Planet Lost | Teen Ink

Planet Lost

May 10, 2018
By ericeric357 BRONZE, Washington D.C, District Of Columbia
ericeric357 BRONZE, Washington D.C, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We could tell that this day would come soon but we were never really prepared. We have only been preparing this mission for 135 days. I saw my co-pilot, Millie Gallante, getting changed and packing her bag when I noticed that it was today.

I don't know if you will believe me but we have seen some crazy “lightning” in the sky. We believe that the “lightning” is coming from an unknown planet. I then jumped out of bed, not exchanging a word from Millie, trying to pack everything up and get prepared for the mission. What is she doing, I thought.

Once Millie and I were done we then got into the car and dashed to the space station. I was the first one to speak.
“So, you ready for today's adventure?” I pronounced to MIllie. She just looked at me and shrugged. I didn't know what to say then so I just turned the radio on and looked out the window the whole way. I know i'm ready.

Once we reached the space station I saw Captain Michael come racing toward our car. We got out wondering why is he in a rush, until he screamed.
“Pilots we’re leaving in 20 minutes. John's got your supplies and gear already in the c***pit. I just need you guys to hurry up and get on the ship.” MIllie and I exchanged looks and exclaimed.
“Yes Captain.” Millie and I raced toward the landing zone and bolted up to the 5th floor and got into the ship. I made sure the ship was ready to go while MIllie went and made sure all of our supplies and gear were there and ready to go. I then gave a thumbs up sign to Millie which she just exchanged bach to me. I got strapped into the pilot seat and Millie sat in the co-pilot seat. I then heard the communicator spit out a couple of words.
“Captain to Pilot, do you copy?” I then responded with morse code because our communicator got a bolt right through it back in the last mission and our guys protested to fix it. Once he knew we were strapped in I then heard the countdown.
“59, 58, 57, 56...” I looked at MIllie and nodded my head and she gave me her response.
“5, 4, 3, 2, 1.”

I felt my head slam back into the seat then feeling the sensation becoming worse as we rose in altitude. I then began gripping the handle trying to steady it in place while Millie was flipping all kinds of switches. I then felt a huge weight fall right off of me. We must be losing gravity.

I then look to my right only to find an empty seat. I look behind me and see Millie floating and dancing horribly in excitement so I decide to join her.

After we danced horribly we jumped back into the seats trying to contact the Captain. I sent him an all good in morse code. I went to the food storage to get a little snack. When I came back to the c***pit I saw Millie flipping switches again but there had to be a reason behind it. I asked her what was wrong then I saw the horror in her face.
“We’re almost out of fuel.” she muttered to me. I quickly dashed to my seat and searched for the fuel meter, It read 37 out of 100. I rushed to the fuel tank at the back of the ship but I couldn't find it. This must be the wrong ship.

I quickly told MIllie to send a message to Captain. But when I heard her response I froze.
“Asher, the communicator isn't working!” Screamed Millie. I ran toward her fearing if it's true. I froze looking at the communicator lifeless trying to understand all of this. But then I notice that our destination is just beyond 347 parsecs. I looked at MIllie then grabbed the handle and steered right toward “Planet Lost.” I'm really scared of what's going to happen.

Once we broke into the atmosphere I could feel the pressure breaking into my ears. I quickly tried to steady the spaceship for a landing operation but we were falling too quickly. I screamed at millie to put her seatbelt on but looks like she was just one step ahead of me. She flipped some switches and the ship slowed down a little but we were still falling at great speed. At this moment everything seemed to slow down and I couldn't comprehend what was happening beyond this point.

Supposedly we crashed real hard into the Planet's grounds which shot a hole right through the ship so there was no way the ship was still workable. I stumbled out of my seat to get a good look at everything that happened then I felt a sharp pain in my left thigh. I looked down petrified to see what  has happened.

There was a sharp pipe clear through my hamstring. I tugged it out and stumbled to the medkit I had below my seat but it was gone. I stumbled to get out of the ship when I see Millie lying on the ground. I raced to her, my heart pumping out of hand and I swear it skipped about 5 beats. She rolled over with horror in her eyes and a razor-edged metal piece sticking out of her stomach with blood covered hands.

“Where's the medkit?” She scowled. I ran back into the ship to find a big red box sticking out under Millie's seat. I snatched it and staggered outside the ship. I brought it to Millie and asked if she needed help. She Nodded and I reached to help.

I ripped out the metal piece and threw it across the ground. She shrieked out but I knew she would feel better when it's all done. She got out the stitching needle and I stitched her wound. She did the same for me. I told her our main mission is to fix the communicator.
We stumbled into the spaceship to find the communicator only to find it missing. I searched half of the spaceship but I couldn't find it.
¨I got it!¨ hollered Millie. I raced towards her hoping it was the real thing. But then I see a hink of parts in her hand.
“What is that?” I exclaimed.

“It the communicator. But it just needs a little maintenance. Right?” answered Millie.
“Ill work on it.” I muttered.

The rest of the day I had attempted to fix the communicator but I needed more supplies. MIllie went to set up our camp and had a fire outside of the spaceship. I hopedd outside and told Millie we need more supplies and she answered.
“Did you check all over the ship?” Millie was frustrated.

“Mostly, i'll resume tomorrow.” I replied.

I went to my cabin and lied in bed, I fell asleep like 10 minutes later.

I woke up to the sound of “squeaking” from a bird. I ran outside to see Millie with a tomahawk and a axe.
  “What are you doing?” I asked.
“Getting food, it's not like you're going to do it.” She chuckled.
I just went on and searching around our ship for supplies to fix the communicator when I came across a little microphone stuffed into the pilot's seat. I reached for the microphone and I examined it. I then placed the microphone on the little desk and began to pluck at it.

“What's that you got there?” Millie questioned.

“Oh nothing, just a piece of metal.” I tried to persuade her.

“You sure, cause it looks like a microphone to me.” She answered. She then walked across and plucked it out of my hands to examine it herself. She threw it back down and teased.
“Well do something with it.” I then got out some of my tools and connected it to the communicator which then sent out a shock. I heard something in the communicator, like mise talking. I thought nothing of it so I left it on the desk. I found MIllie outside sharpening tools for hunting, She told me to go make a fire. I did as told and sat there waiting for MIllie to do something with it. She then said she was going out to check the trap she made earlier. I waited till she came back.

She came back with some weird furry blob and said dinner. She told me to gut the animal and bring it back while she sets up cooking materials over the fire. While I gutted the animal I saw that this was just a squirrel but it looked as if it was stung by a big hornet.
I brought it back to millie and told her what it kinda looked liked and she laughed with agreement. We placed the “rabbit” on a stick and placed it over the fire until it was ready to eat. We took the rabbit off the fire and stick and devoured it. After dinner I asked Millie if she fixed the trap and she asked if I could.

I went to were the trap was and I found something to the right of it.
It looked like a huge dinosaur footprint but it was huge I stepped around it trying to examine it when I heard footsteps running toward me from behind. I turned around but to my relief it was only Millie I told her she can't do that because it scared the crap out of me. She suddenly stopped when she saw the huge footprint and stared at me.
It must have been 5 minutes since she muttered something out.

“What in the world is that?” She exclaimed.
“I don't know but i'm sure I don't want to find out. We finished the trap and made our way back to the ship. I went to the desk and heard static coming from the desk. I knew it was the radio but I couldn't be sure.

I went to the desk and I saw that the radio was flashing red lights. I raced for the microphone and turned up the radio.
“Are you two safe up there,copy?” said a man in a deep crackly voice.
“Yes sir all good from up here, there's some odd animals up here but it's all good, and tasty, copy. I didn't hear a response but just more crackling so I turned the radio off and went to bed.

I woke up to the smell of fire and dashed outside. I saw that the fire place wasn't under supervision so I put it out and looked for Millie. I went to the cabin and saw her fast asleep with a brown book in her hands. I tried to read it but when I got closer I heard her get up so I quickly moved backwards. I tripped over a bucket which jumped Millie straight out of bed.

We went outside to the fire pit not exchanging a word to each other. I was the first to say something.
“So, you wanna make a fire?” I exclaimed.
“Sure u wanna go grab some wood?” She exchanged. I nodded at her and ran off to where our wood is stored. I noticed that there was 1 left but I was positive that I put like 10. I went back to the fireplace and told Millie what I saw, she said that she didn't touch it and went to have a look for herself.

When she came back she brought the only piece of wood there was and said only one word.
I didn't know what to think so we just got the fire started. It had to be noon when we started the fire so I went to go check on the trap.

Once I reached the spot where the trap was I saw that the big footprint was gone. I touched the ground and it still felt hard almost like a rock. I then checked the trap and actually saw two squirrels and knew that it was our lucky day.

I replaced the trap and went back to the fireplace and saw Millie daydreaming in front of the fire.
“Don't fall in.” I joked. She woke up and let out a little laugh. While I was gutting the squirrel I saw a little bullet but it looked as if it were a futuristic bullet. The bullet had a glowing rear and little hooks at the tip. I took it out and examined it, I then put it in my pocket and finished gutting. I brought back Millie the squirrels and told her to cook it while I checked on the radio. She nodded in agreement.

I went to the desk and fished out the bullet and placed it on the desk. I tried to fiddle with the hooks but the won't go back in. I then noticed a little button on the back. I wasn't thinking of what could happen when I pressed it.

The bullet hooks popped right in and it poofed right before my eyes into a little ball. The ball was about the size of a marble maybe a little bigger. I really want to know where it came from because it was really cool.
“Dinners ready.” Millie exclaimed. I slid the ball into my pocket and went to the fire place. Whilst we were eating Millie asked if the radio was working again. I thought of a million answers but ended up with one.
“Yea, all good.” I muttered.
After dinner we hopped in bed and I thought of how there could be a threat beyond we're the woods are. I slept through that thought and woke up to a loud noise.

“Get in here, get in here!” Millie screamed. I woke up and saw her facing the door. A huge figure rushed in and took MIllie down I jumped out of bed and tackled him. He threw me on the ground and i felt the ball in my pocket stab me. I fished it out and tried to open it. I screamed at the ball and tried to rip it open. I accidentally dropped it on the guy and milliseconds before it hit him it opened up and stuck in him with a little of the back still hanging out of him. I didn't know what to do as this random dude laid lifeless. I got up slowly and looked directly into MIllie's eyes. All i could see was horror.

She ripped the bullet out of the dude and held it in her hand. The bullet now had 4 out of 5 rings lit and there  seemed to be green ink at the tip.
“What is this thing?” Millie asked.
“I don't know but it sure saved our live.” I returned. She threw it up at me and i caught it and placed it on the table.
“What are we going to do about this guy?” Millie questioned.
“I don't know..but where did he come from?” I wondered.
“I just saw him running toward us.” Millie joked.

MIllie went to check on the trap while i stayed inside to learn more about this bullet. As I was sitting down I noticed that this guy had a piece of paper in his pocket. I quickly snatched it and began reading:

Dear Travelers,

You may have noticed that there has been some strange sightings and activity around this planet. We have seen it ourselves. You will learn to find and obtain a truce with this here by “Thing”. If you don't...Well then you would be killed.

Good luck, King Mallory

I couldn't believe this. We are on a mission to become friends with a monster or be killed. I looked outside to find Millie. I saw her walking this way and ran to her with the note. I showed her and she almost collapsed.
“So that's where the wood went.”
“INDEED”  Said a horrid voice. I look up and see a huge dark silhouette figure with long arms and legs. Millie turns around and screams. She tries to punch through it but her arm stopped in mid air.
“I WOULDN'T DO THAT IF I WERE YOU.” The figure chuckled.

MIllie threw her arm back to her side and walked back a little to where i was standing. We were both shivering in fear. I asked what its name was but the response was vague.
“Umm...Well...My name is...Um...Asher...and..” I muttered until Millie cut me off.
“...And i'm Millie!” Screamed Millie. I nudged her her because I didn't know what she was doing.
“VERY WELL THEN.” Answered the thing.

In the click of a second everything went blank. Almost like you're under the blankets at night. But there was no flashlight or a nice book. It's Like the lights flickering during a dangerous storm.

The lights came on and suddenly we were in a dark dungeon. Our hands and feet were tied together I looked at Millie and she was struggling to get out. I tried my tactics but they aren't working. THese were some high tech ropes if I don't say so myself. I looked around the dungeon trying to find stuff that were sharp to cut these ropes. THis was just a blank room with just me and Millie.

I asked her what to do but she didn't know for herself either. But then i remember my little ball. I got it out from my pocket and tried flicking it upward so it landed on the ropes. IT WORKED! The ball formed a bullet and went right through the ropes. I then used my tactics to break the ropes in half. IM FREE! I quickly did the same with Millie and now we can bust out of this place.

“HEY YOU TWO.” Screeched a strong voice coming outside the bars. The bars started shaking and making all kinds of noises. I quickly thought of a way out while the beast tried breaking down the bars.

“Give me the bullet!” Millie surprised me. I put it in her hands and the next thing i knew she raced right toward the bars and chucked the bullet right at the demon. It sliced right through his chest and his whole body puffed up and then he just fell to the ground. She retrieved the bullet and handed it back to me. She grabbed the gun out of the things pocket and shot a hole right through the bars. THis was all so crazy. It's like we are in a dream or something. I staggered to where she was and checked if the thing was actually dead. It was. We searched around the room but it was very quiet and empty. We reached some flight of stairs that lead to the top floor so we took it.

We watched our backs and around every corner just to make sure it was safe. We breached the first door upstairs, It was clear. We breached the second door, It was clear. After all the doors that we searched, it was just all clear. I got a little suspicious that there was just one thing in this huge place. So I decided to look around for any sight of more things. But what I found was very weird...there was nothing.


“So what are we going to do now?” I questioned MiLlie.

“We're gonna run.” Millie said cheered. We raced toward the exit at the end of the hallway. I don't think i've ever ran this fast in my life. We busted out the doors and then we see it. The trees beyond us are dropping, dead like. I turned and looked at Millie. She wasn't there. I turned around and saw her running.
“Come on Asher!” Millie screamed.
“I can't find my balance.” I said wobbly. I then gained my balance and ran faster than the wind, following Millie. Were racing upstairs to get a better view when I hear a huge crash. I looked at the bottom of the stairwell and saw a green light substance rising faster and faster up the stairs. I quickly told Millie to run faster and she did. We bolted upstairs and finally made it to the roof. I slammed the door shut behind me. I went to the side and looked over the railing and saw a huge wave of green liquid. I staggered back scared of what I see.

“What is it, Ash.” Millie questioned as she walked over to the railing. She gasped in fear as she saw the liquid rising to the top of the warehouse. She gasped as she saw what was below us. I stuttered back feeling dizzy. I sat down on a couple structures on top of the building. When I finally gained my vision back I could see over the ledge that the water was rising quickly. I then saw a piece of metal sticking out from under a sheet of fabric. I ran over to the fabric and ripped it off.

There laid a contraption almost like a snowmobile but it had no wheels on the bottom just little disks. I quickly got millie and hoped on. There were many buttons but only one that was labeled. I flicked the switch and we hovered. I quickly glanced at millie and she nodded. I flicked the handles forward and we raced off the roof.

“Phoom!” The snowmobile let out as we hovered over the substance. We zoomed through trees and landmarks. I found animal bones floating all around us and trees being rooted to the core.
“Where are we going?” I yelled to Millie.

“I don't know but somewhere else than this.” Millie answered. I pushed harder forcing the speed dial to 135. I can't believe this. All I see is green liquid everywhere.

Thirty minutes passed as I kept on speeding through the woods, or at least I think this is the woods. We finally see the ground or just a really big tower. We then land on a landing pad. I can't believe that the landing pad is pretty clean. There's not even grease marks. I suspected something was going wrong but I just put that thought away.

We found an entrance to the tower and entered. It was quite dark but we entered anyway. I saw Millie grab a torch on the wall and led our way through. We found a stairwell and climbed all the way up to the second floor and heard some noises, almost like chanting a spell. We crept up and peeked around the rooms. We saw shadows as we went around the hall. I couldn't describe these shadows, they were just to extraordinary. I looked at Millie and she nodded at my pocket. I reached in and remembered that I had the bullet. I nodded back at Millie and we went to the room.

I saw different things, colors, and it was all too overwhelming. I tried moving closer but then suddenly I felt pain on my back. I dodged in pain and heard a loud crash. I looked up and saw a huge monster in front of me and almost fainted. I stumbled but he caught me. I look to my left but I don't see Millie. He brings me inside the room and throws me next to the fire. I didn't see Millie in the room but I knew I had to be brave. I felt the fire getting hotter as they stare directly at me. I then heard a whistle.

Before my eyes I see the whole room light up like fireworks. I look down and see all five things lying dead on the ground with a clear bullet hole right through their chest. I then see Millie come into the room with the bullet in her hand. I asked how she did it and this was her response.

“I stole it from you and I may have done some research on these bad boys back at the station.” She chuckled with joy. I got up from the ground and we walked out to the landing pad. The hover mobile was still there but the green liquid was finally gone. Millie and I hopped on and began to start it. We rode out of here in hopes to find our broken ship.

We must of rode for like an hour because my hand started to cramp up. I tried to switch hands but I found that hard to do while hovering.

“What if we don't find it?” Millie trembled. I couldn't really hear her over the sound of the engine.
I saw the tip of a spaceship and knew exactly that it was ours. I Told MIllie to look where our ship was. We zoomed the rest of the way there not exchanging a word. We finally reach there just to see that it was burnt. I quickly ran over to it to see if it was actually burnt but when I placed my finger on the burnt part it kinda disappeared right before my eyes. It flickered back on in a second but I was still curious.

I thought nothing of it but I looked back at Millie but she just looked at me like nothing happened. I got into the ship and lucky us, the ship was out of fuel and almost nothing is in here. I got back out and we got on the hover mobile and tried looking for a place to find some fuel.

A couple minutes later I found a landing pad on some high tech base. I knew there was someone in there but no one was outside. So Millie and I go in very quietly cause I don't want to die now. I stole the bullet back and it had 3 lights lit up so I knew we only had 3 chances with this bad boy.
“Let's go upstairs.” I whispered to Millie.
“Okay.” Millie responded. We creeped up stairs at a low pace watching every step.

We finally made it to the 2nd floor when I heard something.
“Did you hear that?” I asked Millie.
“Yea...must be upstairs.” Millie replied. We went up another flight of stairs until we reached the 3rd floor. I could see light coming out from under the double doors across the hall. I pointed it out to Millie and she picked for her bullet then I showed her that I took it from her. She giggled a little then snatched it back.

“Check this out.” She told me. I watched her bring the bullet up next to her lips and whistled. The bullet flew right out of her hands straight through the door and dropped about 6 men that were in that room.

“How the heck did you do that?” I asked.
“Magic.” She giggled.
We went into the room and looked to see if they were all down. Well about 5 men were lying lifeless on the cold ground. There was a big box in the middle of the room and it was lighting up only on the sides. The box looked quite interesting almost like from another dimension. I lifted the lid and a huge glow of light smacked me across the face. I staggered back and almost tripped over a body.

I got up and brushed off some of the dirt. I carefully looked into the bin and saw something amazing. What lied in the bin was a small box that had lights all around it and little designs. I reached in to try to grab it but Millie got in the way.

“Ladies first bro.” She chuckled. I stepped back and she reached in. She brought back the box in her hands and examined it. She gave it to me and I quickly snatched it. I was surprised by the weight and it almost brought me down but I gained my balance before I fell. I put it up and examined the bottom when Millie said.
“We should get going, we can examine it later.”

We went out the the doors and got on to the hover mobile. I told Millie to hang on to the box while I drive and she agreed. We rode all the way back to the camp and Mille placed the box on the ground and started the fire. I went into the ship to see if there was any supplies left but I could not find anything. I went back outside and sat next to the box. I started to look at it from all sides. It was just a plain old box until I noticed that there was a little latch on one of the sides. I tried picking at the latch but it wouldn't open. I tried everything but it wouldn't unlock. I then notice that there was a keyhole next to the latch.

“Hey Millie check this out.” I screamed for Millie. Millie walked over and I pointed to the latch and the keyhole. She got something that blowed my mind. She had the key. She took of a necklace that had a key on it and shooed me out the way. She placed the key in turned it and lifted the latch.

Here comes the light again. Millie and I staggered out the way and watch the box transform into a little landing pad. There was a little compartment that had only a keyhole, I checked. I lifted the latch and found a remote with lots of buttons on it. I handed it to Millie so she could examine it and I carefully examined the little landing pad. I stepped on it and it wobbled a little bit. Mille handed me the remote and I hopped off. I examined the buttons and found one that said “30+”. I then noticed one that said “random” and I tried to understand what they meant. Millie and I got on the pad and I hit “over” on the remote, then I heard a poof and saw lots of colors. I felt a little dizzy so I rested my eyes. When I opened them I couldn't see a thing. But I did hear voices.
“It's off the charts!” said a man.
“Is he alive?” answered a woman.
“He must be!”
Hes waking up, Get it off of him.”

I saw a bright light as I gained to see better.
“Hes waking up!” I saw a woman with long blonde hair stand above me. I had a horrible headache and I couldn't believe what I was doing or where I was. I saw alot more clearer.

“Can you hear us?” A woman asked.
“Um...yea..a little bit.” I answered.
“Oh thats fantastic!”
“But where am I?”
“You sir, just witnessed the next high tech game in the world.” She said enthusiastically. Got up from my seat and looked around the room. I saw a man sitting in a chair behind big screens.

”How long was I in there?” I questioned.
”You were in there for about 2 minutes sir.” the woman replied. I was very surprised but I don't remember going to this thing.
”Sir, do you have anyone to take you home?”
”Yes, I have my mom.” I replied. It took 10 minutes for my mom to get here but a long ride to get back home.

It was quite silent till I got home but I just didn't feel right so I climbed in bed and fell fast asleep. When I got up it was dark outside and I noticed something in my window. It was almost like a figure, just head and shoulders. I quickly turned on the lights and grabbed my flashlight from my shelf. I walked outside and found a trail of footsteps in the mud. I almost dropped the flashlight as I saw more footsteps leading to that specific window.

I looked all around the house but saw nothing except footprints. I heard something hit the ground in my house and I ran right for the front door. As I was running I tripped over something, it must've been a log lying on the ground. I quickly got back on my feet and wiped off the mud. I resumed to run for the door with my flashlight in front of me. I arrived to the front door but what I realized at the door was terrifying.

There was a man standing in the door right above me. I staggered back but it reached toward me and held out his hand. The man gave me an unfriendly smile. I staggered back and tripped down the steps. All I saw was the man's creepily smile as the man crouched down right over my paralyzed body.

Then it happened, I entered the real world…

The author's comments:

I always wanted to write fantasy but I never got the time.

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