Vampire Snow White | Teen Ink

Vampire Snow White

December 17, 2016
By ellathomas BRONZE, Austin , Texas
ellathomas BRONZE, Austin , Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I paced across the room. The man entered and the echoes of my hoarse voice echoed across the room.
"Did you kill the girl? Did you get her heart?" The huntsman bowed his head. "If you did not get the heart, I swear I will wreck havoc until you find her and rip out that vampire girl's heart." The Huntsman began to speak,
"Your Majesty, I did not get her heart." I glared and tapped my fingers against the wooden desk. "I'm sorry, my Queen. She used her powers, and convinced me I should kill a deer and give you its heart and leave her alone."
"That monster child got away again. She can not get away again or this whole kingdom will fall to ruins. Why do you keep failing me?," I yelled, my rage filling the throne room. The huntsman stuttered,
"I...I...I am sorry, your majesty, she used her mind tricks against me. I don't know what happened. I won't fail you again." I turned towards the wall, my skirts swishing across the stone floor.
"It won't need to happen again. This time I'm going after the monster girl." The huntsman's shock showed,
"No, my queen. Give me one more chance to find her. I will kill her this time."
"Your time is done. You are dismissed," I said, watching  the guards pull open the huge double doors as he left the room. "You," I yelled toward a guard. "Get me a horse ready." He bowed his head and quickly hurried out of the room. "Someone get me a cloak," I screamed, before grabbing the basket of apples that sat beside the throne. "Poison, general." The general hurried over, pulling a vial out of his pocket.
“Are you sure about this, your Majesty,” he asked, concern drawing out of his voice.
“Of course I’m not sure. Who wants to see their daughter's dead body, even if they were going to wreck havoc across a kingdom. One can only see too many dead family members.”
I inserted the poison into the apples and hurried out, a girl placing a black cloak over my shoulders.
I ran to my quarters, tripping only once over my skirts. I placed my hands on the vanity, panting and praying the mirror could find my vampire child.
"Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, will my daughter fall," sobs choked my voice as I let my disappointed in myself flow out.
"My Queen, your daughter will fall, but not at your hands," The mirror responded.
"I can change that," I yelled. "Where is she?"
"My queen, it may not work out the way you want," the mirror said quietly.
"Tell me where my daughter is and I will not break you into a thousand tiny shards." The mirror sighed,
"Are you sure my queen?"
"Of course I'm sure. What do you think I've been asking?," I yelled, shaking the mirror on its hook.
"She's in a cottage in the east forest. She easily accessible from the path." I ran out of my room and to the stables.
The stable hand passed me my horse as I entered the stables. I rode off, the horses hoofs bringing up dust behind us. I rode toward the forest path, watching the trees as they grew larger and less sparse. The smell of pine filled my senses, and my mind took over, the images of my husband’s dead body on the forest floor, blood pouring out of a wound. I shuddered shaking me out of the memory. I didn’t know if I could kill another of my blood. We rode for two days, until we neared the cottage the mirror spoke of. The girl was alone, and I watched her from the window. I pulled the cloak's hood over my face as I knocked on the wooden door. The door opened and she smiled,
"Yes, miss." I bowed my head towards the apples,
"Would you like an apple, beautiful child?" I said, changing my voice to sound older.
“Oh, I’m not sure, Miss. The men who lived here did warn me not to talk to strangers. Although, I wouldn’t consider my dear old mother a stranger.”
I drew a dagger out of my skirts, and stabbed it towards her hand. It hit its mark, but the skin too quickly pulled back together, leaving nothing but a small scar.
“You do see mother, don’t you. Nothing can kill me. I am just like father now.” I snarled, taking an apple, throwing it at her, following the apple though was another knife. It hit her chest, and the poison began to burn away at her skin. She screamed, and I covered my ears, no mother wants to hear their daughter scream in pain as they slowly die. She scraped at the apple, but the poison was already in her heart. I screamed too as she fell, tears falling down my cheeks and sobs stuck in my chest. I always thought it would be easier to kill a monster than the person you love, but it’s still the same. It certainly wasn’t easier the second time. I slid her ring off her hand, and placed it next to my wedding ring. I rode away, knowing my kingdom was safe, but my daughter certainly wasn’t.

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