Payback is comoing | Teen Ink

Payback is comoing

October 25, 2016
By ryan_coleman BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
ryan_coleman BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

        The ground was shaking and sirens are going off. And everything was going crazy, loud, and out of control. Everything wasn’t going to plan as it was.
“OMG!” said Dr. Monty,
Before we get to the story, let me tell you a few things about Dr. Monty. He lives in Chicago. He is a scientist. He fears death. He doesn’t have many friends. He likes to play basketball. He looks like Albert Einstein, with white hair, like crazy. He wears. Scientist jacket. He has a white mustache. He is forty-seven. He was abused as a kid. He likes someone very much, Rachel. He was in a tall building called Juju On That Beat Tower the tallest building in Chicago.
Dr. Monty was telling an exciting story about  the world ending from a book.
“Okay class that’s it for today come back tomorrow with a smile” said Dr. Monty
“Okay Dr. Monty” said the class.
   “Everyone except for Rachel may leave”. said Dr. Monty
“Wats up Dr. Monty.” said Rachel. A black-haired cheerleader. She is perfect. She likes cheerleading. In her free time she hangs out with friends.
“How did that science experiment go?”
“Very swell!”
“I’ve got two questions for you,” said Dr. Monty. “Who do you like?
“Well. There is this one thing I have to ask you. I’ve been meaning to ask you since first grade. Would you like to be my...lab assistant?” he said as he lost his courage.
“Heck yes!” she said.
“That’s the best thing anyone has ever said.” Dr. Monty said. “You want to go work on a science experiment I’ve been working on for two years?”
They walked over to his house and went down into the basement. Then he went “Whala!” and pulled a blanket back. He said, “I call it the DAB 9000.”
Then he reached out and high fived her. But he latched onto her hand. Then he pulled Rachel into the DAB 9000 and he hit the button. They went to a mysterious land.
When he opened the door it was all smoky inside and smoke ran out. Then he was like, “Now we will be together forever!” Dr. Monty said.
She punched him and knocked him out. Then she kissed him on the lips and left.
So I'm guessing you are still wondering what happens to Rachel. Well let me tell you. She left the land and used the DAB 9000 to go to her home land, the Running Man Land where once you are there you do the running man dance. She lives there now with her handsome, heart-warming, and beautiful god like husband that she will love forever. So that's what happen. To Rachel.
Now you're probably wondering what happened to Dr. Monty. Well at this moment he is still knocked out. But later in his life he. Will be lonely. He will be in jail for trying to make a holograph of Rachel. So his life is messed up. Some stories can have good ending or bad ending. In this one it was really messed up.


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