Mystery of Centalot | Teen Ink

Mystery of Centalot

October 25, 2016
By valerielopezlop21 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
valerielopezlop21 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“I don’t care,” he lifted the gun up and shot.The bullet shot out. I then saw a body hit the ground. She seemed so fragile and helpless lying there. No sounds came out. The tears streamed down.
My name’s James Lewis and this is my Centalot experience. I was walking home from school in a rush since I had forgotten my football clothes at home. I saw a dark alley that takes about 7 blocks away from my family’s house. I have both of my parents living with me in the Windy City of Chicago. Then I saw something amazing. It was just a stone, but a very blue stone. I picked it up and next thing I knew I was being thrown into a tornado. I felt a sharp pain go down my side and everything went black.
  When I woke up from the hurricane experience, I was not at home. The sky was way bluer than Chicago’s grey sky and it smelled like fall instead of the car filled air that I breathed in daily. I moved to take a look around, but pain shot up my side. I looked straight up into the blue sky.
“Do you thinks that him?” this came from a little girl, probably like 6 or7 years old..
“Well, it sure looks like him.” said girl, who was probably my age.
“Maybe, but he looks too tiny and helpless.” responded a guy who was probably my age.
I saw these two meadow green eyes that looked right at me when I opened my eyes. It was a child. She had long blonde hair that reached her behind. She was also missing one of her front teeth. The most peculiar thing about her was the lollipop stuck in her hair. She also held one in her hand, and she was eating that one. The next thing I saw was another girl. She’s like 16 or 17 with these amazing ocean blue eyes and long dark chocolate brown hair that flowed down to her ribcage. I felt myself drowning in her eyes. I got up to be eye to eye with her. It hurt when I stood up, but something about her seemed to make her very intimidating when I was on the floor.
“You have really blue eyes.” she pulled her hand back and launched it at my right cheek. I felt the pain go around my cheek and it started to sting. The pain was buzzing where she had struck me.
“Get in the wagon,” she ordered.
“Don’t worry, there's only a red handprint, but you're lucky it was only a slap. She could have beaten you up if she wanted to,” Lollipop girl was admiring the red handprint on the side of my face. I touched it with my hand and felt the pain course through again.
“I'm Sophie by the way.”
“I'm James.”
“That's a cool name.”
“Not really, but thanks.”
“The girl that slapped you is Julia and that's Daniel.” she was pointing at a tall muscular guy. As Sophie pointed at Daniel he glared at me with his cold, frozen, icy blue eyes, as if he was trying to freeze me where I stood. He had blonde hair and a narrow face.
“Come on guys we don’t have all day!” announced Julia.
“Come on, John!”said Sophie.
“It’s James!”
“Same thing!”
We arrived at the foot of a magnificent castle. It totally knocked all the Disney castles out of the park. This one was a white and grey castle with greenery growing around it and on the outer walls. The sky was a perfect shade of blue that illuminated the castle, and the sun was smiling down on us. The breeze whispered and whirled around us, while the trees danced to its rhythm. The leaves shimmered in the autumn air while the smell of apples moved through the wind. The castle glittered in front of my eyes while the daisies in the meadow popped up to enjoy the cool breeze. The dandelion fluff in the air tickled my cheek.
“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” Sophie said dreamily.
“Yeah it’s way more amazing than the Disney castles.”
“What’s Disney?”
“Oh yeah, this isn’t Chicago.”
“Is that where you live?”
We walked into this huge ballroom where the walls were a mixture of white and caramel brown. The floor was a black and gold marble while a giant chandelier hung above us. There was also a black piano on the left side of the room. There were stairways on both sides of the room which must have led upstairs. We walked towards the right into another room. It was almost the same as the ballroom but a bit smaller. Inside of the room was a throne. A giant tapestry hung behind the throne. There were also steps that led up to the throne. On the throne was a princess. She was NOT one of those disney princesses that all the animals loved and that everyone adored. He hair was a blonde tangled mess and her evergreen eyes were red, puffy, and wet. She must have been crying earlier. She was wearing a lavender silk dress. She looked stunning even if her hair was a mess.
“I have a task for you James. Only if you are willing to give Centalot a big sacrifice in order for you to return home.
“So what’s the task?”I asked.
“Well Centalot is in great danger because both of the rulers have been taken hostage and I am still not old enough to be the official ruler. I need you to find them before general Cabosa becomes our kingdom’s official ruler. I need you to go around the castle and collect evidence of who did it. If I didn't have enough to do already I would have gone and done it myself, but I am drowning in paperwork and you just showed up in the nick of time. So will you help me bring justice to my kingdom?”
“To return home I will.” I answered in confidence.
The first person Sophie, Julia, Daniel, and I went to was Brittany. She was one of the maids who was very close to the king and queen.
“Excuse me miss Brittany, but may I have a word with you in private?”
“Oh yes of course,” she set down her duster and came with me to the throne room again Sophie, Julia, and Daniel wait for us outside.
“Do you have any information on the ruler’s disappearance?”
“Yes. I believe that our head butler, Andrew, has done it. After the king and queen’s disappearance, he became distant. We had to ask him questions twice because he didn’t pay attention the first time. He didn’t look us in the eyes and avoided questions about the disappearance. He kept saying that the king did it.”
“Ok that will be enough for today, and thank you for being so helpful.”
“Of course.”
Well, when we went to all of the other maids and butlers, they all said something the exact same or similar. They were all blaming Andrew so I thought it was about time to talk to him.
When we went down to the dungeon and, the first thing I felt was cold. The smell was horrific. It was as if millions have died down here and they didn’t bother to even clean the place up anymore. We saw a guard and asked him to lead us to Andrew.
“We are here to see Andrew.”
“Down this way.”
We saw his cell all the way in the back. His cell was different than the others since his was more bolted and locked up.
“Well, well, well, the old hag has finally decided to send someone to see me.” he was a tall and skinny old man with gray hair and rotten teeth. Actually he barely had teeth, they we mostly just these disgusting bruised gums. He had narrow black eyes. His oval head had barely any hair growing. The most hair he had was about 7 pieces, and they went down to his jaw. His nose was crooked and hooked at the end. He had very bushy eyebrows and was dressed in rags that only covered him from his shoulders to knees. He was so dirty that you could see that from far away but you would have been able to smell him before you saw him. He reeked!
“Excuse me mister Andrew I would like to ask you some questions about the disappearance of the king and queen.”
“Well that’s too bad,” his voice was hoarse like he had been yelling for too long.
“Why is that?”
“Because the king did it! Ha isn’t that just so simple to get! HAHAHA!” he was cackling now. He went into a coughing fit after.
“Sorry, Andrew I just really need this information.”
“I TOLD YOU BOY THE KING DID IT! NOW GET OUT!” He went into another coughing fit. That man was a lunatic.
“Well the others are saying that you did because you were very distant and avoided their questions,” he grabbed me by the collar through the prison bars that separated us, thankfully, his grip was very strong for an old, skinny man, and I couldn't break free. He whispered into my face.“I didn’t do it boy so now leave or someone will disappear!” his breath reeked of morning breath and onions. He let go and pushed me into the wall.
I ran for my life, not looking back. Sophie, Julia, and Daniel follow right behind me.
“ Hey are you alright?” Sophie asked once we caught our breath.
“Yea I’m fine just a little bit shaken up.”
“Did you find anything?” Julia asked.
“Well, he kept on saying that the king did it, but I can’t be too sure. Then he threatened to kill me.”
“We will never find out who did it if he is not willing to cooperate.” Daniel said.
“I don’t know, but I firmly do not believe in Andrew’s claim.” Julia exclaimed.
“I don’t either.” said Sophie.
“Neither do I.” announced Daniel.
“I don’t believe him either.” I agreed.
“Well, what are we standing around for? Let’s go tell the princess!” suggested Sophie.
“Don’t you believe that we should explore the king and queen’s room first?”
We walked into this magnificent bedroom. There was a swimming pool in there and it had a fountain as well. There was humongous bed towards the right. The walls were a cream color and the windows were open.
“Well this is amazing,” Sophie said in awe.
“Come on we’re here to find clues not just admire the bedroom.” Julia snapped her out of her trance.
“You’re right.” Sophie replied in defeat.
We started to walk around the bedroom and I saw a filthy rag underneath the bed.
“It has to be Andrew,” Julia exclaimed.
“You're right,” Daniel answered.
“Well it looks like we got all of the evidence and clues we need!” Sophie said.
“Andrew did it,” we all agreed.
We found the princess in a room that I believed was the living room. She was sitting in a big comfy looking chair reading a book. She looked up at us.
“What have you found?” she asked.
“We know who did it.”
“I have always known that, that man had something against my family. So he just goes and kidnaps my parents! He will pay and I will make sure of it!”
“Well do what you need to do.” says Julia.
“Well I believe that I deserve my reward now so I shall miss you all, but I must be going so farewell,” I was pretty excited.
“Not so fast Mr. Lewis. I am truly sorry, but you cannot leave until the person who did it is killed.”
“What kind of rule is that?!”
“I am sorry but it is true. It is part of the prophecy.”
“This is NOT FAIR!”
I stomped out of the living room with no words. I march towards my bedroom with Julia following behind.
“What was that?”
“What do you want?’
“I know that I have been giving you a hard time, but I’m sorry about that since I didn’t know you, and you looked untrustworthy.”
“Yea that was kind rude of just slapping me!”
“Well I didn’t know what else to do.”
“You could have just rolled your eyes.”
“Well I just wasn’t thinking straight. I was pretty busy and the you just drop out of the sky like what the heck?”
“That doesn't give you a reason to slap me.”
“I know that it’s tough for you to just get sucked into a magical world and be expected to do something,” she put her hand on my hand.
“Well you wouldn’t understand.” I turn to look at her.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Your eyes are just so blue that it reminds me of the ocean.”
“Thank you.”
We start leaning in to each other. My hand slowly cups around her chin as I pull her face closer to mine. I start closing my eyes and so does she. I can feel her warm minty breath as she gets closer. I can feel her hands go under my jaw as she pulls me closer. Our lips almost touching.
“Whatcha guys doing?” Sophie scared us. We both jumped back taken by surprise. Daniel shows up behind Sophie.
“N...Nothing.” we both said. Our faces were both flushed red.
“We...we were j-just talking like normal friends.” Julia tried to cover up as she punched me softly in the shoulder.
“Y-yea just a friendly conversation.” I patted her on the back.
“Mhm, sure it was ‘just a friendly conversation,’ Well I am just going to go to sleep now so goodnight.” she walked away leaving just me, Julia, and Daniel.
“Goodnight guys,” and with that Daniel left, leaving just Julia and I alone again.
“Well that was awkward.”
“Tell me about it.” she replied. She kissed me on the cheek and walked towards the door. My face turned red.
“Well goodnight, James.” she walked towards her room.
The next morning I awoke to the sound of birds chirping, and to the smell of breakfast. I went downstairs in a hurry since I was starving. The amazing smell came from the kitchen. I saw Sophie, Julia, and Daniel all sitting down at the table. I sat down and Brittany placed a plate in front of me. It contained eggs and bacon.
“Well, eat up guys!” Brittany told us.
“This is really good.” I complimented Brittany.
“It is.” Julia agrees. She then looks over to me and smiles.
“It is the best food ever,” Sophie says with her mouth full of food.
“Well hurry up and eat, you don't want to be late to your recognition party now do you?” Brittany asks.
“No we don't. Are you guys done yet?” Julia asks.
“Well I am.” I was stuffed. Daniel just nodded.
“I guess.” Sophie remarked.
The recognition party was in the garden behind the castle. Each row of tables were surrounded with flowers and there were plates on each spot for someone to sit there and eat. The sky was a baby blue and the sun was out. The birds were out flying.The princess was out waiting for us.
“Did you guys already get rid of Andrew?”
“No not yet.”
“Oh ok.”
“Let’s get everyone here.”
When everyone got there I found myself sitting with Julia, Sophie, and Daniel.
“Welcome everyone. This feast will be dedicated to the heroes of Centalot!”
The crowd roared with excitement. I felt queasy to my stomach. My stomach was killing me. The food was served. My stomach couldn’t take seeing all the food. I hurried to the bathroom and heard Julia, Sophie, and Daniel following me.
“Are you ok?” Julia called out.
I saw Julia, Sophie, and Daniel waiting for me. Then I saw a tall figure sprint behind them. I sprint after it not even knowing who it was. The figure goes into the king’s and queen’s room and I stood at the doorway watching it. They went into the pool and pushed down on something in the fountain. A small passageway opened up at the bottom of the pool and all the water was pushed to the sides so none of it could go down into the entrance. The mysterious figure went down it and it closed up. I could hear Julia, Sophie, and Daniel behind me.
“What was that?” they all ask but I just ignored them and walked into the pool where the fountain was and see a little red button on the bottom of it. I pushed it down and it opened the passageway.
“How in the world did you know to do that?” Julia asked me.
“I saw a figure sprint behind you guys and I follow them and see them do this.”
“Well who was it!?”
“I don’t know. But they looked like they wanted to stay hidden.”
They didn’t ask anymore questions and we all went down there. We saw a small lantern hanging on a peg to light the way. It was very dusty down there. We kept on coughing which blew our cover.
“Show yourself!” We heard a voice in the darkness. It sounded hoarse and raspy, but also strong and fierce. He was very tall. His evergreen eyes were just like the princess's and his face was squared. He had a very light beard showing with just stubbles. The lantern in his hands glowed as it spread shadows on his face.
“Well now that you're here, you are all going to die.”
He took us down to the end of hallway and we saw the queen sitting down on a log with her hands and feet tied up her mouth was covered by a rag so she didn’t yell out for help. We could just hear her muffled cries.
“Sit down,” the king ordered. We all took a seat on the cold ground.
“Give me your hands,” we gave him our hands and he tied them up one by one.
“This is why you shouldn’t be too curious James. You have now put all of your friends in danger just because of your curiosity. So now you will all die because someone can’t keep their mouth shut!”
“I’m sorry guys I-I shouldn’t have said a-anything. Now we are all gonna die because of me.”
“It’s not your fault James,” Julia’s warm voice assured me.
“Yeah! It’s the kings since he led you on.” Sophie joined in.
“Oh boo-hoo what are you all gonna do now! Die together like friends! Well too bad since this will not be like every other story where everything turns out fine and they all live HAPPILY EVER AFTER! No this time you will all die, and you will have to witness all of your friends death James. Starting with Sophie! The one who welcomed you first!” he lifted the gun up pointing at Sophie’s forehead. His finger was on the trigger. Daniel started yelling.
“NO PLEASE! I’M BEGGING YOU! DON’T HURT HER! KILL ME INSTEAD BUT LET HER LIVE PLEASE!” Daniel was down on his knees begging the king to spare her.
“Why would you care?” the king questioned.
“I want you to spare her life because she’s the only person I had left until I met Julia and James. She’s like my sister! PLEASE!” Daniel pleaded. He looked like an abused baby animal begging to not be hurt anymore.
“Daniel, I’ll be ok.” The tears grew in Sophie’s eyes as she accepted her fate. She lowered her head and cried onto the floor. I can see her tears hit the floor. I can almost hear them in the silence. She then whispered the four words that had the biggest impact on us, “I love you guys.”
“Well I like the begging but, I don’t care.” he lifted the gun up and shot. The bullet shot out. I saw a body hit the ground. I could see Sophie’s body laying there on the cold floor. She looked so small and fragile. She was the first real friend I made in Centalot. I still couldn’t believe that. I started crying out and yelling. I was yelling at the king. I was yelling at the world. I was yelling at the whole village, at the princess, at Julia, at Daniel. Most of all, I was yelling for Sophie.
“Well that’s done and over with. Who’s next?” I saw Daniel attack the king after he said that. He took the gun out of his hands.
“Well, well, well. Looks like you're next.” he kicked the king down to the floor so he was high above him.
“Don’t do this boy! I can give you anything you want! I can bring your friends life back!” the king was trying to persuade him, but Daniel had his mind made up.
“It’s over now!” he raised the gun and shot the king and his lifeless body crumpled to his deathbed.
We helped the queen get out and we all headed upstairs. We went out to the garden. Some people were sitting down blabbering and the others were up and running frantically around.
“What happened Jam- MOM!” the princess ran up to her mom and hugged her tightly.
“Yes sweetie, I’m home.”
“We didn’t kill Andr-”
“We killed your father.”
“Your father did it.”
“No he didn-”
“BUT YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT I HATE ABOUT HIM MOST! HE KILLED MY FRIEND! SHE WAS THE ONLY FAMILY DANIEL EVER HAD! HE JUST KILLED HER LIKE NOTHING! YOUR FATHER IS A DISGRACE!” I couldn’t take it anymore. I dropped down to the ground and started balling my eyes out. Julia and Daniel both got down on their knees and started crying with me as well. We didn't know what to do. It was over. We just sat there holding each other tightly not wanting to let go.
“James, it’s time for you to go home.” the words I have wanted to hear since I first got here, but I didn’t want to go anymore. I couldn’t go. I couldn’t leave Julia and Daniel like this.
“I don’t want to go. I can’t leave.”
“I understand, but there is no time. If you don’t go now, then you won’t be able to ever leave.”
“That’s not true.” We see Andrew wobble over to us.
“How did you get out of your cell?” the princess asks.
“I know my ways, but boy, you can come back whenever you want if you have this.” he is holding up the pebble.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that you can come and go as you please!”
“Are you serious?”
“Yes I am. What do you think I am, CRAZY?”
“Well yes.”
“Well, do you want the stone or not?”
“Yes! Of course I do.”
“Well. it’s yours now.”
“Oh thank you Andrew!” at that moment I didn’t care how filthy he was, I only cared that he gave me the key to go through worlds. I started crying on his shoulders not able to forget the horrific scene of Sophie’s death.
“Well looky here. You're getting me all dirty!” he handed me the rock. It pulled me up into the air.
“Wait!” the rock didn’t stop so I had to hold onto Daniel tightly to hug him goodbye. I moved onto Julia.
“Come back soon okay.”
“I promise,” She let’s go, and I am back at home. I am still hurting after Sophie’s death but now I know that I can go back to Centalot. My second home.

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