Deadly Tattoos | Teen Ink

Deadly Tattoos

January 31, 2017
By Kmg1225 BRONZE, West Springfield, Massachusetts
Kmg1225 BRONZE, West Springfield, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” - Albus Dumbledore

5:30 AM
Staring at the number on my arm I knew it was too late. How could I change fate? How could I interrupt destiny? I just wish I could go back and do all the things I never did. I’ll never get married, never have kids. I’ll never do anything everyone is supposed to do, because I die today. I can’t sit and cry and pout. I’ve gotta go out and do the normal thing. Pulling myself out of bed I dragged my way to the closet clicking a button and clothes came and dressed me. Heading to the bathroom I stuck my arm out and the robot covered the markings. No one but us knows the date of our deaths. I plan to keep it that way. I have no family or friends to cry over me I’ll just turn to dust like the rest of the world and get blown away. It happens to everyone there was no fear behind death. Death was in itself life. I grabbed my keys leaving the house feeling my body get pelted by the sand of the windstorms my house disappearing once I got about four feet away. I got in the pod feeling it start moving once I pressed the button to the capital. Stepping out once I reached the dome covered capital into the “fresh” air, the skies were blue and sunny. Heading to the fourth grey building in opening the door and stepping inside. Each building was color coded, the outside represented the inside. Everyone I walked past wore grey, every room I passed through was a different shade of grey. Grey doors, walls, carpet, everyone's faces looked greyed but maybe that was just me, or maybe we really were all grey. I made it to my grey metal desk sitting down staring at the grey paper. My face never changed as I did my work and the grey clock ticked away each tick took away my own time installing a new piece of fear within me.
6:30 PM
Grabbing my things from the desk I walked out of the building the skies had gone darker. I Walked through the hordes of people checking both ways before crossing the street and making it to my pod. I climbed in the electronic voice greeted me before bringing me home. I stepped out into the dust storm walking aimlessly towards the outline of the house opening the door closing it quickly to prevent the dust from getting in. I walked sluggish to the kitchen grabbing a food bag pouring some water on it and putting it in the oven. Leaving it for a few minutes going up to the closet and letting it change me into something more comfortable. Heading back down taking the food out. I must have put too much water because it was mush instead of a fresh cooked ham. Oh well. I scooped some turning the spoon above the plate it hit the plate with a disgusting plop. I grabbed a fork sitting down handing the robotic arm the fork and it started to feed me the mush. Once i finished eating it I head to the couch hitting the button for the tv. It came to life the bright colors flashing my face. What to watch? What to watch? IT was my last night what could I put on that would stimulate some excitement. The time ticked on as the voices drowned out into just a constant buzzing. The time on the digital clock was bright and glaring into my eyes.
11:45 PM
This is it the day is coming to an end and so is my life I stared at my wrist. They need to put times because the wait is agonizing. I mean i’ve gotta die within the next 15 minutes. I stood from my spot on the couch dragging the clock to the window heading out into the storm and to that window watching the time continue. No idea that it was about to silence my breath. 11:50, to 11:55, to 11:59. I closed my eyes holding my breath waiting for the light of death to envelope me.
12:01 PM
I opened my eyes why am I not dead? What’s going on? I blinked rapidly trying to clear the dust from my eyes. I ran back inside taking a good look at the clock. Was this just a joke? Am I dreaming? Maybe the clock is broken. Yes, that must be it. I ran to the TV seeing the same time written at the bottom right corner. Looking at my wrist again staring at the date March 15th 2762. You know what? Go to bed. If you die asleep it won't hurt and you won’t remember it anyway. I nodded in agreement with my own mind as I head upstairs getting into bed.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 2 2017 at 11:57 am
TheEvergreen SILVER, Birmingham, Alabama
8 articles 0 photos 64 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never laugh at live dragons." -JRR Tolkien

This was a very interesting and creative work! I was very impressed. The only negative thing I have to say about this is that further down the article, your grammar and punctuation started to become a little bit careless - I would suggest editing a bit. But anyway, you did very good, and I think that you should do some more follow-up stories!