Sacrifice | Teen Ink


December 21, 2016
By Anonymous

As the moon began its silent quotidian approach, a howling pitch ripped through the moor. Its lands were wild and unprecedented. There, every step was closer to death and every breath was towards its last. However, the moor was not always like this. Ages ago, there had been a proud and strong city, the heart of a mighty empire. However, one day, the balance between good and evil was tipped. The Void, the malevolent force that drives men mad, pushed back the Aether, the gentle benevolent force that guides and nurtures, and seized control of the One. Helped by dark elves, the mighty city was crushed and destroyed by creatures of darkness. Seeing the grave danger that the world was in, the wise king, possessing powerful white magic, sacrificed himself to kill the creatures and the evil elves. Without its catalyst and help, the Void was pushed back by the Aether and lost control of the One. The One or the God Particle is the most powerful channeling device in all of creation. Its power is said to be immeasurable and whatever wields will possess unstoppable magic. The Void and the Aether are both trying to possess it since the beginning of time, and their powers are equal. But if one do seizes full control of the orb, the balance and harmony of the universe will be broken and the world will end. The wise king knew this and sacrificed himself for the greater good. However, before getting fully pushed back by the Aether, the Void muttered a curse over the land. Its waters became tainted. The land was no longer good for vegetation. The peaceful bright glades became places of darkness and confusion. Legend says that within a dark cave, an evil terror lived. At nights, like this one, you could hear the behemoth and its piecing cries. For these reasons, no rational living being would ever cross these lands, not even the bravest of hearts. But a man, matured untimely by the evil world, was beyond rational reason. His need was great and time was short. To get where he needed to go, the moor was the fastest route. With massive luck, perseverance, and a focused heart, he and his faithful companions crossed the moor. However, their final battle is coming and only time will prove to us how prepared they are.
It had been a normal day on the farm when his father had been killed. One day, in his silly childhood, some strangers visited his father. They sought a map that only his father owned. A map that has the whereabouts of where the Convergence was. His father refused to give them the map and they took it from him by force. The Convergence was the physical place where the One meets the world and only his father knew where it was. When Magivik found his dying father, he warned Magivik about the evil elves. He also said that he had to stop the evil elves from fulfilling their intentions. If he failed, the world will end. Magivik promised that he will do his best to stop them, and before his father died, he muttered to him where the Convergence was.
Magivik stared at the bright smiling campfire with a full stomach. It was dark and a full moon was out. He was sitting on a log and was remembering his father’s death. He remembered his despair when he came back after a laborious day from the fields. He remembered his father’s final words and request, and he did not plan to fail.
“Well, it had been close today,” Magivik said solemnly. “We have to be more careful. One step less and we would’ve died.” The day had been exhausting. Viritar, a blade-master, had almost gotten them killed by the Terror who resided in the moor. It had chased them for a solid mile before giving up and turning back. But after seeing it, it was permanently branded into Magivik’s memory. It had looked like a hound and wielded all of death’s paraphernalia. Its glistening coat was both fire and shadows, its teeth were scythes, and its breath was death. They all had ran for dear life and during it, Magivik had silently wrote his obituary.
Magivik, age 16, slayed by gigantic monster. He idiotically followed his friend Viritar into a cave and decided to heroically venture inside. All of them, except Viritar, came running out, half-soiled, and were screaming and pleading for dear life.
Magivik was hugging Chaleur, who was sitting next to him and was still shivering from the Hound. Chaleur was also dangerously close to exploding. Her green eyes looked hotly at Viritar and she was about to send a barrage of angry words to Viritar. But before she could, Magivik squeezed her hand. They locked eyes and a silent message was sent between their souls. Chaleur deflated a bit and grinding her teeth said, “Yes, we need to be more careful.”
Viritar stubbornly exclaimed, “We could’ve taken him on. If you just let me draw my sword, I’ve could’ve beaten it!” Viritar was about the same age as all of them. Although he was technically a blade-master, many of his friends and colleagues considered him to be an amateur. His greatest flaw was his inexperience on when to sheathe the sword. He thought he could beat anyone and anything. When asked, he would only stubbornly say that it is one of his greatest strengths.
“Pl-ease,” walked in Spes, sister and elder to Viritar. “If I didn’t stop you from charging into that thing, you would’ve died,” she exclaimed. Spes was the opposite of Viritar. While he was stubborn and naïve, Spes was more careful and precise. She is also two years older than any of them and she often stopped her brother from doing crazy things.
“But sis–,” Viritar began.
“No!” Spes hollered. “Apologize to Magivik and Chaleur at once! You almost got us killed! You done more than enough today. You shall retire early and reflect on your actions. Then you shall sleep. Tomorrow is the last day and tomorrow we shall reach our destination. Thus, concluding our journey. So, get a good night sleep! We’ll all need our strength tomorrow. Be gone!”
Viritar struggled to find the right words to combat his sister. But a sharp look from her sealed the deal. He looked at Magivik and silently pleaded for help. But Magivik just shook his head, and grumbling, he apologized to everyone. Then, he went to his tent and disappeared. When he was gone, Spes’s wicked demeanor crumbled and she laughed.
“Taking care of that little brat is so difficult,” she laughed. “You two should go get some sleep as well. Tomorrow is the last battle. We need all the rest and preparation that we can get.” She walked halfway towards her own tent and stopped to salute to Magivik, “It has been a god-damn pleasure journeying with you, Magivik.”
Magivik saluted back, and she went into the tent. Then Magivik and Chaleur were the only two left outside. Magivik looked at Chaleur. She was stunning in the moonlight. She had a strong jaw, a soft nose, and gracious eyebrows. A blonde cascade of hair rained onto her back. Her skin glistened in the pale moonlight. She was travel-worn and dirty, but Magivik thought this made her even more beautiful. Chaleur looked at him.
“Everything is going to be fine,” she assured him. “We’ve made it this far, haven’t we? And with you leading, we can defeat anything. Spes is right. Let’s go to sleep, Maggi.”
They kissed and locked hands. Chaleur was Magivik’s hope. For a moment, time stopped and hope was like a light shining in the darkness, enveloping everything. The world was being gambled on these four companions. Tomorrow, either they win and save the world or they die and the world ends. But at that moment, all of Magivik’s problems disappeared, and hope blossomed in Magivik’s heart. Hope is often a strange and curious thing and Thus, it is spoken: Oft hope is born, when all is forlorn. And when they went to sleep, Magivik snuggled Chaleur like a mother snuggling her baby.
The company of four reached the Convergence. What they saw thoroughly surprised all of them. There were runes of power and books scattered all around the alter holding the One. What is even more confusing is that around the One, there were six piles of ashes, bones, and cloth. “What has happened here?” Viritar asked. Then he suddenly began to laugh, “It looks like our work has been done for us!” At that moment, a tremendous noise filled the air and a crack appeared on the One.
Then, mist started to spiral towards them and it condensed into a figure. It was the merged form of both good and bad. In unison, the Void and the Aether both said, “Brave travelers, heed us closely now for the world is in grave danger. The One has started to crack under centuries of strain. We are now in a temporary alliance with each other and have merged our powers together. If the One shatters, the world will end. But first, you were wondering what happened here. We killed the evil elves. They were foolish trying to control the One. Only divine beings like us can control it. They’ve started the crack and we can’t stop it because only a mortal descended from blessed blood can stop it. Magivik, descendant of King Sacrufice II, you are the only one who can stop the shattering of the One now.”
Magivik stuttered with fear, “W-What do y-you mean?”
They answered. “You, Magivik, are the only one here who can stop the Orb from shattering because you are the only one here of noble and blessed blood. When Sacrufice sacrificed himself, his descendants were blessed and that blessing has extended to you. Now, you must sacrifice yourself to save the world. Come now, and fulfill your family’s purpose. Give yourself to the One, and save us all, King Magivik. You must decide now. Also, if you wish, you may bring the one closest to your heart to accompany your sleeping soul forever.
Magivik did not want to die and he had a hard time understanding that he was a king. He wanted to live and raise a family with Chaleur. Miserably standing there, he thought he heard his father’s favorite words: Duty is heavy as a mountain, and death is light as a feather. And suddenly, Magivik knew what he had to do. He finally understood why his father made him study a book called The Way of Kings when he was younger. His father not only tried to shape him into an honorable man, but also for him to learn his family heritage. With tears in his eyes, he turned toward his companions and solemnly said, “This is my duty and I have to do it. I’m sorry.”
He had a more difficult time looking at Chaleur. “I cannot ask you to come with me. But if you decide to stay, live well and be prosperous.” He turned and started walked toward the One. But he was abruptly stopped when Chaleur suddenly jumped onto him, and one look at her loving eyes, told him the answer. Together, with hands clasped, they picked up the One. They look one last look at the world around them and waved farewell to Spes and Viritar. A bright white light flowed out of them as they disintegrated into white dust.

The author's comments:

My teacher recommended me to do this because he thought I was such an outstanding student.

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