See You Again | Teen Ink

See You Again

December 18, 2017
By catalinalemus BRONZE, Hedgesville, West Virginia
catalinalemus BRONZE, Hedgesville, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

See you Again
"Where am I?"
This isn't my room. This isn't my bed. I turn over to see a nightstand with a lamp and alarm clock.
The beeping starts, loud.
I wake up on the ground. No alarm clock and no bed. I remember now. The world is trash and I'm still here.
I get up. My head rushing, pulsing to the rhythm of my heart beats. I grab my bag and swing it on my shoulders.
I look at my watch.
I've had to walk at least 15 miles. My feet are burning, numb. I take off my shoes and rub. I turn on my phone. A smile spreads across my face just from a wallpaper, it’s a picture of her. Her smile melts my heart.
"I'll find you like I promised."
I slide my phone up and got into my messages. I look at the last text she sent.
"I love you Tom Fin Gilman. You're my world. Find me."
I miss her. I miss everyone. I need to find her. I will find her.
I get up and start to walk. She's my motivation.
I start to jog. She's my motivation.
I start to run. Heart racing. Tears flowing down my face. Memories flashing back and forth in my mind. Talking echoes in my head.
I trip.
My ankle hits a rock and does a 90 twist. I hear a snap. I tumble forward. Rolling until I hit hard, on unforgiving rocks and come to a stop. I lay there for a while, then try to get up.
I stand up and start to hop. My foot hits the ground. I yell and fall right back over. My yell echoes through the buildings. My ankle is throbbing. I lift up my pants leg. I can see that my bone is not in its usual place. Pushing against my skin. Ready to burst through with any movement.
It's getting dark, I say to myself. I see buildings that torn are down, piece by piece. I turn around to see the little 3 story library by the bridge.
" I can make it"
I slowly push myself up. Thinking of my motivation. I start to limp toward the doors. Closer and closer they get. I'm doing this. I'm strong.
I get through the doors and fall to the ground. I crawl toward a book shelf and lean against it.
Chest heaving, I mumble " I need rest."
I can't fall asleep. I'm in pain. It's cold. The ground is too hard. I'm going to be to worn out tomorrow. My head moves from one thought to the next. I will sing our song to help me fall asleep.
"It's been a long day without you, my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
Weve come a long way from where we began
Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again."
I slowly start to feel myself drift as I hum the rest of our song. My eyes are heavy.
I'm asleep.
I hear running water. I open my eyes and sit up. I'm back in this room again. I look over at the night stand. Its 3:27. Last time the alarm went off at 6. I have time to look around.
I start to stand up but then I look over to the bathroom door. The running water has stopped. Someone is starting to walk out the door.
It's her. In a white night gown, silky. She's glowing like an angel. Tears rise to the edge of my eyes.
"You're up early" she said. My tears roll down my face. She walks to the bed.
"What's wrong?" she says as tears keep coming.
" I just had a bad dream," I finally spit out after a while.
"Well I'm here for you now." She wipes my tears and pulls me close. I hold her tight. I can't help but cry more.
She starts to fade like a ghost. I look up and she's actually glowing. My hand falls through hers. She whispers I love you and she's gone, disappeared.
The alarm in the room goes off. Screaming to tell me to get up.
I wake up. My eyes burn. Tears are rolling down my eyes. I wipe them. I try to move. My ankle hurts still. That’s when I hear rumbling. Like a vehicle. A plane.
Just then I hear the plane getting louder and louder. Getting closer and closer. Then a bomb. Ashes fly up in front of the door into the building.
"The bridge!" I yell.
I get up and hop fast to the doors. I get out to where the bridge used to be. It's now submerged in water and darkness. I hear rumbling and the ground starts to crumble underneath me. The ground falls through. I'm hanging now. Hanging on a metal bar.
I'm holding for my life, slowly slipping. The bar slowly starts to slip out of the dirt wall. I'm thinking not knowing what to do. I think, I know what to do.
I let go and fall into the abyss.

The author's comments:

Im Catalina L. This peice was done as a project in my creative writing class. Its a post-apocalypse story. Im an 11th grade teenager.

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