The Way Home | Teen Ink

The Way Home

December 6, 2017
By Biagi BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
Biagi BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 Once there was a Unicorn named Unis. Unis was born in Uni-Land where all the unicorns live in harmone. Except for the unicorns born without their sparkle horn. Unis was one of few unicorns born without their sparkle horn. When unicorns get born without their sparkle horn they are sent to Unicorn Mania. Unicorn Mania is where unicorns go when they do not get born with their sparkle horn. Unis was one of those unicorn getting, ripped apart from their family.  Unis, is to this day, still in Unicorn Mania waiting until he comes of age to leave to go to Sparkle City, where you get three wishes to make your dreams come true.
That is where this story starts. Unis is about to leave to go to Sparkle city so he is packing his bag.
“I will pack a blanket in case I get cold, water for when I am thirsty,  a cupcake when I get hungry, and a bobby pin just in case I need it,” said Unis.
“I am ready to leave,” Unis said excitedly. Unis set out to go to Sparkle City.
“I just have to pass the walls, and go walk to Sparkle City,” said Unis. Unis walked until he got to the exit of Unicorn Mania. He showed his ID to the Unicorn officer and then walked out of the City.
“I never knew that the world outside these walls was so beautiful,”he exclaimed. Unis walked and walked till he was tired and the sun went down.
“I better take a short nap so that I am well rested to face whatever comes my way tomorrow,” Unis said to himself.  So Unis unrolled his blanket and fell in a deep sleep. The next morning he awoke to the sound of birds chirping and the sun shining on his face.
“I better make haste,” said Unis.  So he rolled up his blanket put it back in his bag and started to walk again. Unis walked until he saw something that was strange. It was a part of the adventure that he was hoping he would not have to go through.
It was the dark forest, the darkest part of the world that a unicorn would ever have to face. The dark forest was a dark and scary place that no unicorn ever wanted to go through, but Unis knew if he ever wanted to see his parents again he would have to go through it. Unis started walking slower and slower and slower until he was barely moving at all.
“Here I go,” said Unis shaking.
Unis was always aware of his surroundings, but in the Dark Forest he was in stealth mode. “I better get through the dark forest quickly,” he said to himself. So Unis picked up the pace until he came to a fork in the road.
“Oh no, I don't know which way to go. I will never get to Sparkle City and I will never see my parents again,” Unis said sadly.
Feeling as though this whole trip was pointless Unis suddenly remembered what to do when you get lost.
“I have to look at the pink sun to tell the direction of Sparkle City,” said Unis excitedly.
So Unis looked in the right direction that was towards the sun and happy as can be skipped down the correct path until he was out of the Dark Forest.
“I have made it, I have made it!” Unis cried.
“My journey was not pointless. I have made it out of the Dark Forest,” Unis said relieved.
So Unis continued his journey stopping occasionally to drink his water, take naps, and eat his cupcake.
Then, as Unis was walking he heard a voice so soft and faint that it was barely even noticeable.
“What is that I am hearing, could it be the most annoying creatures in all the land. No, it can not be PIXIES!”
Unis was right, there where two pixies wanting a new prize for their queen.
“I found us a new friend Alisha,”said Ashley
“It looks like a unicorn.”
“That's because it is a unicorn,”said Alisha.
“Let's take him back to the Pixy Palace,” said Ashley.
“Good Idea,” said Alisha.
“Let's get him in 1,2,3-GO!”
Then suddenly both pixies turned into human like figures and grabbed Unis.
“Ahhhhhhhh,” said Unis.“What is happening to me!”
Then poor Unis scared out of his mind got picked up by the strange figures and carried to a big, pink, shinny palace.
“What is happening to me,” said Unis.
“You are going to Pixy palace where all the pixies live, but you will be a pet to the all mighty, all powerful Queen Pixy,” said Ashley.
As the palace came into sight, Unis could see the weakness of the palace. There was no Guard towers or guards. So hopefully it would be easy to escape. Unis was mistaken though.
“Good work Alisha and Ashley,” said the Queen Pixy.
“Thank you,” said both Ashley and Alisha.
“It should make a fine pet. Put him in a cage,” said the Queen Pixy.
That night as the lights went down and all the pixies fell asleep Unis remembered that he had packed a bobby pin. Unis opened his backpack, found the bobby pin, and tried to open the door all night until he got the door open. Then he realized that if he was to escape he would have to do it at night, but it had turned morning now and was too late to escape. Unis tried to get the door to appear as though it was closed, so he could escape the next night fall.
The pixies where now awake, but they paid no attention to Unis so he waited, and waited, and waited until nightfall when he could escape. The last time he ever saw the pixies again was when the Pixy Queen wished  him a good night.
“Good night my unicorn,” said the Queen Pixy in a sleepy voice.
As the Pixy Queen collapsed on the bed Unis grabbed his backpack and left her room.
“Oh no,” said Unis “How will I find my way out of this castle?”
To Unis’s despair there was no clear way out of the castle.
“I will never get to Sparkle City at this rate. I have spent two whole days in a cage.”
Unis tried his hardest to find his way out, but he was slowly getting more discouraged.
“I think I remember them taking me left, then right, then sharp left, then right. Then you go out by going down the stairs and out of the castle,” said Unis.
So that is what Unis did until he got out of the castle and back on his path.
“I did it, I did it!” said Unis excitedly.
Unis took in his accomplishment of getting out of the castle and continued his journey. Unis walked and walked until he could not go any farther.
“I better take a nap because I feel like I am close to Sparkle City,”he said.
After Unis awoke from his nap he continued walking until he saw something that made him very happy.
“I think I see! it I think I see it! It is surely a sign. It is the shimmer aura. The sign that you are really close to Sparkle City,” Unis exclaimed.
Unis was jumping with joy, he was so happy. Unis knew that it was time to finish his quest and return to his parents. So with all his might he ran and ran until he saw Sparkle City in the distance. As Unis got near Sparkle City he saw something that was troubling him.
It looked like the land is running out and it is turning into water. “How will I get there if it is surrounded by water? I CAN'T SWIM!” Unis shouted.
Unis saw Sparkle City, in all of its glory, was truly surrounded by water.
“I have to think of something or else I will not be able to get to Sparkle City,” cried Unis.
So Unis thought and thought until he remembered what he read in a book.
I remember now. I think creatures live in those waters that could help me, Unis thought
Unis had now reached the water and was ready to look for help to get across the water to be in Sparkle City when he saw something that caught his eye.
What is that? Maybe it could help me.
“Hello!!! What is there?” Unis shouted.
Then it happened again, a pink seahorse stuck his head out of the water curious to see what was on the shore.
“Oh, I think it is a seahorse which could help me get to Sparkle City,” thought Unis.
Then the seahorse came to the shore trying to get Unis’s attention.
“Can I ride you?” Unis asked the seahorse.
The seahorse nodded his head, and then carefully Unis hopped on the seahorse’s back and road to Sparkle City.
“I am here, I am here, finally, I am here,” Unis said in an excited voice.
Unis got off  the back of the seahorse, thanked her, and then walked up to the gates.
“Hello”, said Unis “is anyone in there?”
“Hello, what are you here for little unicorn?” said the gatemen.
“I am here to make my three wishes,” said Unis excitedly.
“Ok, here you go,  I hope you get what you wished for,” said the gate men as he opened the gate.
Unis was there and ready to make his three wishes. All he had to do is walk to the wishing well to make his wishes.
“I wish to have the most sparkly horn in all the land, second I wish to be transported to Uni-Land, and lastly to be with my family forever,” said Unis.
Then suddenly glitter sparkles around him, then flew towards his horn to fulfill his first wish to have the most sparkly horn in all the land. Unis was so happy to have a sparkly horn he danced and frolicked around the well. Then as he was coming to a stop he saw more glitter coming at him, then it all went dark. Unis woke up to find he was in a new land with new surroundings. Unis got up on his hooves to see a sign that said, “Welcome to Uni-Land”,  this was fulfilling his second wish to be in Uni-Land. Lastly he heard a sound from inside the bushes.
“Unis is that you, Unis?”, said a mysterious voice.  “Is that my baby?”, said the voice sweetly.
“Who is that calling my name?” said Unis.
Suddenly a Unicorn that looked almost identical to Unis ran towards him and gave him a big hug.
“Mamma, Mamma is that you?” said Unis in tears.
“Yes, Unis it's your mother.  I will never let you go again” said Unis’s mother.
Unis was finally where he wanted to be in all his glory with his parents again. This is where the story ends. Unis is a happy Hero, living his life as a strong Unicorn with his parents after finding his way home.

The End




The author's comments:

This piece is about a yong unicorn trying to find his way home. In this artical Unis the Unicorn is trying to find his way home to his family. He encounters many surprise along the way, and mary challenges. stick along for this heart feld and loving story.

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love.liv said...
on Dec. 15 2017 at 9:09 pm