The Day That Will Change Everything | Teen Ink

The Day That Will Change Everything

March 8, 2018
By Anonymous

“BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!” Rang Hunter’s alarm clock at 6:20 in the morning. “Ugh. Time to get ready for school,” said Hunter. Hunter showered, ate breakfast, brushed his teeth, got dressed and hopped on the school bus.

Hunter is 14 years old and he is in the last quarter of his 8th grade year. To him, the school day went by slow like it always does. Same old lunch at the end of the day and all the other subjects same time and nothing new to learn. “Why can't something different happen?” said Hunter.

Hunter didn't know that this day was not going to be a normal day. Little did he know that today would change everything.

Hunter isn't a fan of school but he has high grades and is a “Polite and respectful student.” Hunter took the bus home. At 2:30 when he usually gets home his brother and sister were already there. He asked his mom, “Why are they home?’ His mom said, “They have this bad feeling in their gut like something bad is going to happen. They just couldn't stop shaking.”

Just then, Hunter’s dad pulled into the driveway. He got out of his car and went inside. “Dad why are you home?” asked Hunter. “Your mother said that she couldn't handle the other two on her own.” “Oh,” Hunter said. “Did you feel that?” said Hunter. “What?” said his mom. “It was like a little tremble. A little shaking.” “It probably was the air conditioner for the whole house turning on.” Said dad. “ I just felt it again!” Said Hunter. “AAAHHH I feel it too!” said Hunter’s brother Nolan. “Calm down, it’s like I said, it’s the air conditioner running!” yelled dad. “Your father's right, and Hunter stop freaking out your brother and sister!” The shaking rose a little bit, but mom and dad keep on saying it was just the AC.

They don’t live in an area common to  earthquakes.  So as a distraction, they decided to sit back, try to relax and watch some T.V. As they were about a minute or so into watching their favorite family sitcom, “The Big Bang Theory,” the T.V. started to make an alarming noise. EH! EH! EH!  “This is an emergency evacuation. Pack only your most valued belongings and type latitude 44° 20' 45.8" N longitude 75° 54' 40.4" W into your GPS or phone. Get there immediately! This is not a drill! Repeat this is not a drill! EH! EH! EH!”

The house went crazy everybody was running all over the place grabbing their ancestors belongings, their electronics, and chargers. They grabbed food, water, clothing, money and some other things. They said goodbye to their house packed the car and drove to the coordinates they were given. Everyone look at the house as they drove down the driveway. Crying all the water out of their body’s because they didn’t know if they were ever going to see their beautiful home again. “It looks like a 30 minute drive,” said dad. “WAIT! WHAT, WE ARE GOING TO THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE!?!?!?!?” “They probably gave out the wrong coordinates,” said mom.

They turned on the radio and all the radio stations kept saying “latitude 44° 20' 45.8" N longitude 75° 54' 40.4" W.” “I don’t think they made a mistake,” said dad. “Are we there yet?” said Hunter’s sister Carol. “No we are not,” said Dad.

Those were the longest 30 minutes of this family’s life. When they were close to their destination area, they saw what looked like rockets behind a big gray building. A lot of other cars were there. They pulled into a parking spot, grabbed their belongings and ran into the building. As they were running they felt the shaking. The shaking had increased since Hunter fist felt it. Hunter saw the look on his parents faces. “It’s just the air conditioner,” said Hunter mocking his dad. “I’m not in the mood!” replied dad.

When they got into the building, a man took their names and told them to take a seat over there in row 27. “This place is pretty cool.” Said Nolan. “Yeah it is,” replied Hunter. The shaking rose even higher.

Then a man walked in front of the giant group of people sitting he held a microphone in his hand and said, “As you are all aware something bad is happening. Something terribly bad is happening. I know we don't usually do this type of thing like not saying what is happening instead of saying what is happening but at this point it doesn't even matter. The ancient obelisks that the Egyptians built started lighting up in an Orange color. Then as you are well aware the ground started to shake. Terrestrials are sending signals to those things and is making the Earth shake. We think that the Earth will explode into thousands of pieces. So what we are going to do is send all of you and us into a space using the rockets. Don’t worry right now we are supplying them to have 200 hundred years of food and water on them. Well not so much water because we will recycle the water but mainly the food. You all will be launched into space and we will be floating in space the rest of our lives unless the Earth doesn't blow up. I know what you are thinking. How are you going to fit the whole country in the certain amount of rocket ships that you have. Well we are going to put people in the International Space Station so that means that you will be a little squished going up to space.”

“We will start boarding now. Can I have this row followed by this, then this one, and so on? Oh and also you will not be split up from your families” All around Hunter you could hear other people saying, “YES!” When it was Hunter’s row him and his family followed the people in front of them. They walked for some bit and then went up stairs to get into one of the many rockets. There had to have been more than 20 rockets. Hunter asked someone working there and said, “How and where did you get all these rockets?” The man replied with,”Why do you think you have never seen this place on a map or even heard of it? It’s because this is a top secret area that only a few people know about designed for something like this.” “Ok?” said Hunter.

When they got on the rocket the greeting man said, “Hello, your family can choose and couch and buckle yourselfs in. All of your belongings go under the couch. Make sure to put the cover back down over your possessions. We will come around and check.”

The couches were not like regular couches they had straps and headrests in them. Underneath the couches were storage compartments where you open them put your belongings in and then shut and secure them. At this point the shaking was really high. When the family sat down Carol and Nolan said at almost the exact same time, “It’s a massage couch!” That made the whole family laugh a little bit.

Five more minutes went by and a man came around making sure everybody was buckled in and their stuff was secured. The rocket was pretty full. Hunter looked around and noticed that all the workers were secured and sitting. “Ok hold on we will be tilting backwards and be preparing to launch. We will alert you when we will be taking off,” said a voice towards the front of the rocket. The rocket started to lean backwards. Now the shaking was a lot. “We are taking off now,” said the voice.

It took about 10 seconds then everyone felt gravity pulling them back as the rocket took off. “I’m scared,” shouted just about everyone on the rocket. Hunter and his family were holding hands the whole way up to space. When the rocket stopped flying and finally reached space a voiced announced, “If you want you can now unbuckle yourselves and float around the the rocket. We are headed to the ISS if we have any volunteers to get dropped off their and live their lives there instead of this rocket go to the back and tell the man with the notepad. We will be arriving there in about 5 minutes.” “This is so amazing!” said Hunter, as he attempted some flips in the air with his grandparents. He looked around and saw that everybody else is doing the same thing. “I could do this all day,” Hunter told his Mom. “Good to know because you will probably be doing this the rest of your life,” his mom replied.

Hunter looked out the window and saw the Earth, He could tell that the planet was shaking from out in space. The Earth didn't look like a smooth ball it looked more like a rough rigged ball. He could also see the other rockets that have been launched all over the world going to the ISS. Some of the rockets were closer to getting there than others.

When they got there the rocket ship docked. Hunter’s family who signed up for the ISS and the other families who signed up had to go through a small tube to get into ISS. “Wow this place looks bigger than I imagined.” Said Nolan as he entered the ISS. 30 minutes later when all the families were settled in the ISS the rocketship left the station and another came in. Every family had their own room. “This is like a giant hotel in space like there are different levels and lots of rooms.” Carol said as she was doing flips. The whole family went to explore the space station.

They explored the station for about an hour and a half when Mom said, “Lets go find something to eat.” Everyone agreed, so the family followed the signs that led to the dinner floor. They ate what was on the limited menu. “Who wants to go back to the room and go to bed? It’s been a long day.” Said Mom when they were leaving the dinner area. “Me!” Said the whole family while rubbing their eyes. They went to their rooms and went to bed.

At 7:00 am they got up, showered and went to the eating area to eat breakfast. It was the same food as dinner. Astronaut food. After breakfast they went on with their day. When they got back to the room after breakfast Hunter looked out the window and he saw the other rocket ships just floating around in space. He looked at the Earth wich still looked weird. Hunter turned away from the window and turned back, “BOOM!” Went the Earth. “OH MY GOD!” Said Hunter facing the window in shock. Hunter’s family turned to the window and saw nothing but rocks. While Hunter was looking out the window he saw rocks hitting and blowing up rockets. The family ran out of the room in fear of a rock hitting the wall and sucking them out into space. They were not the only ones in the hallway. Other families were in the hallway.

A man came into the hallway and said, “Don’t worry we have high-tech deflecting systems that will deflect the debri off the ISS. There will be some shaking but nothing bad will happen.” They waited a couple of minutes and then went back inside their room. There was nothing were the Earth had been expect chunks of rocks and debri.

They had decided to leave the room because there wasn't anything to do in the room. They were walking to the big window. The biggest window in the whole place. When they arrived they were looking out the window into space literally. “What is that?” Said someone next to the family. “What is what?” Said the person next the the women. “That blackish movement over there.” “I see it.” Said Hunter. “ It looks like there is nothing there but there is something there.” All of a sudden a giant ship appeared. Lasers went flying out of the ship and blew up the whole station. The station blew up and the chunks went everywhere destroying the rockets surrounding the ISS. “The human race has ended. One less race to get rid of.” A creepy red alien said with a sinister smile on his face as he was sitting in command of the giant ship that blew up the station.

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