their fingertips lost in the keyboard. They talk every now and then to see what they have not hacked. I quietly pull out a chair and sit down to talk with them about how much they have conquered of the Cubiertos’s base.
    “So, how much have we gotten a hold of?” I say without hesitation
    “So far we have their lock system and we blocked their hacking computers. Oh and we also shut down all of their power so they can't run from us.” Alex explains
    “I have hacked their lab and conquered their planes command center to forbid them to take flight.”
    “Awesome.Kkeep at it boys. We are leaving to their base in four hours. You both better get ready to rock and roll,” I say
I text Chief and tell him that I am leaving with Alex and Andrew and SAT 1.
SAT 1 is short for special attacking team and we have our highest trained secret agents. Not to brag but I'm one of of four people on that team. The whole team went to a secret training in the himalayas for five years. We learned how to stay aggressive, thinking quickly and staying on our toes. We learned at different times but our bond is as strong as a family. I trust these people with my life everyday. This team consists of four specialists and everyone has a special part of this team. First, we have Sarah, she is our kickboxing professional. Then we have Jim, he is specially trained in the karate field. After Jim comes me! I am a doctor that has studied the human body for ten years. I have worked for Hydra for ten years. After me is the last specialist, Carrie. Carrie is a hacker that is the boss of the hacking part of our group. She has hacked into the government many times.
    I send the text and think a about what types of things I should pack in the plane. Heading to my office I call Jim.
    “Hey, pack up some guns and things. I don't know it's really not my strong suit just pack some good weapons. I don't want anyone to get hurt.”
    “Ok. I'm on it Abby,” Jim says
    Two hours of packing go by and I get another mysterious call.
    “This isn't the last time you’ll hear of me.”
    I hung up and asked everyone in the office if they know anyone with that number. No one knew that number. I ignore the call and continue packing for a few more minutes. Then Chief comes in the room and starts packing everything into the plane. I finish packing real quick and help him pack all of our equipment into the plane. After a hour or so we finish packing the plane and announce that we are leaving and everyone boards the plane. Our personal pilot, Tom is the best there is. He was trained about guns and then the learned to fly so we have some awesome weapons attached to our plane.
    “We will be taking off in five minutes,” Tom says calmly.
I close my eyes thinking I will only nap for a few minutes. I fall into a deep sleep for the whole plane ride over.
I wake up and nothing happens. I sit in my seat not even remembering a thing. It’s the beautiful moment before you wake up. Where you don't remember a thing.
“Wake up,” Andy yells in my face.
“I'm getting there,” I say quietly.
Sluggishly I get up and slide on my jacket. Heading to the garage of the plane, I pull out my knife in my boot. Jim pulls out the Rover and drives it beside the plane. We are ten miles from the base and we are setting up. Rummaging through the weapons, we find a very special weapon used for very special occasions. The weapon is a 2005 machine gun with a 3072 handgun on the top. You can shoot at two times. These guns are from a very long ago so this gun is worth about $6,000 dollars. I carefully without detaching anything set the gun on the top of the Rover and add a scope on the bottom of the gun for long range shots. Two hours go by rapidly and we head to their base without noise. We barge through the doors and start pointing guns. Jim points his gun at a man who tries to defend himself.
“WHO ARE YOU AND WHO DO YOU WORK FOR?” the man yells at Jim.
“My name is no one cares and I don't work for you so why do you care?” Jim replies sassily.
I pull out my map hologram chip and press on. Without hesitation the chip delivers the map. I see that we are in the common area. There are too many people here.
“We need to move. NOW,” I yell at Jim.
“Let’s go,” Jim replies dropping the man to his knees
The man slides down the wall with fear in his eyes. His jacket rides up his stomach from the sticky wall. Jim and I run through the halls every now and then looking back at the map to see where we are headed. We get to the lab and find our three test subjects. I take quick snapshots of them and send them to chief. We place the code matcher over the password hologram, it instantly completes the passcode and we roll each subject out of the building. The subjects are in casket-like cases. Where if their insides will be saved and they get powered up. They are like a charging station for the overpowered human. The casket is fully equipped with a defibrillator to save the subject if they go into shock. Each casket is rolled into the plane and transported to the Hydra base to keep having work done. We fly to the Hydra base and softly roll each subject down the hall into the lab to be tested to see if the Cubiertos have don't anything to the subjects to remove the experiment. After a few hours the lab team figured out that they started doing tests to remove the experiment but failed due to strong uses of defensive serums. After everything has been saved and secured,  I head to the Cubiertos base to give a “friendly” visit to the lab team  that tried to remove our experiment. I don’t take anyone with me this is just a solo thing. I yelled at chief that I will be visiting the lab team and told him if I need backup just contact him. I get on the plane only bringing four guns and twenty rounds of bullets. I get on the plane and told the pilot to get me there as fast as the can. I don't care how he does it, just get it done. He told me that they can get me there in ten minutes. After ten minutes I pack up my guns and bullets and head in. Taking the safe way in, I go through the ducts. Climbing over every room, I look into each room carefully to see if the lab is anywhere to be found. I move on to the next room and see the scientists rummaging through his stuff. I kick through the vent and hoop down into the room. The scientist kicks me in the stomach. Swiftly pushing his leg back I throw him onto the ground. He tries to get back up. I notice the is looking away from me, maybe not trying to be noticed. He gets back up. I pull him back and kick the back of his knee. Making him lose his balance. He is on the floor covering his face with his hands. Forcefully pulling back his hands. I see his face. No. This is not what I am supposed to see. This is not what I am supposed see no.
“Mark?” I say shockingly
“Abby?” Mark replies
“Why do you work for cubiertos?” I ask.
“Because they offered me a job right after we graduated college.”
“How could you betray me like this? You said you moved to california to be a doctor?” I say helplessly.
“They told me to lie . I had to change my name. Everything. Mark evans died in a car crash.” He says honestly
I punch him. I punch again. And again. Until my heart says stop. He left me to be a “doctor”. He lied. I pull out my gun one bullet in the chamber. My finger, on the trigger.
    “I'm done with you and your crap, Working for Cubiertos and lying to your girlfriend. You shouldn't be alive”
    The barrel, on his forehead. My finger, on the trigger.

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