Eden | Teen Ink


December 14, 2017
By Crystalina BRONZE, Laverne, California
Crystalina BRONZE, Laverne, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

People were corrupt in many societies so someone had to make a change. A group of people from different countries went to an abandoned town in Poland to try to make things right. When they arrived they found a bunch of apple tree saplings around the city. . So they got an idea on how to create a small business to fund the future town. The main group decided to create a democracy to start off the town. Most of all who were tired of corruptness settled in Eden. They all slowly helped Eden get to where it is today.

To start off, The group used the apple trees to good used they had a good amount of  workers to take care of all the trees. About 10 years later they were fully grown. Then they started their apple business.They sold the best apple products in the world. Then there was a girl named Eliza who arrived in town. Her intelligence really enhanced the apple business. She was looking for a fresh start. Once she found out about Eden’s rules she was excited to go and live there. One big rule was that there must be no littering and that every community must be clean.

In addition, Eliza's past wasn't so great so she had a dark past, a past where she could never move forward so she went to Eden to find a new life. She was always repeating to herself a phrase.

“Eden will always be fair and everything will be done with care,” Eliza stated.

There were these two women who were from her that past tried to force her back to her hometown. These women were Veronica and Jenny, they have been looking for Eliza for months until they heard about Eden. They were sure that she was there. Veronica and Jenny found Eliza so they grabbed her arm tightly and never planned to let go. So Eliza’s temper blew.

“How rude for you to be grabbing my arm in such a harsh way!” Yelled Eliza.
“Don’t you remember us!?” Asked Veronica.
“I... yes I do,” Eliza replied in an ashamed tone.
According to Eliza those were the people she fought as a college student and she wasn’t happy to see them. But Eliza owed them quite a lot for hurting their chance of graduating. They were very unhappy because they passed yet they didn't get a high degree. Eliza convinced them to let her stay for three months before she goes back to explain to the professor of what she did.

Therefore, Eliza's “Bodyguards” followed her all around town. They started to steal the secret recipes to hurt Eliza's job they didn’t get to do that yet. Veronica then stole the biggest secret recipe and threatened Eliza to show the whole world if she didn’t go now.

“Why are you doing this to my town they had nothing to do with this leave Eden out of it!” Eliza shouted.
“Well guess what you ruined our chance of having a great job so now we are going to ruin yours,” Jenny rebelliously told Eliza.

Despite this, Veronica and Jenny started to feel bad for Eliza because the college situation happened years ago. They actually really liked the town and the people in it. But the people thought that they were monsters. So they wanted to make it up somehow, they got the idea of burning the secret recipe to get better with the town and start becoming good people. They kinda felt at home because people started being nice to them. Eliza did really realize that they had a huge change of heart.

“Do you want to stay here with me?” Eliza nervously asked.
“I mean that would be kind if we can to stay here” Replied Veronica.
They decided that they would stay there and begin a new life with Eliza and the town.

Due to this decision, They stayed and left their past behind. Veronica and Jenny were also very intelligent,  that increased Eden’s business even more. Jenny also helped create their seal which is a big apple tree with deers around it.  Signifying Eden’s business and the way the whole town contributes towards it. She really wanted it to be special Since the town meant so much to her. Eliza, Jenny, and Veronica have been the best of friends since. They took care of the town and looked over all of the people that lived in Eden.

“So what shall we do next?” Eliza excitedly asked Veronica and Jenny.
“We shall see,” They both replied.

The author's comments:

I have always felt like I wanted a fresh start. Everytime I would try something from my past would haunt me. Once I realized that i could overcome it, I did.

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