The beast | Teen Ink

The beast

January 5, 2017
By Azura1 BRONZE, Springville, Utah
Azura1 BRONZE, Springville, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“This facility need’s more progress or our funds are going to be cut off with this experiment and you're going to be the monster’s food!” bellows the Chief Science Officer.
As he finishes, one of the scientist looks up and scoffs at his last remark. The CSO (“Chief Science Officer”) walks towards the scientist and picks him up, dragging him by the collar down the hall as everyone in the room looks on in fear.
He drags the young man to a room. “Do you think I was joking when I meant we needed more progress? Or do you need to be shown what happens if we don’t get any.”
The scientist looks up with a slight grin. “I might need one just to be extra cautious.”
As they approach the room, they hear the sound of clawing at the walls. The door to the habitat was opening, so they could see the railing hanging over the beasts. When they walk onto the rail, the scientist pushes the CSO to the railing. When he hits the rail he turns around to throw a punch. The scientist duck down and upper cuts him in the gut. The scientist grabs the CSO and holds him against the rail.
“What are you doing?” growls the CSO angrily.
“Don’t you know with you gone I can finally release these animals into the wild instead of holding them captive. All I need is your eye to do so.” Said the scientist.
The scientist drags the CSO to the elevator and goes to the emergency release door. When they get near the door the alarm goes off. The scientist grabs his head and pushes into the retina scanner. When it finished authenticating the eye the doors opened.
“What have you done? Everyone here is going to die in here thanks to you,” said the CSO
“No they are gonna die because of you, they thought you would protect them,” leers the scientist.
“Why are you doing this?”
“Because you killed my brother on the expedition you people did to recover that beast!.”
“No… you can't be simon's brother.”
“Your team killed him. So I'm going to do the same with all of you.”
The door opens to the habitat and the beast start walking towards them. The creature looked almost like a wolf, but it eyes were snakelike.
As it moved closer, the scientist moved back and pulled out an orb, then he vanished.
As the creature moved closer to the CSO it looked at him, but as if he was a piece of food. As the creature turned it head away the CSO ran away to one of the doors. As he was running the creature ran toward him and knocked him over. When the beast had him against the wall, he began to feast and all that the scientists back in the lab heard was the terrible screams.
        10 Years later
The distress signal had finally reached the command center about 2 years ago. Under the authority of the high council a team was granted access to go to the research facility and report back. Ivan was the captain of the reconnaissance team, comprised of six members. The facility they were about to enter was three stories tall with a basement.
“Attention! The facility is only one hour away. Get suited up and ready!” Ivan barks at his crew.
As they suited up to head down to the facility, they realised that two of the suits had small holes towards the bottom.
“Ivan, sir. Not all of us can go down there,” Luke tells the captain. 
“Luke and Trinity, stay in here and patch the suits. Me and officers Devin, Jackie and Steven will head down.”
Luke grabbed everyone's ear pieces and linked them together.
As the ship grew closer to the planet, the ship’s controls became unstable and it dropped through the air for a few seconds before the controls came back online.         “This ship is getting too old. It needs an upgrade,” said Luke.
“This ship needs to be scrapped and we need to build another one,” Devin responds.
“Get in the drop pod now. We are over the facility.”
As they got in the drop pod they pulled the lever and descended to the facility. As they began falling, they felt a energy wave course through the pod. They fell on top of the facility and all got out.
“My favorite part about being on this team is the drop pods,” Luke says.
“Did you guys feel that wave?” Devin asks nervously.
“Yes, do you know what it was?” Trinity replies likewise.
“It was probably just the emergency distress call,” said Ivan
The team was walking towards the window on the roof of the facility. As they got nearer to the window they felt the wave again and their communications were disabled.
“Hey, coms are down. Stick together. If you get separated, shout as loud as possible.” Ivan instructs them.
As they opened the window they begin to hook up their grappling hooks. Once they were done Ivan and Trinity began to rappel down to the third floor. Once they had reached the floor Devin and Luke began to descend. A violent tremor shakes the building and caused the third floor to collapse in on itself.
“Are you guys okay?” Shouted Devin.
Once the fog had cleared they had realised they had woken something up. A Wolf like creature started to walk around Ivan and Trinity.

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