Happy Halloween | Teen Ink

Happy Halloween

January 24, 2017
By laveryea BRONZE, Harleysville, Pennsylvania
laveryea BRONZE, Harleysville, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The dark hallway doors squeak as I try to open them, and the lights flicker and swing as I walk under them. I walk down the halls carefully trying not to disturb anything. It's October 31, my favorite holiday, Halloween. Well, it was my favorite holiday, until now. My name is Leila, but let me start at the beginning.
“Happy Halloween!”, I say to my neighbors as I walk with my shovel past their houses and go to work on the hole. The hole which I felt compelled to dig because of the unrelenting voices.   All my neighbors think I’m working in the community garden near the entrance to our neighborhood, but I need to finish the hole. I brought a ladder to the woods late last night trying to make sure none of the neighbors saw me putting it in my car and driving to the entrance of the woods. I walk the short distance to the woods with my wheelbarrow and shovel and begin to dig. The hole isn’t too large but it is big enough for me with some room to spare. I use the ladder and carefully climb down into my hole. I dig for hours and don’t realize it, I just keep digging. The more I dig, the more I hear the sounds. I don’t know what they are but I can hear them calling my name. I keep digging and hear them getting louder. I hit something metallic and hard in the wall of the hole, and I stop digging and try to uncover the solid shape. “Leila, Leila, Leila”, the voice was saying, getting louder as I dig deeper and deeper. Finally, I uncover the metallic object. I dust it off carefully, trying to figure out what it is as I remove the dirt and rocks off. After dusting it off, I notice that it looks like a door. I look for the doorknob, but I can’t find it anywhere. I keep looking and eventually, I see something that looks like a gold knob. Before I open the door I take a deep breath and then with all my force I twist the knob and push it in. It creaks open and I see a long hallway, and of course the voices are just getting louder. The floor looks like old cracking tile and the walls have some sort of yellowing wallpaper peeling off of them. I keep walking down the hallway making sure to not make too much noise because I have no idea what I’m getting myself into. As I walk down the long hallway I find doors, and all the doors have numbers on them. I keep walking until I come across number 13, the voices are coming from this door. I think to myself, number 13, should I open this or should I just keep walking? I decide to try going in the door, so I grab the doorknob carefully and turn it as slow as I can. I open the door and step inside the dark room. I take a step or two and the door slams shut behind me. I whip around looking for what made the door close but see nothing. I take my phone out of my pocket and turn on the flashlight. I shine the light but it still is pitch black in the room. I keep walking into the room and step in something, it sticks to my shoe and I fight to get my shoe out of the pool of sticky goop. I take another step forward and hear something, but this time it’s not my name. I keep walking trying to figure out what the noise was, and I hear it again. I immediately recognize it, it’s my scream, my high pitched blood-curdling scream. I start to run, not away from the scream, but towards it. I trip and fall landing in another pool of goop, and still not knowing what to do I get up and run in the direction of the scream. I find a candle and pick it up. I see a mirror up ahead and walk towards it. I look in the mirror and instead of seeing a reflection of myself I see me, but covered in blood and with evil red eyes. Now I scream and run from the mirror. With the candle still in my hand, I see a figure up ahead, I run towards it not knowing what else to do. I try to get the figure’s attention, but it won’t turn towards me. So, I keep running. I see a table and on the table are knives, I look at the knives and in the split second I was looking down a figure appears in front of me. It has a knife in its hand. I turn to run away, but it pulls me back. This time I get a look at the figure’s face, and I see that it is myself, I see the same person I saw in the mirror. I scream the loudest, most high-pitched scream and the figure screams right back. Once I stop screaming the figure raises the knife and says, “Happy Halloween!”.

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