What If... | Teen Ink

What If...

October 25, 2016
By katieiscool BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
katieiscool BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When 16 year old Harley Lewis woke up on August 28, 2019 she had no idea what kind of day she was about to have but right now she was peacefully sleeping.

“Harley! Get up!” her mom yelled while banging on her door.

“I will mom… Calm down!” Harley yelled back. Harley could hear her mom's footsteps walking away.

“Good thing it's Sunday,” Harley muttered to herself.

She looked down at her messy bed. She didn't really want to make it now so she grabbed a sticky note and a pen and wrote “make bed” on it and stuck it to her door on the way out. She walked into the bathroom to look at herself. Her bright red hair was a mess so she quickly brushed it and parted it so that her hair was even on both sides. After a brief debate with herself about whether or not she should put on eyeliner, she decided against it and headed down to the kitchen for some breakfast.

“Look who's finally up,” her dad said as she entered.

He was sitting and the kitchen table drinking his coffee and reading the newspaper with his legs neatly crossed. He reached up and scratched his bald head before turning the the page.

“Haha,” Harley said sarcastically.

She grabbed a sugar cookie and walked out of the kitchen and back to her bedroom. When she entered she was pleasantly surprised. Her bed was perfectly made.

“Mom!” Harley yelled.

“Yes?” her mom replied.

“Did you make my bed?” Harley asked.

“No!” her mom answered.

Well that was weird…

Harley walked in her room and grabbed the notepad and pen again. She wrote down “I want a milkshake” on it. Two seconds later she heard a knock on the door. It was her mom.

“Honey, do you want a milkshake?” her mom asked.

“Yeah,” Harley replied.

“Ok I’ll be back with it in a minute,” her mom said as she left.

     Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Harley’s alarm went off for her to go to school. She snoozed it and then quickly grabbed some paper and wrote “School is cancelled today” on it. A minute later she heard her dad yell.



     “School is cancelled today!”


     “The school had a minor fire.”

     Oops I didn’t mean for that to happen.

     Harley then proceeded to sleep until noon.
It had been a week since Harley had gotten her powers. She hadn't told anyone yet. Not even her parents. Not even her best friend, Patrick. Patrick was short with brown hair and glasses. He always wore a fedora, which Harley thought was kinda cute.

Anyways all she really wanted was to know why and how she got these powers. She made it her mission. But until then she used it to get good grades.
Harley headed down the hall to math class still wondering what could’ve happened. Once she got to class she took her seat and opened up her notebook. She began to doodle all over her notes as she struggled to pay attention to the lesson on linear equations. The question was still buzzing in the back of her head and it stayed there for the rest of the day.

Finally the school day was over and it was Friday so she had the whole weekend ahead of her. She boarded the bus and sat down in her seat. She plugged her headphones in and pushed shuffle. Sing by My Chemical Romance came on. Harley smiled to herself but just then her phone buzzed. It was a text from her friend Pat.

P: Hey
H: What’s up?
P: I have a question
H: Ok shoot
P: Do you wanna come over tonight? I’m having a big sleepover. I know they’re all guys but you’re my best friend and I want you to be there
H: Ummm… I’ll ask

Harley didn’t want to go. Sure Pat was her best friend ever but it would be super awkward being the only girl there.

H: My mom said no :(
P: Don’t worry it’s fine :)
H: Thanks for understanding Pat. That’s why you’re my best friend.

It was 11:34. Harley was sat on her bed staring up at the ceiling thinking about life when her phone rang. It was Pat.

“Hello?” Harley answered.

“H-Hey H-Harley is that y-you?” Pat said in a panicky and terrified voice.

“Yeah. Patrick are you ok?” Harley replied.

“N-No. That's why I c-called. S-some man somehow b-broke into our house a-and killed my p-parents and I-I don't know what to do!” Pat said and began crying.

“Pat. It's ok, it's ok. Calm down. I'm coming to get you guys,” Harley replied sympathetically.

“N-No. Don't c-come. He trapped us in the b-basement and he'll get y-you t-t-too,” Pat cried.

“No Pat. I'm coming,” Harley replied.

Harley grabbed her pen, paper and a pocket knife just in case. She raced out the front door without telling anyone where she was going. Pat’s house was only two blocks away so she ran the whole way. She reached to turn the handle when the door flung wide open. Harley jumped back expecting to see a psycho murderer standing there, but instead she saw a wide eyed Pat.

“Pat, you escaped!” Harley yelled running up to Pat and giving him a hug, “How did you do it? Where are the others?”

“Well we called the police and they got here a few minutes before you arrived. We told them not to make a huge scene about it,” Pat said, “As for the others… they’re inside.”
Pat lead Harley inside. He was right the others were inside but they were all tied up in chairs. Harley turned back to Pat.

“What happened to them?” she asked.

“The same thing that’s gonna happen to you,” Pat said.

“Wait what?” Harley asked, very confused.

Pat had moved out of view and Harley turned to face him again. Pat was holding a huge wooden bat.

“Goodnight,” was the last thing Harley heard.
Harley woke up in a hospital. She looked around. The door was closed and she was in the room alone.

“Hello!” she called out.

“She’s awake!” someone in the hall yelled.

The door burst open and Harley’s mother and a nurse ran in.

“Oh sweetie. Thank goodness you’re ok!” her mother cried out, and pulled Harley into a hug.

“I thought I could trust him. I thought he was my best friend,” Harley sobbed.

“Sometimes you just have to be careful. The real world is an awful place,” the nurse said.

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