110 Degrees | Teen Ink

110 Degrees

December 13, 2016
By 8Cynthia8 BRONZE, La Luz, New Mexico
8Cynthia8 BRONZE, La Luz, New Mexico
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The full moon illuminated the night sky, as if it was the sun. It was two in the morning and the snow was almost gone. Dahila brought her chin to her knees as she watched the snow. She focused on the outside world rather than the sleeping threat in the room. The hotel's TV played re-runs of the Twilight Zone behind her. Her sister tossed soundlessly unable to find peace. The couch was hard and the room cold.
Dahila enjoyed the melting snow, this occurred every night since the beginning of the summer. She smiled to herself. It was supposed to be warm that night. She couldn’t help but wonder if anyone else saw the snow. She loved the serenity of the night, she loved creating the snow and watching it melt.
Abby thrashed. Another nightmare. Her hand slammed against the table and slid off. Dahila glanced at her afraid to see if the impact woke her. She was relieved to find it had not. She studied Abby then her eyes moved towards the TV.
Rob Serling introduced the episode with that cool, collect way he did. The two girls used to watch the show all the time before the accident. Afterwards Abby refused to watch the show as it was a reminder of that night. Dahila watched some of the episode before she turned back to the window.
There she was, Lila Winters, a crimson liquid stained her hair and dripped from her dress. She walked to the window with a bright smile. Dahila waved, this sight occurred more often than naught. The girl stopped. Her crystal eyes gleamed and she rattled the window.
Dahila stood and walked to the door. She opened it and Lila stepped in and studied the room before walking to the bathroom. A breeze ran inside as Dahila returned to the window. Dahila bit her lip upset that her peace was disrupted yet ecstatic to finally be with Lila again. It always took Lila a few weeks to find her. Dahila hoped this time Abby wouldn’t take her away.
The shower turned on. Five minutes passed. The shower turned off. Shuffling. A thud. Silence.
Dahila crossed her legs and despite the growing chill from the window moved closer. She couldn't get cold. She watched as rain drops sped down the glass, some crashed, some stayed on their own path. Dahila couldn't help but envy them. She felt Lila's warm damp arms wrap around her and she could smell death and peaches on Lila. They sat fixated on the snow. Abby twitched and Lila looked at her. She stared at Abby with narrowed eyes.
“It's going to be a 110 degrees tomorrow; do you think she'll notice?” Lila asked.
“Does she ever?”
She sighed and looked at Dahila. Lila studied the side of Dahila’s head with a small smile and inhaled, blood and lilies. Lila looked at the window. Her arms stayed tightly around Dahila.
“When did your power come back?” Lila asked.
“Beginning of summer. After you found us, the first time.”
“Will you tell her about it?”
“She could help you.”
“Like how she 'helped' Mom and Dad?”
“You don't know what really happened. Besides she's your sister. She… she loves you.”
“She makes us leave when you come around, even though she knows I lo-… She wouldn't help.”
A commercial played and they both went silent.
Lila broke the silence. “What are you afraid of?”
“You know.”
“You have more control now.”
“They had complete control.”
“Your parents didn't have me.”
“No, they had your parents and they’re dead too.”
Lila blinked away tears and held Dahila closer, afraid to let go. “We can tell her together.”
Dahila stayed silent.
“I am your guardian; I won't let her hurt you.”
Rob Serling's voice re-entered the room as Lila kissed the top of Dahila's head.
“I love you Dahila Jones.” She stood and walked towards Abby. She hesitated before leaving. She looked at Dahila and sighed. Dahila understood, Lila had to leave. Lila disappeared into the night.
Dahila looked at Abby and sniffled. She wiped away two warm tears and her gaze returned to the window, it was still raining. She closed her eyes and pressed her lips together. White flakes slowly replaced the rain. Her eyes fluttered and she wondered if the risk was worth it. She focused on the snow. It began to melt again.
Dahila heard a shuffle and looked at her sister. She felt a panic rise in her as she met her sister’s eyes. Her sister however was looking at the window. Dahila took a deep breath. She turned away, terrified. Her peace rippled, but she maintained her composure. She heard the blankets fall and footsteps. Abby sat by her and put an arm around her. Dahila kept her eyes on the snow.
“Lila found us again.” Abby stated.
“What did you hear?” Dahila asked.
“Are you going to make us leave again?”
“Yes. You know how I feel about Lila.”
“But I--”
“No buts... It was supposed to be about 70 degrees tonight.”
Dahila felt Abby's gaze on her. “When did it start?” Abby asked.
“The beginning of summer.”
The ending song of the show sounded. There were a few moments of silence before anyone spoke again.
“Do you remember how mom and dad died?” Abby asked.
Dahila swallowed hard. “Yes.”
“You remember what I told you?”
“You told me there was an accident.”
“I lied.”
Dahila knew what was next.
“I killed them.”
Dahila tried to clear her throat, it felt tight.
“Are you going to kill me?”
Her sister paused before speaking. “Maybe.”
Dahila shivered, the snow melted.

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