The Battle | Teen Ink

The Battle

October 25, 2016
By TommySlocum21 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
TommySlocum21 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Smoke was everywhere. I must have been shot. I was getting dizzy. I can’t see. Where am I? I felt something pierce my arm. I can’t breathe now. Suddenly I could breathe again and it was clear. I was not in space and my windshield was broken.
“Commander Walt, do you hear me?”
“Yes Brunner,” Commander said.
All I could see now is water getting closer, closer, CLOSER.
“My ship was shot over Ax…” Then it all went dark.

One Year Earlier
My name is Lucas Brunner. I grew up on the planet Bamin, in a town called Wafires. Our planet was a deep and rugged forest with swamps and about no flat land. Well, at least it is now. Our solar system Gaon has only two planets, us and Axus. We really didn’t like Axus. Axus had stolen advanced nuclear weapons from us a decade ago. Right after we found them stealing, we sent countless bomber t-planes. We blew up their forest, and flooded the entire planet. For nine years we thought we were the only one left.
We saw a little ship on our radar. This was the first ship that was not ours in forever.
“Commander Walt, what should we do about this ship?” Anthony asked.
“Let it be,” Commander Said. “ It is probably just passing through our system.”
We all listened to him. Anthony and I were in charge of the radar. We had both just turned sixteen. It was both of our first jobs working for The Bamin Military. It was the first job for anyone because it was the easiest. No ships really ever went by.
“Hey Brunner, there is a nuclear source that just fell out of that plane,”  Anthony said.
“I will alert the Commander.”
I walked up the stairs into a hallway that led to the captain’s sleeping area. “We just detected a nuclear substance that fell out of that ship. It is getting closer to our planet as we speak. What do you want me to do?”
“How much longer do we have until it hits us?”
“About an hour.”
“Tell Commander Joy to send her fighter squad into space and shoot it, and the plane. Also they are to fly the Fighter X-Planes.”
“I will do this at once Commander.”
I went up another flight of stairs. Then I found a glass elevator because she was on the top part of our base Sare.
“Commander Walt told me to tell you that there is a nuclear source in space and a ship that dropped it. He wants you and your fighter squad to fly Fighter X-Planes and destroy it.”
“I will get my troops together right away.”
“Thank you. Also, you have one hour until it hits.
I went back to the elevator. Then I went to Walt's room and told him Joy had left for space. I went back down to my station where Anthony was waiting.
“The Fighters just left to go destroy it” Anthony told me.
“Ok, I guess we should monitor the action now.”
It was the normal stuff. Our ships got into attack formation 5k. In this formation one plane was behind the rest. All of the planes but one went right, the other went left. This would hopefully allow the single plane to shoot missiles at the ship. The other ships would put on their shields.
“Anthony, we have a problem.”
“The enemy ship is turning towards the single ship. The single ship was just blown up!”
“Tell them to get out of there.”
I ran to the radio. I tried to contact them but it wasn’t going through. “Anthony, it's not working!” I was screaming so loud. I didn't want anyone to die.
“They were all blown up. They didn’t put their shields up in time.” Anthony sounded sad, more sad than he had ever been before.
I ran up to Walt's room. “All the ships were blown up. They attacked the single ship and not the group. Joy is gone, and all thirty of her troops.”
“Well if you want to live, you and Anthony better go blow that thing up.”
“Take the Advanced Fighter X2-Planes. Shoot that thing with all you got. Bamin is counting on you.”
I called Anthony on my personal radio. “Meet me in the hanger. We have a ship to blow up.”
We suited up and hopped into our planes. I was scared, scared of what might happen to me. We took off into space hoping for the best. Our planes were the best we had. They have extreme missiles that could blow up everything.
“I see the ship, Anthony. I can go in first.”
I went to the ships right when I was hit by heavy gunfire. Anthony followed me. All of the sudden they shot a missile at me. I knew I was done for. I thought about my life before me. I opened my eyes. I heard Anthony on the radio.
“You have a better chance of destroying this than me.”
“What are you saying?” The next thing I see is Anthony heading right towards the missile.  What is he doing?
“Bye, Brunner.”
All I saw now was a flash of light and smoke.
“ANTHONY!” I was so mad. Why did he do this? I shot five missiles and blew the ship up in another flash of light. I then went and blew up the nuclear bomb.
I was sobbing hard. I flew back to Bamin. I went to my room and punched a hole in my wall. I cried the rest of the night until I finally cried myself to sleep.
The next day I went to see Walt. I was still mad about what happened the day before. “Thank you for blowing up that ship yesterday.”
I didn't care. All I was thinking about was Anthony. It was my fault that he is dead.
“One more thing, I want you to advance to fighter school in Dash. You are a natural at flying planes.
The next day I packed my stuff. I was excited about fighter school. I wanted to kill whoever shot Anthony. The problem was I didn't know who it was. Anthony was my best friend. In that room that we had to sit in all day he was the only person I could talk to.
It was a lonely few days after the event. Walt and I were the only two left in the base. I felt bad leaving him. I knew that they would probably fill the base with new people.
I was walking into the hanger to my plane. I saw Walt in the distance. What was he doing there? “What are you doing here?”
“I’m coming with you. We are going to blow this place up so they can’t find our secret bases. Bamin doesn’t need this place anymore. Let's go.”
We hopped in the plane, and took off. Walt was in the front piloting us. It was a rough flight and there was a lot of turbulence.
All of the sudden the plane went vertical. I ran up to the c***pit and Walt was unresponsive. I took him out of the c***pit and I grabbed a parachute and I strapped Walt to me. I pressed the button to the door and we jumped out.
I unleashed the parachute. We luckily were very close to my new base. When we landed I put Walt under some trees. I started to walk towards the base. When I got there a medical crew and I went back for Walt.
We found out that Walt had a heart attack. This was the second friend I had lost in the past week. For the second time again this week, I cried myself to sleep.
The next day was my first day at fighter school. It was fairly easy because I had a little bit of experience.

Six Months Later
I completed fighter school. I was in Fighter squad 8G. I was in charge of making deliveries to other bases. It was a basic level but I can get to Alpha 1 squad, the best there is.
I was on a mission to the base Ert. I had Weapons on board. I also had my co-pilot, Rex. Rex had just joined my squad. He was a new recruit.
“How Is the plane holding up?” Rex asked me.
“It's holding up good.”
“Are you sure”
All of the sudden I was hit by something. My vision got blurry and I blacked out.
When I woke up, I was tied up In the co-pilot's seat and Rex was to my left. “What are you doing and where are we?”
“What do you think I'm doing? I took control of the ship and we are flying to Axus.”
“That's what you think but we never were destroyed, we just went into hiding.”
I knew that this was bad, so I reached down into my back pants pocket and grabbed my pocket knife. I cut the rope. I acted very casual. I then got up and smashed the gun case with my fist. The gun fell into my hand i pointed it at Rex.
“Turn this ship around.”
Let's just say that was his last word. I flew the ship back to Bamin. I went straight to my room and slept.
The next day I talked to my new Commander Dax. He was very quiet, but very intelligent. “I had to shoot Rex. He said we were flying to Axus. I thought it was destroyed.”
“I did too, but maybe it wasn't.”
I was then put on a team of researchers of what happened when we thought we destroyed Axus. we found out that when we flooded it we might have made a way for them to live if they went underwater when it hit.
The next day I was moved up to Alpha Two fighter squad which was the second best. Over the next few weeks I trained with my new squad until one of the Alpha One members quit and I was moved up.
My newest squad was sent on a bombing mission to Axus. we were met by the Axus fighters. Everything was going fine until the unthinkable happened.
Smoke Everywhere. I must have been shot. I was getting dizzy. I can’t see. Where am I? I felt something pierce my arm. I can’t breathe now. Suddenly I could breathe again and it was clear. I was not in space and my windshield was broken.
“Commander Dax, do you hear me?”
“Yes, Brunner,” Commander said.
All I could see now is water getting closer, closer, CLOSER.
“My ship was shot over Ax…”
Then it all went dark.
I woke up in what looked like to be a hospital bed. A stranger in a white coat walked into the door. “Where am I?”
“You are in Axus’ hospital, the best ever.” He said this sarcastically. ”You hit your head really hard. Than you sunk into Axus.”
“Yes, sunk. Axus has been underwater since Bamin attacked us all those years ago.”
“Hey, are you with or against Axus? we couldn't tell because your clothes were burnt.”
“I am an Axus Pilot.”
I knew I had to lie or I could be killed. I didn't know what my next move was going to be. I went into what looked to be a long hallway. I was walking by a door with a hook with a bunch of lanyards. I grabbed one very fast and he didn't see me.
“Okay, well you know your way around.”
He left me, and I went down the hallway with bedrooms on the door. I looked at my Lanyard. It said Bill Evans. I went down the hallway to his room. I went into the room. I grabbed a chair and smashed it over his head.
I went to his computer and looked up where the ship hangar was. Luckily, I was very close too it. Near it I saw a weapons room.
I went out of Bill's room. I walked down a hallway to a weapons room. I grabbed a AX-52 Rifle. I went into the hangar. I walked into the same kind of plane I blew up. I shot the guard in the plane and took the keys off him. I started the plane and I flew off.
When I was about to leave the atmosphere, I dropped an atom bomb. I looked behind minutes later and all I saw was orange and smoke.
When I got back to Bamin, I was recognized for blowing up Axus. I was happy that I got revenge for Anthony. I also knew I would have made Walt happy. I was made a fighter captain of Alpha One.
The End


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