Stage 4 | Teen Ink

Stage 4

November 17, 2017
By BetaBeta BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
BetaBeta BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Ava, will you be my girlfriend?” Asked Ethan.

“Yes, I will!” Excitedly Ava replied.

Ethan was ecstatic that Ava had spoken the words “yes!” Ethan and Ava are in a car overlooking the Big Apple. You can see the moon peep through the dark clouds in the sky and all the buildings are lit up like a christmas tree.

One year later

“Mom, is it normal to have a bump here?” Ava asked concernedly.

“I don’t know, do you want to go to the doctors?” Ava's mom asked.

“Yes, let’s go now and i mean NOW” Ava reliped.

Ava and her mom get into a bright white car with a black leather interior, and started the car. They pull into the parking lot of Glens Falls Hospital in New York city. They walk into the waiting room and go up to the front desk.

“Hi, How may i help you?” the lady at the front desk asked.

“Hi, My daughter needs to see a doctor and ask about this bump on her body.” Ava’s mom told the lady.

“Okay they will call you up in a bit,, just sit in the seats over there.” the lady pointed.
Ava and her mom took a seat in the waiting room with 3 other people. The waiting room had a creamy color for their walls and hardwood flooring. They had a few chairs for seating and had some magazines for people to read. One by one the 3 people got called up.

“Jimmy Walker?” The doctor called.

“Sally Olsen?” The doctor called.

“Mike Calor?” The doctor called.

  “Ava White?” Ava and her mom stood up and walked with the doctor to there room. They walk into a room with wood cabinets and a lime green wall. There was a chair with wheels on the bottom for the doctor and hospital bed for the patients to seat or lay on. Anyone else that came with the patient got chairs that just stayed in place up against the windows. So the doctor sits in his chair and Ava and her mom does the same.

“So why are you here today?” the doctor asked with question.

“I’m here because i am concerned about this bump!” Ava told the doctor.

“Well let’s run some test and after we will give you the results in 2-3 weeks. “ the doctor told Ava.

“Okay sounds good” Ava replied with a smile.
3 weeks later
Ring ring Ava’s mom picks up the phone with some devastating news from the doctor.

“Ava has stage 4 breast cancer!” the doctor told in depression.

Ava’s mom fell to her knees and started to cry. In a mother's life the worst thing you can hear is your kid has cancer. She thought why me god why me. But the worst thing at that moment was how was she going to tell Ava the horrible news. I guess i will just tell her now.

“Ava!!!!!” her mom screamed.

“Yes!!” Ava screamed back.

“You have stage 4 breast cancer.” her mom replied sobbing.

“. . .” Ava replied.

Ava falls on her knees and start to cry. Why me out of all the people why me. I have to call Ethan and tell him that I have cancer.
Ring ring Ethan picks up the phone.

“Hey Ava.” Ethan responded.

“I have cancer and i only have a few weeks to live because it’s stage 4.” Ava crying her heart out as she tells him.

Ethan is silent. Ava can hear him on the other side of the phone crying. Ethan thinks to himself how can i have her live more then  few weeks.

“Ethan, are you there?” asked Ava

“Y-y-ya of course” Ethan responded softly.
One day later
“That’s it” Ethan told himself “i found a way how to cure Ava!” Since my dad is a scientist maybe he can make something to make her overcome it.

Ring ring . . .

“Hello?” Ava responded

“Ava i have an idea how to make you a cure!” Ethan told with excitement.

“It’s okay Ethan I already coped with the idea and what is going to happen!” Ava teared up a little.

“No, you don’t understand i need you in my life i don’t want you to go so soon!” Ethan starts to tear up.

“Ethan i’m sorry but i was going to tell you this later” Ava replied in tears.
“What?” Ethan asked in question.

“I’m breaking up wit. . .”

Ava could barely get her words out of her mouth.

“I know what you're going to say but no i’m not leaving you, where getting through this together.” Ethan said with passion
Ava hangs up the phone.

Ring ring . . .

“Yellow” ethan dad answers.

“Hey dad, can you make a cure for breast cancer.” Ethan replied.

“Yes son i will give it to you tomorrow what for?”

“My girlfriend.” Ethan said with a tear.

“Okay i'll give it to you tomorrow!” ethan's dad told ethan.
The next day
“Here you go son” ethan's dad told him.

“Thank you so much!” Ethan replied with a smile.

“What’s in it?” Asked Ethan.

“Ginger, Baking soda, and Nutmeg” Ethan dad told Ethan.

“Alright thanks dad!” Ethan told in happiness.

Ethan gets on his bike and rides to Ava’s house. Ethan has a crouser that is white with a black seat and handlebars. Knock Knock. Ava opens the door and sees Ethan she falls to her knees and starts to cry.

“Ethan i’m so sorry that this happened.” She spits out.

“It’s okay i’m here for you and i got the cure.” Ethan replied with a smile.

“Really” Ava responded

Ethan gives her the cure and tells her to drink all of it. Which she did she drank all of it till all you saw was nothing not one drop of the cure. Ethan hugs Ava tight.

“You're going to make it through.” he says with a calm voice.
Two years later
“I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride.”

Ethan leans in and kisses Ava. Ava and Ethan got married in Hawaii on November 4, 2004. Ava is breast cancer free and for ever will be as long as she has Ethan by her side.

The author's comments:

It's about a girl named Ava that gets cancer. Her boyfriend Ethan needs to find a cure before it's to late.

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