Bipolar Opposites | Teen Ink

Bipolar Opposites

December 2, 2016
By Gabyu BRONZE, East Palo Alto, California
Gabyu BRONZE, East Palo Alto, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was 2020 in a planet far far away called Same. The iPhone 7 wasn’t good enough for the people, they needed more. All people wanted to do was be on technology and Earth didn’t have advanced technology. Planet Earth had communication. Planet Earth had coffee with other people. Planet Earth would go outside and have a regular conversation. Well Same, the planet I live was opposite of that. We didn’t have interaction, we have iMessage, Twitter, Instagram,etc.

Planet Same had everything a tech-addict wanted, TECH. Mind Blowing. OMG I’m dying I’m so shocked that a tech-addict would want to live in a world with only tech. Oh did I forget to mention I’m sarcastic? My parents came here because of their jobs so I was stuck with them. I was forced against MY OWN WILL. I mean it’s not my fault that my parents created this spaceship that allowed people to live in this new planet. I didn’t really care about technology so I was considered different.
As I was walking to Ok’s spaceship, I was totally surprised that people were taking selfies. Cause that like NEVER happens. I was standing in Ok’s secret spaceship observing the surroundings, I’ve only been here for half a year so it was different. Ok was an alien that knew everything about technology. His real name was Ted, but when we asked him questions about technology he would say “ok”. There were many MacBook 3Ds I thought I was in a dream, I have never seen so much of the latest technology. Every inch and crevice of the place was filled with iPads, MacBooks, and the latest Apple technology. After all, Apple did take over in 2018.
“Ruby ,what do you need, can’t you see I’m in the middle of playing Candy Crush? I’m on level 6,666,” said Ok.
“I need help I think that Destinie has an online stalker. Lately, on her instagram this person that goes by unicorn_poop31 has been commenting unusual stuff.”
“Ok I’ll see what I can do. Be back here in 2 hours.”
As I go out the spaceship, I notice there are more tall buildings than usual. Where I thought were offices are now Apple stores. After all, people did love Apple so much they were like, why not get 50 Apple stores in MY city, why not?Let’s imagine broken spaceships as houses. You can’t right? Neither can I, we have regular houses in a world based on technology, logical. It’s not like a city smaller than 5 acres need 50 Apple stores. I had time to kill so I went to the soccer field to practice for finals.
1 hour later
When I went home I stood in front of the mirror looking at this 5’5 girl. She looked beat up but still looked pretty with straight ombre hair and green with blue outlined eyes.  Let me get ready. I need to meet up with Ok. No need to waste time, I need to see if someone is stalking Destinie.
Entering the spaceship I asked, “ What did you find?”
“Gosh no need to give me that sass. I couldn’t find anything about this guy… the account was made about a week ago. I can’t really process anything but that the person goes to the same school as you.”
“Well at least that's something,” I rolled my eyes “ Well there is around 600 guys in the school…. THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE.”
“How could we find the person? I’ve seen movies and the person being stalked always dies. Destinie can’t die.” I was too mad so I stormed out.
I decided to go on my Instagram meanwhile I walked to Destinie’s house. I decided to see if the guy was following her on insta. He was following her along 3k other people. Great he could be anyone from the 3k people. If I can filter it I might be able to see how many of the followers are guys. It seemed like 1.7k of them are guys… KMS.
I arrived to Destinie's house and in her room it was what every basic YouTube beauty guru had in their room. There was studio light, mirrors, vanity, makeup, more makeup and finally more makeup.
“Hey girl OMG I just got the latest Mac lipstick!” She jumped up and down overly excited.
Sometimes I wonder how we ever became friends if we are completely DIFFERENT. Oh yea I remember the popular people hang out with each other. She is now for makeup and all that kind of s*** and I'm known for being athletic. “ Yea that’s great.” I rolled my eyes, “I have bigger problems, someone is stalking you”
“Nice joke darling, everyone wants to be me so it’s obvious that they would stalk me.”
“ I’m dead serious. I went to talk to Ok and he said that someone created a new account a week ago and goes to the same school as us. The account only follows YOU. If you don’t believe me I’ll go talk to him and see who the stalker is.”
“ Fine by me ,” she was deciding what dress to wear for her selfie “ I’ll be waiting here.”
I went back to Ok’s spaceship and I told him that there was 1.7k guys that followed her. He said he could filter it and see who had their account for a longer time. After a couple minutes, he found out that only 8 people made accounts 2 weeks ago but not a week ago. After another long boring hour he found out that the stalker is someone named Mark Hartner.
“Thank you, I will go tell her this”
Destinie's Perspective
I wonder who I should text…
***Hears a bang on the door***
“OMG who is it you could've knocked on the door.” I was annoyed but I opened the door.
“ I'm sorry Destinie, I should of knocked,” Mark slowly looked at the floor, “wanna go to your basement?”
“Totally not weird but sure.”
I went down the basement with him just because I felt bad for him. He was that weird kid in online class. He had the cheap cloth and was that nerd in the class. Like who likes those type of people. When I went to sit down on the cheap $2,000 couch, Mark had a weird expression on his face. He pulled out a gun but I didn't care because I knew it was fake. Like why would anyone want to kill me I’m perfect.
“Why do you have that fake gun what are gonna do with it?”
He gave a smile almost wide as his face, “This is not a fake gun. You will pay for what you have done to me. Don't act like you haven't done anything to me before. All you care about is how you look like and about social media. Don’t you have any idea how much I love you? If you at least said hi the one day we went to actual school this would of never happened. You act like you're better than me just because of your stupid parents. But in reality you're not. Any last words?”
Ruby’s Perspective
As I was walking I heard a gunshot near Destinie’s house. I didn't think much about it, just people testing if the iPhone 10sg1x Plus was gunshot resistance. As I approached Destinie’s house, I noticed that that the door was opened which never happens.
“Destine you there? DESTINIE.” I went in and looked through the whole mansion and she wasn’t there. I started to worry so I called her parents which were in the Bahamas, Caribbean. I went down the basement and saw her lying on the floor with blood gushing out of her.
“ Le.. t me die” she was stretching her arm towards to me.
“NO. I'm calling 119...Yes at 666 DarkSoul, Devil Emoji there was a shooting. QUICKLY teleport here.”
The ambulance came and helped her. “What happened Destinie?”
“This one guy named Mark Hartner came and said we should go to the basement. He took out a gun and said he was going to kill me because I never said hi to him. Also, he said that I care about how I look way too much.”
“Well I’m glad you are fine. Maybe we should go back to Earth...after all, it is a beautiful place. Next year, when we are 15, we can move back”
“Sure, why not,” said Destine.

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