The Walls | Teen Ink

The Walls

March 14, 2018
By Gpa_Kolbz BRONZE, Holstein, Iowa
Gpa_Kolbz BRONZE, Holstein, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You never know how lucky you had it until you lose everything, your parents, friends, family, house, sanity; when it’s gone you look back and wish you had it again. I walked in on my parents dead, lying on the floor. Two of my brothers were executed in front of me, one killed by the infection, and the last one I have no idea where he went. Me on the other hand, sitting here writing this, blood on my hands, just trying to keep my sanity. About eight years ago there was an outbreak, like a fungus spread throughout the country. Once you breathe in the spores, you're over. It gets into your blood and then finds a way throughout your body, and into your brain. One spore is enough to kill a healthy man, and there are very few of them left. I guess you can say I'm lucky to be here, maybe I am, maybe I'm unlucky. After the outbreak, the government set up ¨safety zones” to keep the infected people and healthy people separate; wasn't a bad idea but trying to pile millions of people in one area never really works. The metaphorical ¨bubble¨ that protects us from the outside world is pretty full, and lets just say with this much occupied space, it isn't hard to get out. I make a living off smuggling, so do many; we can find supplies outside the walls that they don't offer in the walls, which we sell on the black market for tons. The currency is ration cards or trading, ration cards being how you get food, water, medical supplies, you name it. You can also trade things, depending on the value to the person who is looking, for equal to or higher value. Smuggling and black markets are the only way you can get guns, and guns are unbelievably helpful in this. All you have to do is point it at someone during a deal and they drop to their knees, thinking you're undercover or something. It's also good for clearing out the infected, and other people; when you encounter other smugglers you have to be a good shot with it. Ammo is expensive, the gun is expensive, the supplies you could be smuggling are expensive, so your accuracy is your life. Learning where to go and not to go was a process, but after a few months it becomes second nature. One time it was me and one another girl against a group of like eight. As I was shooting at them one cam from the side and tackled me off a staircase, the railing stabbed me. I lived; I have no idea how, but I did. I give credit to the girl for saving my life then, she kept us going until I was up and running again. I have never smuggled out a person, until you know,  that night I smuggled out a person. She got me into that mess, and also got me out of it. When the leader of my group brought her in my room, and told me he needs me to do this; I was anything but pleased. He always had me do the dirty work, the hardest tasks. No break in between either, I just got back from a week long route. I ended up killing him, but not here; I found out he was working with other groups, and the other group has Randy. Randy owes me a lot, all the times I saved him, killed for him, did jobs for him. If I see him I'm going to kill him, well I ended up seeing him while smuggling the girl.

When my boss came through my door, the look on my face had to of been priceless. I just got done smuggling a bunch of medication i was sent to get, and that took a week. When I got back to my room I was only there for two days and he comes in. I was relaxing on my couch, beer in hand, remote in the other. My gun was on the nightstand next to me, I almost shot him, I don't know who’s lucky I didn’t. The girl followed behind him, and after I lowered my gun I told them to sit down and stay a while. He remained standing, told me I have to escort her out tonight, because the feds are looking for her.

“I just got home from a week long route, almost lost my head three times, and made you tons of money!! Just to be sent back out  into Hell!”, I shouted furiously at him. It wasn’t right to yell at your boss but it also isn’t right to send me out solo once let alone twice. I might be the best but no one is good enough or lucky enough to make it through that last route. The route he was going to send me on I’ve never seen before, sending me through places I haven’t even heard of!

“You are the best we’ve got, I need you to do this for me. You’ll have one hell of a reward if you do it.” the boss man said.

“What do I get out of it?? Better be some time off thrown in there.” I told him. I’m all about the score, it I think it’s worth it, it is. He’s my boss but he knows good, hard work for a good period of time isn’t cheap.

“75,000 ration cards, permanent access to the armory, a full two story estate, and six months paid vacation when you get back. Your estate will have free electricity, running water, and working heating. That is the best I can do.” boss man said. You could tell by his face that he was giving his all to get me to take this girl through this route. Of course I have to make a bit of a bargain.

“80,000 and we have a deal. I’m risking my life and you know I’ve never been here. I don’t even know this route. Tell me why she’s so important to you.” I said. More demanded actually. I did just get home but what he’s offering so much, I can’t pass up a deal like that.

“Well she’s my daughter. I trust you more than anyone with her life. I know I couldn’t do it, but you can. This deal is the best I can do, I know it’s short notice but if the feds find her she’s dead and very well us too. Please Marcus, for my daughter.” He started to beg, it was kind of sickening how much he was relying on me.

“Yeah I’ll do it, but where am I taking her?? I’ve never seen this route in my life.” I said, confused and just trying to play the part.

“Her family lives outside the wall. She will be safer there than in here. It will be worth your time, I told you what I’m offering. Thank you so much, please leave as soon as you can.” He said and left. When he left I immediately started packing, it’s going to be a long one.


The author's comments:

I had to do a writing project for english, and I chose to do mine about life after a zombie out break. I just went with the ideas that came to me. I decided to make it the intro of a story, becasue someday I might continue it.

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