The fairies | Teen Ink

The fairies

December 18, 2017
By Anonymous

Once upon a time there was a boy by the name lucas. He liked going on hikes through the woods. One day he went hiking looking for things that looked interesting. He saw some awesome car parts.And he decided to move them. And he found a huge hole on the ground so he looked for a stick and poked inside the hole and that's when lucas heard some voices coming from the ground.

So lucas decided he was gonna put his hand inside the hole underground...which he did. And he felt a little body...he got scared and he heard something say ¨HEYYYY STOP TOUCHING ME YOU WEIRD KID.¨ But lucas was excited to find out what was inside talking. He just kept hearing whispering. And lucas was getting even more curious.


But that's when he saw a fairy come out that huge hole under ground. He started to panic and scream like a maniac. And he stopped and thought to himself did i really just see a fairy! So he went up to the fairytail and asked why were they in the hole hiding for.The fairy said because they been hiding from humans and other things that could harm them.

Lucas now knew why the fairies were hiding in that hole. But lucas was rude and asked the fairy for a super power.And what lucas asked for was to be able to fly. And so the fairy gave lucas what he wished for.She went flying around him and covered him in magical powder.And that's when lucas started to float.And lucas was happy but scared because he didn't even know how to fly.

Lucas thanked the fairy so much for the powers she gave him. But not only that lucas knew the fairies are in  danger out in this crucial world. So he gave those fairies a home. So they wouldn't be in danger.And so lucas and the fairies lived a safe and happy life.


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