How Scorpions Came to be | Teen Ink

How Scorpions Came to be

December 13, 2016
By Anonymous

  Nikolas and Joseph were both jolly people living in the scorching desert of northern Africa, with two beautiful wives named Maggie and Margaret. They lived in a happy city a couple days away from Egypt where everyone was cheerful and had no problems in their life. Except for one evil man named Larry. No girl would love him, no job would accept him and all he did was mope and pout.  Larry had no friends or family, and he didn't have a well-paying job either . To make a living he practically had to beg for money from strangers.
                Larry was a greedy man wanting the world to listen to him and to only get his way.  He started to break rules and disobey the gods. One day Larry decided to steal from the wealthiest men in town, which happened to be Nikolas and Joseph. He snuck in their house late at night. After coming through the window and searching throughout the house he noticed, nobody was home. This was his cue to grab everything and anything that was worth money. When he was leaving the house he felt a sharp pain at the base of his leg. A spider had bit lary as hard as it could, causing him to drop all of his things except for one special object.
“Ahhhhhhh!” cried Larry
“Who goes there!” a bellowing voice exclaimed.
Joseph and Nikolas were home. Larry tried to grab everything and run but he could only manage to keep the object, and when he did he buried it in a special place where nobody would find it.
Larry was caught, and punished for his crimes. He was sentenced to prison for 5 years. The years went by and Larry was released from prison, but greedier than ever. He wanted more, so much that he went to one of the gods. After days of walking he finally arrived in Egypt. There, he gave the guards of the temple three dollars of his currency. The guards had never seen this type of money, which was worthless, but they still accepted it and they let Larry enter.
“Who dares to enter my chamber?” exclaimed the great sun god Ra.
“It is I,” Larry replied timidly.
Larry didn't know how to approach Ra, but what he did know was to not look at him directly, or else he would burst into flames.
“I need to ask for a favor which I shall repay,” Larry exclaimed nervously.
“Keep going,” Ra said with a squint.
“Well, you see there are two men that are the wealthiest throughout the land, with the most beautiful house, and prettiest wives. What I wish is for them to lose all of their money and their wives, while I gain all of their riches and marry both of their spouses.”
“That is a preposterous offer, which I cannot grant.” Ra said annoyed.
“Ah, but there's one problem with that,” Larry said with a grin while reaching down his pocket.
He pulled out a big picture frame with something glowing in the middle of it. It was the eye of Ra. The object he grabbed back at Nikolas and joseph’s house got dug up by Larry after he got out of jail, he had used it to blackmail Ra into giving him riches.
“Where did you get that!” Ra said exasperated
“Found it,” Larry lied.
Nikolas and Joseph both received it from their heroic ancestors who fought a great war alongside Ra. For their bravery and effort in helping, Ra gifted them it, as it was too dangerous for him to keep it, and it has been passed down from generation to generation being kept secretly and as a trophy. Ra knew that if it was kept in the wrong hands it would destroy the Earth and doom everyone.
“Okay I’ll grant you your wish, as long as you give it to me.” Ra peered.
“Very well.”
Larry tossed over the eye of Ra and looked at him waiting for his wish to be granted.
“I must not lie,” Ra said as he began to close his eyes and hum, making the room and the Earth shake.
“It has been done.” Ra sighed.
“Great, glad doing business with you,” Larry said as he skipped away back to his city.
A decade past and Nikolas and Joseph both lost all of their income and savings, their wives also both broke up with them mysteriously. They both became beggars on the street, homeless and asking for money. On one day, however, everything changed. When they were sleeping on one of the sidewalks a gargantuan figure dropped a silver letter in their cup. After their rest Nikolas noticed it and started to read it aloud.
“Come to the temple of Ra immediately, I must speak with you.”
“That's it?” Joseph questioned.
“Lets just go, we have nothing left to lose anyway” stated Nikolas.
  “You're right, and let's hope it is really the sun god Ra,” replied Joseph.
After venturing far and wide and getting lost a couple of times they finally reached the temple of Ra.
“F-f-f-finally.”Joseph said while catching his breath in the 100 degree heat. Due to their low income, they could not afford water but only the sap from the trees which did not quench their thirst.
The guards seemed to have noticed them immediately and grabbed them by the shoulders and pushed both of them inside.
“I can't believe this. I finally found the two of you after a decade of looking.” Ra said with a smile.
“The great sun god it is nice to see you” said Joseph while kneeling.
“I have invited you here to talk about something very dire” replied Ra
“When you lost your fortune, house, and wives. I took them from you”
“Why” said Nikolas confused.
“A man by the name of Larry came to trade your wealth, wives and house for my eye, but he said he found the artifact, I thought the eye was with you.” stated Ra
“We had a break in and the eye went missing, we searched and searched, but it never came up. He was caught and vowed to get revenge against us. We just hoped he didn’t know the power of the eye.” Replied Joseph
“Well this Larry fellow should be taught a lesson” exclaimed Ra.
“Wish for anything to be done to Larry to make him pay for his crimes, and I shall grant it.”
“Very well, I wish for Larry to turn into a horrible creature which no human would ever love.” Replied Nikolas.
Ra sat back in his throne and closed his eyes while starting to hum. Meanwhile back at Larry's house with his two wives, Maggie and Margaret, he felt a sharp pain in his back.
“What's wrong dear?” Asked Margaret
“Oh nothing, probably just sore,” Larry said with a groan.
Then Larry started turning discolored, his hands turned into claws and his legs doubled... than tripled.
“Oh I don't feel so good.” Larry moaned.
Then suddenly a huge tail sprouted from his hip. He was down on all of his hands. He started to shrink faster and faster every second, getting more freakish each moment. Finally, after Larry’s transformation was complete, he looked menacing. His tail was up and it looked like it had a sharp point at the end. One of his wives Maggie started rushing over and picked him up.
“Can you hear me, are you okay!” She started screaming.
Then at that very moment, Larry stung her with his tail and Maggie went into a state of shock from the venom. Margaret was stuck and in awe of what happened. Larry ran into a crack before she could do anything and he was never seen again to that day.
Back at the temple, Nikolas, Joseph, and the Great Sun god were looking at the whole
situation through the eye of Ra.
“Oh my, what did he turn into?” Questioned Joseph.
“That was one of my creations I have been saving for years, I call it a scorpion.”
Answered Ra.
“Where did you come up with that name?” asked Nikolas.
Ra contemplated answering his question as the name came from one of his dear friends he lost to being poisoned.
“Nevermind that, at least we finally got rid of that horrible coward.” Ra said.
The moral of this story is that you should  never blackmail or trick anybody as it can lead to bad things happening to you. Another moral is to always be joyful, as people like when others are happy rather than grumpy.

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