The Caged Beast | Teen Ink

The Caged Beast

March 6, 2018
By Anonymous

Humanity has evolved into its own species for 200,000 years as the only sapient life form but not as faunas on this Earth but within each human is a beast that dwells within them, locked with no resurgence of exhibiting animal-like traits for so long, it is the modern era the humans live in and those beasts is now beginning to grow.

It was a cross between a dream and a nightmare for the intellectual fourteen-year old Archibald “Arch” Wolfgang. The dream-nightmare hybrid started out as him just standing there in a void until hearing loud footsteps, like something approaching him. Then, a husky came up to him growling at him, but suddenly laid down. Arch did not know what to do since he might be afraid that the husky might strike when he’s vulnerable. Doing the unthinkable, he petted the husky on the head and then merging with the canine entity. After doing that action, he found himself in a werewolf body but when he touched his head, he felt pointed ears on top. He saw that he had sharp claws in first person point of view and had hind legs. His whole body is cover with black and white fur and when he touched his mouth, he feels his teeths are wolf-like fangs. He now requires a source of reflection to see what he looks like. Then out of nowhere, a mirror appeared. Approaching it, he saw his own reflection in the mirror. Now curious and shocked at his appearance, he did not know what to do now. He run not until falling off a ledge.

The dream-nightmare hybrid woke Arch up instantaneously. He was covered in cold sweat all over him in his pajamas pants and his red shirt. His mother knew that he is now fully awake to get ready for school. After brushing his teeth, change into an outfit which consist of a jean and a t-shirt displaying a sci-fi dogfight with explosions, and went to the breakfast table to eat the breakfast with a appetizing smell. Morning meal consist of two square-shaped pieces of toast, three bacons and two sunny-side up eggs. “Good morning family.”, said his father Samuel. “Mornin’ dad.” greeted Arch as he ate his toast and eggs with a mix of orange juice. His sister ate what their mother made. “Hey dad. I had this dream, well it wasn’t exactly a dream but it was crossed between a dream and a nightmare where I became one with the husky and turned in into a werewolf but it wasn’t exactly a werewolf. I just turned into something new like a werehusky. When I saw my reflection at the mirror, I was terrified and fell of a ledge.”, said Arch. “Well, that is some strange dream nightmare you had, Archibald. Did you watch some horror movies in your room last night while we're asleep?” Samuel questioned. “No, I did not sir,” said Arch. “Well that’s beneficial since horror movies can cause trauma within you, thus insomnia will occur and you will end up without a good night sleep,”Samuel remarked. After eating his early meal, he returned to his room and packed his agenda and notebooks for each specific class that he has in this semester and went to the front door. “Later parents, I’ll see you after school,” said Archibald. “Same,” said his sister Lindy. “You too son and daughter.” said their parents in a unison.

They waited for the school bus to take them to their schools. The school bus arrived and picked the two up. Arch sat in the second row to the right. The school bus went to another location. This time it picked up a orange hair girl with black in the middle and a white tip. “Oh my gosh, who is that girl with a new gnarly hair style?” questioned one of the bus passengers. She approached the school bus but all of the adolescents upon the bus refuse to give their seat to the red head except for Arch valiantly. He raised his hand and said “This seat is for your taking”. She approached his seat and sat next to him. “I highly believe we could exchange each other names in order to know the better of us. I’m Archibald but many family or companions call me Arch. What’s your name,” said Archibald.

“Mine is Vivian”, said Vivian.

“Well that I could tell this may be a catalyst to a good friendship” said Arch.

The school bus then went to a shared campus schools which is called Genesis Serenity Middle School and Omniscient Forge High School. After the school bus dropped off Lindy to Genesis Serenity Middle School, the bus dropped off Vivian and Arch to Omniscient Forge High School.

When the bell rung and the classroom is filled with new students, the new class did the same thing on the bus earlier with Vivian. Vivian sighed but then found a empty seat. Arch, ambitiously being the gentleman that he is reserving the seat for her in the classroom. The teacher approached and it was a male individual with a flat top, a mustache, an average build of a normal man, and dressed professionally with a red bowtie.

“Good morning class.” said Mr. Maximillion. “To start the day, we’ll introduce ourselves to each other as instructed on the agenda.”, said Mr. Maximillion. “So class, please take out a piece of binder paper, write your name,  and fold it in half and trade it with a surrounding student.” The class followed and begin to pass their papers around to each other. Arch passed his to a student with a hulking, muscular and barbaric build. The muscular individual passed his to Arch and the name on his paper was Connor Mitchenfield. “So, this your first time here?”, questioned Connor. “Yeah”, said Arch. “Well, you’re going to have a great time”, said Connor.

First period ended and second period is next. After changing in the locker room with a new set of school gym clothes he received from his school gym teacher, Arch then go to the main school gym. A whistle blows loudly from a female individual with a slim build. “Alrighty guys first things first is we’re going to play dodgeball”, the physical education teacher instructed. While the P.E. teacher is lecturing about how to play dodgeball, Arch begin to smell something like his classmates scent of deodorant spray they put on in the locker room and the school gym floor itself. The P.E. teacher then blows her whistle and told the class to get in their position. Half of the class with Arch and Vivian were in the south side while the other half remained in position. The dodgeballs were set in the middle of the school gym and the first dodgeball fight was about to begin. The P.E. teacher blows her whistle and said “Go!”. The north side retrieved the half portion of the dodgeballs while the south side got the other half. The north side rigorously pelted half of the south side with their dodgeball with their poor aiming skill while the south side effortlessly threw a wave of red dodgeball toward the north side. Meanwhile, Arch’s adrenaline begins to rise beyond average levels and then he starts to howl his hybrid warcry with his head tipping back, in which his two maxillary canines and two mandibular canines begin to sharpen. One of the student playing on the northside saw his act and threw his dodgeball not before Arch retaliated with his dodgeball. Arch then grab any at all available dodgeball and rapidly fired them northside with every dodgeball.

“Well Wolfgang is sure having a heck of a blast.” said of the students of the south. Each student of the northside scattered their bodies lying down and were acting like the dodgeball injured them greatly. One student covered his right eyes after being hit by one dodgeball in his right eyes and begin moaning. Some students from the north took cover because they do not want to endure the pain and onslaught like their fallen comrades but others surrendered to the endless wave of incoming dodgeballs that were to be pelted them by Arch. Even though many of the northside thought the simple game of dodgeball didn’t end, the whistle from the P.E. teacher blows signifying that this game session of dodgeball ended.

Arch, waking up from his trance was now completely oblivious from the fact that he attacked many student from the north side of the school gym. “What happened? Was it something I did?”, said Arch. “Yeah”, said Vivian. Many students went to the school nurse office and retrieved ice packs from their injuries of the dodgeballs. The students from the physical education class begin to tell the teacher what exactly happened. To Arch, he think it is just only the beginning…….

The author's comments:

What inspired me to create this piece of my work is this old Sega Genesis game called Altered Beast. It's about this one Roman warrior that was resurrected by Zeus to rescue his daughter and he transforms into any beast he's based on (ex: werewolf). 

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