The Tale of Arthur and The Apothicans | Teen Ink

The Tale of Arthur and The Apothicans

October 25, 2016
By Gerardo5 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Gerardo5 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The ground started shaking, Arthur was terrified. All he did was play a videogame. Arthur saw a grey hand coming out of the portal that opened up in the tv. The hand tried to grab him. Arthur stood right up and ran but he tripped on his controller that he threw. The hand grabbed his leg and started pulling him towards it, arthur started screaming as loud as he could. His three friends that he invited heard a scream. They questioned themselves who is screaming so they went to the living room to check on Arthur. Before they even walked in the living room they heard arthur screaming like he was burning to death. His three friends elizabeth,luke, and brian ran towards him and started pulling him towards them but the monster hand was too strong so it pull all four of them in.
“Are you guys okay?” said arthur
“Yea,” replied all three of them.
“Where are we guys?” Luke demanded
“I don't know but it looks beautiful,” Elizabeth said. She looked around and saw a lake with flowers all around it.
“Hey look, there is a boat in the middle of the lake,” Brian said “ Maybe we can ask him for help or what just happened.”                  
“But there is a problem, he is in the lake and we don't have a boat and I don’t know how to swim.” luke said.
Out of nowhere the water started to make sounds. The boat in the middle of the lake started to sink. After two seconds the boat had completely sunked.
“What just happened” Arthur said.
A hand started raising from the water and in its hand it was holding a sword, Excalibur.
“woah , look at that sword. How are we gonna go get it?” Brian said.
The boat that was underwater raised from the water in front of them.
“Well, I think it wants us to get on and get the sword,” Arthur said.
They got on the little boat and started sailing towards the sword. Once they got there they tried to get the sword. Luke tried to get it but the hand just wouldn't let go, Elizabeth tried to grab it but it wouldn't let go, Brian tried to grab it but it wouldn't let go, it was all up to Arthur to grab the sword. He reached for and gently grabbed the sword, the hand let go and a lady came out of the water.
“Are you arthur young man?” she asked.
“Yes,” Arthur said.
“Who are you?” Brian said.
“I am the lady of the lake,” she said.
“Why are we here?” luke asked.

“ you are here because we need your help with a little problem,” she said calmly. “ The grey hand that pulled you in was an Apothican. It is an ancient evil but it has reawakened and is under the command of The Shadowman.”
“ what do you want?” asked Arthur confused.
“ I need you all to defeat the Apothicans and the shadowman or this world will vanish and so will yours.”
“Why don't you just do it yourselves?” Arthur said.
“Because we don't have as much power as you four,” she said “ Hold on to this teleporting key and you will teleport to the temple of Ancients where we hold the most powerful weapons in the universe and is highly protected with over 2600 keepers.”
All four of the kids grabbed the ball and they teleported to the temple of ancients. They didn't see anything at all but a big wall. Arthur went up to the wall and touched it. He noticed there were symbols on the wall and formed a circle.
“What do these symbols mean?” Brian asked
“I'm pretty sure they represent the keepers of the temple,” Luke said.
A keeper came out of nowhere and looked like an alien.
“WHO ARE YOU AND WHO BROUGHT YOU HERE?!” the keeper demanded
“The lady of the lake gave us this teleporting ball and told us you needed our help to defeat The Apothicans,” Arthur said.
The keeper  touched the wall with the symbols on it and it opened it. Inside there were four tall pillars and on the bottom were four four staffs, the fire staff, ice staff, earth staff, and the lightning staff. On the other side of the big room were another four pillars and they hold four bows, the lightning bow, the void bow, the fire bow, and the wolf bow. And finally in the middle of the room were four swords and they were the fire swords.
“Go on and pick your weapon of choice,” the keeper said.
Each weapon had their own powers. Arthur grabbed the lightning bow which shoots electrical balls and when you pull the arrow back then it will shoot a tornado of lightning. Elizabeth grabbed the earth staff. Luke grabbed the fire sword, and Brian grabbed the fire staff. The keeper was very surprised by the weapons they picked. The keeper gave them a little ball shaped thing, and it was heavy.
“Whats this?” asked Arthur.
“That is an armor ball, to activate it you have to press the button in the middle.” the keeper said.
Brian pressed it and he was instantly covered in a metal oval. The other three gasped.
“What did you do to him!” demanded arthur.
“Just keep watching” the keeper said.
One minute passed and nothing happened. Arthur was about to shoot the keeper but then they heard a big knock in the oval. All of a sudden brian punched a big hole in it. He stepped out and was covered in armor.
“Woah,” said Luke.
Everyone else tried it and it only took them 30 seconds to get out of the oval. The keeper seemed amused because his armor wasn't as shiny as theirs. His armor was red but it was shiny but theirs were shinier. Arthur's armor was gold and it carried excalibur in the back. Brians armor was customized,it had wings. Elizabeth's armor was yellow. Luke's armor was way different than the others, his was heavy, galaxy blue, two swords in the back, and had a helmet.
“I can barely even run” Luke said. “Why did everyone else get lighter armor and I got heavy armor.”
“Because you are the strongest in the whole group,” the keeper said.
They camped out the rest of the day in tents. When they woke up they heard a big boom noise like it was an earthquake. The ground started shaking and a big hole opened right in front of them.
“Why is there a hole in front of us?” Elizabeth said.
They heard screams in the hole. A big red hand came out of the hole and it looked like a keeper's hand.
“Why did a hand just fly out of the ground?” Luke asked.
Two monsters jumped out of the hole and both had the same symbol. They looked a lot like the keepers but they were a lot more red, but they had different symbols than the keepers. They were known as The Apothicans.
“I think those are the Apothicans, right?” Brian said.
“Yes they are, now we must kill every last one of them.” the keeper replied
Two hundred more Apothicans jumped out of the hole. The four kids were ready to fight. The Apothicans floated their way towards them. Arthur charged his bow and shot a big tornado of electricity at the Apothicans. Elizabeth fired her earth staff and brian shot his fire staff. Luke just ran in their and the keeper said to let go of his sword when he was in combat. He did and it surprised him. The sword floated and completely killed every Apothican in the field, it just controlled it self.
“WOAH!THAT WAS AWESOME!” yelled Luke in happiness.
The group ran towards Luke and told him good job. While they were doing that a figure floated out of the hole. His name was The ShadowMan. The group looked at him and were confused.
“So, the shadowman is just an old crazy man?” asked Brian.
“What did you just say child.” replied The ShadowMan.
The group didn’t reply they just charged their weapons full power and waited for him to make a move. Arthur pulled out Excalibur. The shadowman just looked around and saw a bunch of dead Apothicans. He put his fist in the air and opened it, a sword appeared in his hand. He pointed the sword towards the keeper, the sword was getting more and more red. Arthur knew it wasn't a sword so he sprinted towards the shadowman and stabbed him right in the chest. The ShadowMan fell to the ground and his sword vanished. The hole disappeared and turned back to grass, the birds started chirping and everything went back to normal. A purple portal appeared in front of them. They said goodbye and jumped inside the portal. They appeared in Arthur’s house and went back to play video games.


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